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ml1201 01-19-2016 06:16 PM

Vampiric Kiss
A young man with silver eyes and golden hair looks out the window of his carriage, staring at the blood stained autumn moon. Licking his lips thirstily he taps his cane on the carriage, commanding it to stop. Stepping out, he holds up his hand, commanding the shadowy driver to wait for him there. The horses pulling the carriage stand still, no light from the moon reflecting of their coat, as if they are merely shadows in the darkness. The man, Isaac, heads towards a home not far off into the distance, not a single light flickering in the darkness of the night heavy with the smell of young, fresh blood.

Many believe that vampires cannot enter a home without permission, but what many don't know is that all one needs is to have the door opened. Smirking, he raises a hand, moving his fingers in an almost beckoning motion. Soon a glossy-eyed woman opens the door and he walks in, gently wrapping his arms around the woman and opens his mouth wide. Fangs glimmer for a moment in the moonlight before he sinks them into her neck, blood trickling down her chest. Hearing a sound he looks up to see the woman's husband, looking for the wife that's now deathly pale in Isaac's arms. Before the man can get a second word out from what he was yelling at Isaac, he's already on the man. Pinning him against the wall, a hand over the man's mouth, he bites into the man as well, draining him like the woman from before. When he's finished Issac lets the man drop as dead weight to the floor of the home.


OoC thread

Rozen 01-19-2016 07:21 PM

Faye couldn't sleep, she always had trouble sleeping at night so when she heard movement, she wondered if that was one of her parents. Grabbing her teddy bear that she carried everywhere, it was rather a mess, the eyes was missing, it was stained with an array of different colors from where, no one would know. There was even stuffing coming out of it as it began to rip but never once did she ask to get a new teddy. Soon after she heard one set of footsteps, she heard another. As she got to the living room, she watched as the man drain the life out of her father. he didn't know what to make of them who who had blood on his face and who had so obviously murdered her parents. She clutched the teddy bear tighter as she slowly walked up to him. Most would feel fear, but not the little girl. She didn't know what she felt but it wasn't fear.

Looking at her dead parents, she felt like she was in a daze. She couldn't understand exactly what was going on, everything was feeling like some sort of dream, nothing felt real to her. Reaching up to the man, she showed him her teddy. "Here. You need him more."Faye told the stranger fully expecting him to take her teddy. She loved it, was practically inseparable with it. The stranger seemed rather lonely and she didn't think anyone should be alone.

ml1201 01-20-2016 09:30 AM

Isaac had already noticed the little girl there, he could smell her from where she had watched him. He's a bit surprised that she'd come up to him, but his eyes go wide in shock. If it wasn't for the girls black hair she could have looked just like his long dead little sister. Pain shoots through his head as he remembers how he became a vampire, anger flashing in his eyes as he realizes what he's doing now is very similar to that. Getting down on his knee he looks at the little girl with sad eyes.

"I'm sorry about your parents little one, and I don't deserve your teddy. But if you're okay with it you can live with me. I know I can never replace your parents, but I will do my best to take good care of you." He holds his hand out to her, half expect her to say no to him.

Rozen 01-20-2016 10:10 AM

Staring at the stranger' hand and then looking up at him, he titled her head to the side as she retracted her teddy bear and then went to grab his hand. "I will go with you, I don't mind." She stated and gave him a soft smile. "You need a friend! We can be friends." The little girl stared at her parents and yet, she kept them all inside. She yawned and rubbed her eyes and yawned. She could barely manage to keep them open as she stood there with her arm extended into his hand.

ml1201 01-20-2016 05:05 PM

Noticing the girl barely being able to stay awake, he gently picks her up and carries her in his arms, leaving the house and her parents. Taking a quick glance back his eyes glow red briefly then fade, the house being consumed in a blue-grey fire.

************************************************** *****************

"Faye, its almost time for your lessons. You should probably finish up and head over there. One must master dancing if they plan on going to balls after all." It's the after noon, Isaac laying on a bench under a covered patio, rose tinted glasses upon his nose as he reads a book. The bench is as far away from the sun as possible, almost as if it had been placed there purposely to avoid the sun. Many years have passed since Faye started living with him, they have had to move from house to house occasionally so that people don't suspect him. After all he didn't need word getting out that he's a vampire, it would cause more trouble than its worth.

Rozen 01-20-2016 07:20 PM

Faye rolled her eyes as she looked at her guardian. Isaac always seemed to want her to be the best at everything, to be as lady like as possible. Sometimes she just wanted to play outside and get dirty while Isaac always stayed inside unless it was dark. She didn't understand why that was but she never questioned him. She trusted him fully and why wouldn't she? He ever gave her any reason to doubt him, though the only thing Faye had a problem with was all this moving.

As she grew up, the night they met had quickly vanished from her memory. Instead, she honestly didn't remember anything about that night or that it had even happened. All she remembered was going to bed and then waking up in his house. Ever since she had come to live with him, she was never able to make many friends, she was always kept out of the group. She remembered a lot of the time the children would always bully her for being weird and having no one but a creepy guardian.

Walking over to Isaac, she smiled as she pulled the book away, and gave him a hug. "Come on, just one day, let me have this one day without any lessons. I know you want me to be proper, and I promise to buckle down more if you let me have this one day off." She begged him.

ml1201 01-21-2016 12:09 AM

Seeing the book no longer in front of him, he gives her a bit of an annoyed glare. The glasses help hide the redness of his eyes caused by the light stinging them, but he can only stand it for so long. During Faye's lessons he could hide in his 'lab' which was really his hidden sleeping chamber. Of course Faye wasn't allowed there because the lab could get 'dangerous' with all the chemicals and such he claimed to work with.

"Now Faye, you know I can't play all day, I have to get working in the lab at some point to at least try getting some research done. I can't be doing that if there's someone I have to worry about down there. Besides, if I let you off now you'll keep asking to have off and your lessons will never be completed. It's bad enough the townsfolk are spooked by me, your tutors show that I'm at least a person and not some kind of wraith or something. Now run along, I need to get back to work. I'll check on you around dinner time, have some tea with you, and then get back to work." Standing up he takes the book back from her, not bothering to mark the page since he's read the book hundreds of times already as is. He holds out his arm so as to escort her to her lessons.

Rozen 01-21-2016 01:12 AM

Faye crossed her arm over her chest as she became very unhappy about what Isaac had just told her. Well, he might have said no but she was going to do it anyway. "No, I really don't want you to take me anywhere. I want to go by myself." She stated as she walked of in the directions of her lessons. But she didn't go there. She didn't stop. She just continued on walking and out of the house knowning that he wouldn't be able to come out since he was allergic to the sun or something like that. A part of her felt rather happy about that so that he wouldn't be able to come out and drag her back into the house.

Giggling to herself, she walked down the street just thinking about all sorts of things. Isaac was going to be upset with her and most likely punish her once she got back but she didn't care.

She was out most of the day just walking about. It was until the sun began to go down that she saw a pub fill with all sorts of people. Curiosity got the better of her and she entered. Isaac wouldn't have approved but oh well, she didn't care. It was here that her life changed forever. There was a group of men, not too much older than her who had their eyes set on her. And as the day turned to night, she decided that she couldn't avoid going home any longer since no doubt Isaac would come and scold her. She wondered what punishment awaited her and as she walked down a road by herself, a rather large wolf appeared before her. She felt fear, she did't trust this creature, something was odd and she knew that she couldn't out run it. Hopefully it wouldn't try to attack. It did't take long for the large creature to run towards her and before she could react, it had bit her hard on her neck, blood gushed out everywhere. Faye screamed and tried to defend herself but it was useless, this monstrous creature was too much for her to defend herself against. She soon succumb to her injuries and fell unconscious, left to die. The large wolf left her there feeling rather snug about what it had done.

ml1201 01-21-2016 09:38 AM

Isaac watched in agitation as Faye left the house, and reluctantly informed the tutor that Faye has decided that she didn't want to do her lessons. He tries to rest in his hidden chamber but worry for Faye prevents him from doing so, so instead he waits for the sun to begin setting. Throwing on a cloak to cover himself from the sun and donning his red tinted glasses, he goes out to begin searching for Faye. The fading light of the sun still stings, but not enough where he can't stand it.

After walking around and asking nervous townsfolk about her whereabouts its evening before he begins heading towards the tavern. Then he catches the smell of blood, blood of a particular person. Running, he basically becomes a blur to human eyes, soon finding Faye bleeding out on the ground. Now that he's found her he can smell the lingering scent of a wolf lycan, his eyes glowing red in anger. Kneeling down next to Faye, he grabs hold of her hand, tears welling up in the corners of his eyes.

"Faye, I tried to protect you and keep my distance from you, but of course I should have realized that one day, when you venture out something like this would happen. I should have hired someone to watch over you, or sent a familiar to do so. This is all my fault, and now the only way to save you is to make it so you can never enjoy the sunlight ever again. Please forgive, I just don't want to loose you like I've lost everything else." Leaning over to where she's been bitten he drinks some of her blood, then bites his own lip with his fangs and kisses her to force her to drink his blood. Since a vampire's blood tastes different from human blood, the taste doesn't repulse humans, just the sight of it.

Rozen 01-21-2016 07:17 PM

Faye tasted something rather sweet in her mouth as someone held her. She didn't know who it was or what that person was saying. She felt her boy heat up and her heart beat was pounding rapidly. She could feel her body changing but into what she didn't know. "I-it hurts..." her eyes felt pricks as the onset of tears came. Her breathing was slow yet steady as she scrunched up her hand. "A-am I going to die? I-I feel like I'm going to die." She said in a barely audible whisper. "Isaac, I-I'm sorry! I-If I live through this, I-I won't disobey you again." She barely managed to get out before her body went limp and the only sign of life was the slow raise and fall of her chest indicating that she was breathing.

As she laid unconscious in Isaac's arms, her mind flew wide open as her earlier memories came out. She remembered seeing Isaac standing by her mother's limp body and his fangs plunged into her father' neck. She wasn't afraid of the monster. She felt anything but fear. She had lost her parents and now the same monster went to attack her, plunging his fangs into her neck. But when she went to see the monster, it was some wolf, a rather large wolf, biting into her.

A wolf growled at Isaac. "What do you think you're doing to her?! She's mine! I already marked her. You are probably going to kill her trying to turn her into a vampire as well." He snapped. There was no one around so the wolf felt it safe to be able to come out of hiding. He was livid at the sight of the one he marked as his in the hands of another.

ml1201 01-21-2016 09:41 PM

Isaac glares with his furious glowing red eyes, "Did you even bother to think about whether she wanted this or not?! And then you just leave her laying there?! What right do you have to turn her in such a way?! You're no better than the vile monster that turned me, and I'll tell you now, that ancient one no longer exists. And if I have to give up my existence for Faye to make it through this than so be it!" Shadowy forms rise up behind Isaac, some of them human, some of them animals, but the most frightening one of them all is what looks like a woman not entirely made of shadows, just her hair and clothing. She stands behind Isaac, a slight smirk on her face.

"Oh, what a bad boy, letting his temper get the better of him. Careful now or I might be able to consume you like you consumed me." She laughs maniacally, every word sounding like pure evil.

Rozen 01-21-2016 10:06 PM

"I want her, that's all the justification that I need to turn her! Im the creature that bit her, she wouldn't take kindly to that so of course I had to leave! But she wasn't going to die but now that you given her your blood, you probably just sighed her death certificate!" The wolf snapped at the vampire. He wasn't going to back down from the werewolf. Seeing the others, he was rather happy that someone wanted that vampire to die. Though truthfully, the woman sent chills down his spine.

Faye was just starting to wake, all the noise was getting to her as she finally opened her eyes and was alarmed when she spotted the wolf. The same wolf who attacked her. "NO! Leave me alone!" She buried her face in the chest of the one who held her and realizing that she was being held, she looked up and saw Isaac. His eyes were red. She was so confused. "W-what's wrong with your eyes Isaac? Who's that woman?" She asked. "I feel rather thirsty and hungry, and I just need something." Her thoughts were all scattered as she was having a hard time collecting them and she was still a bit delirious of everything. She was in a state between being asleep and being awake. "I wanna go home. I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have left." She yawned.

ml1201 01-21-2016 10:53 PM

"Faye, calm down, everything will be all right." Using his fangs he rips open his wrist, holding it to her mouth. "Now drink, and don't stop no mater what, okay sweetie? You can go home and rest once everything is over."

"You foolish boy! You are going to just let her drink you dry? You got your revenge on me by consuming me and stealing my powers, now you are just going to pass it on to some stupid kid? Stop kidding yourself, that won't work anyways." At that comment, Isaac smirks, when begins chanting something in a foreign language, one he's never really used around others.

"Wait! You can't do that! I'll disappear too if you do that!" The shadows behind him, even the woman, are slowly being pulled into Faye, even Isaac's shadow is being pulled in.

"I'd rather end my existence if it means Faye lives. I've lost those I loved once before, I won't let it happen again." Ink black vampire wings sprout on his back, then begin being absorbed by Faye as well as she continues to drink his blood.

Rozen 01-21-2016 11:26 PM

Faye didn't understand what was happening but she stopped and coughed up some of the blood. She heard Isaac talk about ending his existence, it was really the only thing that her ears heard. "I-I don't want it right now ok? Later." She told him as she yawned, knowing that she might kill him by doing whatever she was doing. Faye wasn't exactly sure what was happening or what was going on but she didn't want him to die because of her. Blood was all over her teeth as she went back to sleep.

The wolf didn't want to stall anymore, something needed to be done so he snarled and turned back into a human. "Give her to me! She's mine! I will not let you harm her." While the vampire was distracted, he ran up to him, punching him as hard as he could while grabbing onto the lady. "I will protect you, this mosquito knows nothing!" He snarled, his eyes were glowing yellow.

ml1201 01-22-2016 01:41 AM

Tumbling backwards, Isaac looses his hold on Faye, gasping in surprise from the werewolf's attack.

"Your's?! You don't know anything about her! You weren't the one who raised her, you weren't the one who took care of her injuries. You weren't the one who laid next to her in bed when as a child she screamed in terror from her nightmares! You, who has never been in her life has no right to claim her for yourself!" Standing the shadow creatures around him take form again, the one lady stepping towards Isaac.

"I could easily drink that pup dry, he's not that old. Or better yet, you could drink him dry and become even more powerful to protect you're precious little pet." The woman snickers as Isaac glares daggers at her.

"I'm not like you b****! Faye is like a daughter to me, not some toy like you thought of me!" Rushing towards the werewolf, the shadow familiars swarm around him, trying to block off his path. Isaac follows them, trying to corner the werewolf.

"Stop this nonsense now! If you really care about her so much then let her choose for herself!" Just as Isaac confronts the werewolf with that statement, the woman appears behind him.

"Mosquito? That pup would dare say such a thing that also insults me? Oh, I so badly want to rip his heart out and drink him dry, just like I did to your dear, sweet little sister when I made you watch." Isaac flinches visibly at the reminder of his family.

Rozen 01-22-2016 06:57 PM

The werewolf growled and snarled at the vampire. "I want her!" He snapped. That's really all he could say since he didn't really have a response to what the stupid vampire had said knowing that he was right. He didn't know her but he wanted her. His friends from the tavern gathered around him as they heard the commotion when they were leaving.

"Oh looky! There's a tick in our territory!" One laughed and the other joined. "Here, give me the girl and we will take her back while you deal with it." After handing off Faye to his friends, he was getting ready to fight him when a rather tall man stepped in between him and Isaac. "You need to control your emotions boy." He stated in a commanding voice. Looking at the vampire, he sighed. "Take the girl and leave. I don't want trouble on my territory. I will offer the girl my help if she needs it, you won't have to worry, my son won't be anywhere around her." He glared back at him. It was obvious that this man was the alpha of the pack that lived around in this part of town. Despite werewolves usually living in their own village in the woods, because of the human cutting trees and building more homes and what not, it encroached into their territory.

"Go home NOW." He demanded and all of them hung their heads in shame. Despite being in their early twenties, the man was treating them like they were children which gave a hint that he must have been a lot older than what he looked like, looking like he was barely in his forties. His physique was well built, he had muscles that could be seen even through the proper clothing. The outfit looked rather strange on him even though noble men wore the kind of suit. He was just trying to look the part, to seem as natural as possible.

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