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Mekatra 11-13-2017 02:10 AM

Seeking Roleplay!
Alright, so I have been off the roleplaying circuit for a couple years really, but I have a little over a decade of experience so while I don't usually write a novel, I do consider myself literate.

I prefer to roleplay original content and characters, but if it is a fandom I know quite a bit about I don't mind taking up the occasional cannon character. (Okay so this is pretty much only J.R.R. Tolkien stuff, but I am willing to do a little research if it is something that really interests me.)

I also have really been wanting to kind of run someone through basically a single player version of a D&D/Pathfinder campaign.

Anyway, my preferred method of roleplay would be here in the forums.

Worm 11-13-2017 09:11 PM

Aaaa~ A D&D campaign would be awesome. QwQ
I've never played tabletop versions, but I feel like I can definitely grasp it.
I'd be down for single player or group.

Also, any genres you dig in particular?

Mekatra 11-13-2017 10:26 PM

It's basically just roleplaying with a few extra rules and some dice rolls thrown in. If there were two to four people interested in playing I might run a campaign for a group.

I enjoy high fantasy, post-apocalyptic, sci-fi... basically anything that isn't high school or college slice of life kind of things. I got enough of that in real life.

Crystalkitsune85 11-13-2017 10:44 PM

Bubbles we should do an RP here so 1 I keep active and 2 we both earn currency for posting *Flails cutely*

Mekatra 11-13-2017 11:10 PM

Probably shouldn't continue the one we're doing though. Orus isn't really public friendly. Hmmm to the random plot generator? lol

Worm 11-13-2017 11:59 PM

Hells yeah.
Lemme ask around and see if we could get a group started. And sci-fi and post apocalyptic are my faves. I love high fantasy as well though. So this should be fun!

Crystalkitsune85 11-14-2017 12:05 AM

as long as it's not "Adopting a dog" again XD

Mekatra 11-14-2017 12:06 AM

The Fate system would probably work better than D&D or Pathfinder to be honest, since it is more adaptable than those. Plus, it is all available online for free.

Worm 11-14-2017 12:16 AM

That sounds great! (:

sylvanSpider 11-14-2017 12:29 AM

A D&D-esque rp? Man, sign me up if you're still taking offers for a group! I've never used the Fate System, but if it's d20, I've got a pretty decent grasp on it. :3

Mekatra 11-14-2017 12:34 AM

Sis, how about "adopting a cat?" -ducks and hides-

Fate Core <- This is where character creation starts. If we get a couple people interested we can decide what sort of setting everyone would like, and I can build a world from there.

Fate isn't a D20 system, but if people would rather do an old fashioned kick in the door style dungeon crawl I will GLADLY run a Dungeon World game.

Crystalkitsune85 11-14-2017 12:55 AM

If it's a Cat boy, I'm all for it :3

Mekatra 11-14-2017 01:11 AM

Sis, I will PM you so we can hammer the rest of the details out and then start an actual thread.

Crystalkitsune85 11-14-2017 01:21 AM

Alrighty roo Bubbles.

Mekatra 11-14-2017 07:08 PM

So for those that had mentioned being interested in a tablestop style roleplay, which sounds more fun:

A. Post-Apocalyptic world where people are struggling to rebuild humanity.

B. A good old fashioned high fantasy medieval styled adventure.

C. High Tech futuristic tale spanning across multiple planets.

D. Don't care I'm in regardless.

We can use the Fate system for some of these and the Dungeon World one for the traditional D&D/LOTR styled game.

I am thinking I could do updates to the game once or twice a week, sooner if all the players can post before then. Basically I set up the world around you, you guys do like a regular roleplay and post up your actions (and dice rolls if needed,) conversing amongst each other if you please. Then I update what is happening to everyone and it starts all over again. It makes for a little slower gameplay than a regular tabletop, but I've done it loads of time and it is really fun.

Crystalkitsune85 11-14-2017 07:16 PM

*Flails cutely* Bubbles lets get on dat RP of ours! *pulls you into a private room*

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