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Moonshadow 12-30-2015 11:28 PM

What book are you currently reading
I'd like to start this thread just to see what books everyone is reading.
This way we can all get recommendations of books we may want to read in the future.

Feel free to comment on the book if you have already read it.

Moonshadow 12-30-2015 11:29 PM

I shall start:

I am current reading two books, I always read a fiction and a non-fiction at the same time.

Fiction: A Spell of Winter by Helen Dunsmore
(First ever Orange Prize Winner)

Non-Fiction: Help, Thanks, Wow by Anne Lamott

littl3chocobo 12-30-2015 11:33 PM

visions of loveliness by judith m. taylor

it's not for everyone though XD the indexing is a little janky. they go by breed then by contribution then by date

Quiet Man Cometh 12-31-2015 03:07 AM

Let's see,

The Hobbit, Tolkien
Memories of Ice, Erikson
H.P. Lovecraft collection (Currently "The Case of Charles Dexter Ward")

Those are the ones I'm actively reading, not including the ones I've started and will eventually get to, or the ones that I've yet to start and are on my list.

Moonshadow 12-31-2015 11:42 PM

You are like me, you read more than one book at a time!

LilLupie 01-01-2016 12:05 AM

I was gifted a novel for Christmas so I'm currently reading La Vérité sur l’Affaire Harry Quebert(The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair) by Joel Dicker (yeah, the original book is in french and I'm reading it in french). It's a mystery novel and it's very thrilling; there are a lot of moments when you wonder what's going to happen next.
It was also a best-seller.
Anyone has non-fiction, culture/art related book(s) to suggest?

littl3chocobo 01-01-2016 02:57 AM

X''D am i am the only non-fiction reader here?

Quiet Man Cometh 01-01-2016 03:32 AM

Why would you be? Especially since Lil' already asked about it. :P

littl3chocobo 01-01-2016 03:36 AM

all the other books mentioned are are fiction XD

Quiet Man Cometh 01-01-2016 03:42 AM

Which just means that that's what people happen to be reading right now.

I'm being nit-picky because every time I hear a question that starts with "Am I the only..." 98% of the time it's "No." :P.

littl3chocobo 01-01-2016 03:59 AM

fair enough XD let me rephrase;

i reccomend "europe in the high middle ages" by william jorden. does anyone else have a suggestion?

Moonshadow 01-02-2016 12:01 AM

I said in my post that I always read two books at a time, one fiction and one non-fiction

I like to learn stuff, and sometimes I just need a break from the fiction book.

Quiet Man Cometh 01-09-2016 01:59 AM

Finished with Charles, onto the Randolph Carter stories. I'm finding that out of Lovecraft's stuff, Cthullu isn't catching my interest all that much. Perhaps because in some ways, he seems the most straight forward.

Poggio 01-09-2016 08:08 AM

I am currently reading way to much I suppose. Some of it is for my career and the other is because I needed a break and happen to give this author a second chance.

I am reading the Demonata series by Darren Shan. I started with Circ Du Freak years ago but never finished. In this series I picked up Lord Loss on a whim and have been reading it ever since. I am currently reading book 7 of the series Death's Shadow.

I am also reading Dressing Smart for Women: 101 mistakes you can't afford to make... and how to avoid them. Long story short I want a promotion but I feel as though my appearance may have hindered this so I am trying to become more professional.

I am also reading Scott Pilgrim versus the World Vo 1.
I read his other graphic novel and I love the movie so though why not.

Quiet Man Cometh 01-09-2016 07:54 PM

I know what you mean. If I listed all the books I was actually part way through the list would be much, much bigger, mostly because I can't stand to leave a book unfinished. I've decided for my sanity though, to work "actively" on only a few at the time, those being mainly The Hobbit and Memories of Ice right now (short stories I've decided don't count.)

I mostly want to get The Hobbit finished so I can focus entirely on Memories of Ice, so that Suze and I can chat about it without worrying about spoilers for me.;)

Of the stuff I've started reading, I'll decided on a case-by-case basis what to do. I might restart The Brothers Karamazov since I'm not all that far in, but Out of Africa (left over from uni) I can probably just pick up and keep going.

There's also the stuff I have to stop myself from picking up, because I don't need to start more.

Faerie_2010 01-14-2016 11:07 PM

Airhead by Meg Cabot.

Young teen/teen novel, but it's quite a good premise for a story. Two girls have their brains surgically swapped, so the (tomboyish, gamer) protagonist must come to terms with being in the body of a supermodel.

It's a quick and easy read for a bit of light entertainment :P

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