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Glitch 09-26-2018 10:54 AM

Glitchs fantastic totally awesome shop to end all shops
Will pretty later when not on cellphone.

In an effort to help kick start the artist alley up in here I am going to draw one person a picture a day! With pixeling and baby duties I think I only have enough time to do one .-.;

You don’t get to pick the style because it’s free and it’s going to be whatever I feel like doing on a whim. It might be a sketch or maybe colored depending on how much I can get away with in whatever time I have!

Kaderin's For Example:

In order to qualify just chat in this thread <3 Lets see how long we can keep this going!

Today’s topic of discussion:
What is your favorite type of line art and why? (Like Disney style, Simpson’s, a particular anime, etc)

Espy 09-26-2018 02:44 PM

Huh. Maybe I should do something like this for Inktober.

...oh who am I kidding, I always burn out after just a few drawings.

Line art is a bit weird for me -- I'm actually not a huge fan of Disney-style lines. Some webcomics (like TPOH) have interesting, kind of not super-refined lines and that just looks nice. In terms of drawing, I wish my lines weren't so...complicated? I'd like to be able to sketch something, and even just a single line makes the shape of what I'm sketching, very clear.

...That was...a lot of words.

bluebird 09-26-2018 04:09 PM

inspirational shop. µ wµ

tbh i can't really say for sure bc i love them all. yea i know generic answer, but it's true! i think this year, my favorite is the thick ink brush lines like in okami or the beginning sequence of mulan. next year it could be the gritty style like in BLAME! or Berserk, or maybe the got-tier line style you see on printed USD, or the super classy art nouveau style. i love them all ok

mdom 09-26-2018 05:08 PM

Ukiyo-e is my favorite lineart style

Glitch 09-27-2018 11:34 PM

I think I like chunky outer lines and thin inner lines. I dunno why.

Ok so I didn't draw today because Galla made me buy a dragon but tomorrow for sure!

mdom 09-27-2018 11:55 PM

That is one odd sentence xD
why a dragon!! And what do you have tomorrow?

Glitch 09-28-2018 12:31 AM

you'd know if you were there! And it took a long time TPT

mdom 09-28-2018 12:40 AM

Galla was there with you... physically? :O

Glitch 09-28-2018 12:52 AM

well no. . . it was a chat.


Veshora 09-28-2018 03:41 PM

While I don't have an actual favorite, I do like the style of 90s animated movies (for example Anastasia, Mulan, The Princess and the Frog... granted, the latter isn't actually a 90s classic, but to me it looks similar enough). Not a fan of the more modern TV series animation art style (Fairly Oddparents, Phineas and Ferb, Angry Beavers...)

Kaderin Triste 09-28-2018 05:19 PM

*rolls in*
Ah...for line-art, I don't know how to describe properly the "style" I like best really. I love my one friend's art style a lot, which I find vaguely reminiscent of sort of an American modern comic book style almost?
I definitely like realistic or comic book style art I guess? But I have no real specific references that I could give via description. So unless sharing actual art is okay, it might be hard to fully understand what I mean. XD
*is very rambly today because no coffee*

Biomecha 09-28-2018 07:18 PM

I wonder if the Archer series would fit that idea? I personally like the style they use.

Glitch 09-28-2018 08:33 PM

I like old Disney style a lot o3o

Incoming pictures tonight. If you’re on in 3-4 hours and have discord we can do a stream party

Glitch 09-28-2018 11:06 PM

Ok getting started, if you want to watch my discord is Mistral#3180 :>

Heeyyy I finished Kaderin woooo

Biomecha 09-29-2018 12:09 AM

I feel like a stalker being the only one there at the moment. But I love seeing things get made, so thank you for putting up the stream.

Kaderin Triste 09-29-2018 12:21 AM

I mean...I'd love to, but my phone does not handle streaming well at all.
And also, no Discord.

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