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Stabbsworth 12-07-2018 04:10 PM

Ukagaka Discussion Thread
Howdy, this is a thread to discuss Ukagakas / GHOSTs.

If you have any questions or want to discuss ukagakas, feel free to ask or discuss things here. This thread is only marginally useful if you know about ukagakas, want to know about ukagakas or are too shy to join the Ukagaka Dream Team discord.

I'll put links to Zarla's tutorial, the Ukagaka Dream Team discord and the main program used to run one in here soon. I'm just procrastinating.

Gallagher 12-07-2018 05:50 PM

i have one that i've worked on with changeside, and another currently in the planning stages.

oh yeah, and i wrote the very first ukagaka tagged fic on AO3 so that's neat

mdom 12-07-2018 07:46 PM

Not to be a total noob, but what is a ukagaka

Linkle 12-07-2018 08:16 PM

I'm on the same boat as mdom because I dunno what that is.

Gallagher 12-07-2018 08:31 PM

ukagakas are desktop companions, taking form of a character (original to the creator or from a fandom, anything goes) that will typically talk to you and perform basic functions like telling you the time, cleaning your trashbin, etc when asked to. the level of intricacy, play time, games, and relationships that can be built with and through the character depend on what the creator puts into them.

i typically have one sitting in the corner of my screen and chatting at me every minute or so while i work, as it forces me to take a second to breathe and refocus as i see what my cutie of the day has to say, and respond to the prompt it gives if one is given.

Linkle 12-07-2018 08:34 PM

...I instantly though of Bonzi Buddy.

Forgive me for I have sinned...

I'd pay for one of those though.

Gallagher 12-07-2018 08:38 PM

the japanese community for ukagakas has been around for years, but the english one is still recent and growing. as far as i know, all of the currently available ones for english users are free, but there's been definite talk of a few people opening ukagaka commissions in the future!

Linkle 12-07-2018 08:39 PM

how much do they typically cost? I mean for those who do commissions?

Gallagher 12-07-2018 08:48 PM

i don't know of anyone with set prices currently, but they would be fairly expensive. each ukagaka has multiple components to take into consideration. there's actual coding for any and all features, writing lines, and making the shell, which is the visuals that go with the characters. typically, the ukagaka will have multiple expressions, sometimes even multiple poses which then also have multiple expressions, and some even have dress-up features that (of course) would need parts made for each pose as well.

a reasonable baseline that i personally would expect to pay for a custom ukagaka... i'd probably start prices at $200 for a few expressions, basic features, and chat/menu options with a good amount of lines to keep things interesting.

of course, if you know what you want and know what creators you want to make it, it's definitely worth it. but if you're willing to learn the skills, it's actually very easy to get into ukagaka making yourself! and we have an entire discord and tumblr community dedicated to helping all members to become creators themselves.

mdom 12-07-2018 10:17 PM

like the sheep for win95?

Gallagher 12-07-2018 10:28 PM

i think ukagaka are more like bonzi buddy as Zilvra said, and the sheeps are more like shimeji. difference being one has more of a personality as it talks to you and all that, while the other kinda wanders and does wot it do.

there is, however, at least one member of the english community that's looking to bring shimeji behaviors into ukagakas, so that might be a fun possibility in the future.

ChangeSide 12-08-2018 05:25 AM

Ukagaka Commissions might vary intensely in price!
To give a quick overview:
there's basic ghosts out there with a couple poses, some entertaining dialogue with a small cute menu and nothing more.
There's also Ukagaka out there with relationship stats, games and a bunch of other features that require a lot more time.
So the pricing depends on the individual needs or wants of the person paying.

(If anyone is interested you could hit me up UwU I've made quite a big ghost that's still in the works and am the dude working on shimeji like Ukagaka,,,)

Death by Mirrors 12-08-2018 05:40 AM

Reminds me of a software I had in the nineties where you could adopt a cat, feed it, play with it and have it run around on your desktop like the sheep mdom mentioned - but they also showed a certain personality. One cat was scared and took a lot of patience to warm up to their caretaker, another one was active and loved to hunt the mouse, a third one preferred to be groomed all day.

Now I feel all nostalgic. Need to look if the cd-rom is still lying around somewhere.

Gallagher 12-08-2018 05:58 AM

it's definitely like those kinds of programs! obviously, the exact specifications will depend on the individual ghost. since they're made by different people with different tastes and all, some are silly, some are a little oo romantic stuff~, some are just basic companions. some even have storylines and questing, games, or music players.

Stabbsworth 12-08-2018 09:42 AM

hell, i'd charge around 30$ for me to be able to do a ukagaka commission, but that's sorely undercharging myself. galla's called me out on that, haha.

i'd say at about 75$ odd for about 10 hours of work into a ukagaka, and that'd be on a sale or emergency commissions or starting prices. This is because of the minimum wage over here being around 7.50. It'll increase to about 8.20 soonish, though, so prices may inflate over time. Even then, that's pretty much still undercharging myself.

Though, if you want to give a suggestion for a ukagaka I might make, feel free. I won't be taking original characters for that, I'm afraid.

ChangeSide 12-08-2018 11:22 AM

it'd presumably be good to show off your work first before offering commissions i think,,,
could make a threat with ghosts? idk

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