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daikokunyo 12-08-2019 12:37 PM

i'm lowkey jealous of users that have been here that long, not just cause they know of and own loads of items but because of the memories they have that i don't. like apparently for one april fools all the avatars were turned upside down or something. Illu said something about that or i'd never have known that happened.

littl3chocobo 12-08-2019 06:08 PM

oh! that wasn't valentines. that was when the site was being modified. there was a 'war' and the whole site was shifted and skewed. it was cool when parts were slightly set off-angle to make it look like the planet was breaking apart

daikokunyo 12-10-2019 12:18 PM

oh it wasn't april fools? omgggggg that was so cool i wish i'd been theeereeeeeeee //throws three tantrums

littl3chocobo 12-10-2019 01:46 PM

i mean, there were two years i wasn't on so it could have been also an april fools thing but originally it was an apocalypse

daikokunyo 12-10-2019 01:58 PM

were there zombies? or other glitchy things (pun unintended)?

littl3chocobo 12-10-2019 02:23 PM

i cannot recall if there were 'glitches' but no, it wasn't a contemporary american one it was the gods fighting and something with the planets going out of their standard connected orbit, it was a long time ago

daikokunyo 12-26-2019 05:12 AM

love the recent anka egg items!

Born To Fly

Striped Shelf Elf

Farm Faces

Moulded Wings- got 1 of these

Royal Headlery- got 2 of these

gonna get posting, especially since it's event time, and stock up aurum to collect the rest!

dragoness129 01-01-2020 08:48 PM

Best of luck getting all the things you are questing for!

daikokunyo 02-29-2020 12:58 PM

this is super late but thank you dragoness! got to update and keep up with this thread properly >.<

i'm wondering- what is the border in this avi called? and what item/s are the kitties from?

Gallagher 03-01-2020 04:18 AM

That border is actually the full background from Immortal Worlds

The pets are Miishi The Cat, Kyun The Sinopa, and Elurra The Snow Leopard

daikokunyo 03-01-2020 08:47 AM

Elurra is so cute :f-please:
thank you!! i need to go look at Espy's item guide again and make a somewhat comprehensive list of coveted items, organise everything under spoilers, or something... I just need to find the TIME.

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