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Hermes 02-07-2011 09:02 PM

Live-Action Medieval Combat (Belegarth, Amtgard, etc.)
It's like that. I do Belegarth~ I'm the archery captain here, a member of our Realm Council, a founder of our group, and provisional blue captain, and a personal trainer XD

Rosekitten 02-07-2011 09:03 PM

>w< i dunno why that sounds fun id never have the money or skills to do anything in that though it'd be a blast to watch if they had any near my area xD

Hermes 02-07-2011 09:04 PM

Well, look up Bel, check the maps, and, if there isn't a house near you, you can START one. I would gladly help. I would even walk you through some stuff I know, and, if necessary, send you maybe ten bucks a month to help you build weapons and such.

Rosekitten 02-07-2011 09:06 PM

i doubt theres anyone willing to join me in this besides maybe my brother lol so it'd start off as a sibling rivalry LOL

Hermes 02-07-2011 09:07 PM

Well, you'd be surprised. We thought nobody would join. there areover fifty people in our little realm alone. It's been, oh, 4 months since we started this house? XD

Rosekitten 02-07-2011 09:09 PM

well as far as i can tell in the MD area there isn't one or thats anywhere in a reasonable driving distance anyway lol... but on that note i have no idea how to make weapons in RL

Hermes 02-07-2011 09:10 PM

There areguides XD It's pvc/fiberglass, foam, tape, and adhesive, then some cloth for covers XD

On that note, I must take my leave~ Bike issues are fixed, and it's been time to go home for an hour now XD

Good luck with the pixeling, Rose~!

Rosekitten 02-07-2011 09:12 PM

oh that stuff thats doable.. takes time but doable >w> 'll look more into it before i decide if i want to try and form a house or not id liek to know my time is put to good use

and ok laters xD

also thank you i'll need it o.o;

Coda 02-07-2011 11:48 PM

I play Amtgard myself, never had any armor fancier than leather though. Then again I never played any character who COULD wear anything heavier. I DID, however, become proficient at catching arrows!


Originally Posted by Game Over (Post 462057)
XD that is true! If I made an item, I would probably wear it all the time too.

*points to weapon* I made that one, I'm wearin' it!

Rosekitten 02-08-2011 02:28 AM

never played that truth be told o.o i normally get stuck in cloth or leather though newer mmos seems to have the clerics in mail and with a shield (as i think should be.. ) though normally the cloth users get the more colorful/dazzling armor in most games ive seen xD

Coda 02-08-2011 11:04 AM

D&D allows clerics to wear armor because of the traditional restrictiveness of the paladin class. MMOs that have both paladins and clerics/priests tend to make the latter wear cloth armor unless they're based on D&D rules. (Fact is, clerics are overpowered in 3.0/3.5 in no small part BECAUSE they can outfit themselves like a paladin while still casting spells as well as a wizard.)

Amtgard is similar to the other medieval-combat games, except it has classes with special abilities and restrictions. My ability to catch arrows was a trait of the monk class, but I had to get good at ACTUALLY CATCHING ARROWS to use it. (Of course, in Amtgard, bows are limited to a 35 pound draw strength and arrows have a 2"-diameter ball of foam padding in place of an arrowhead in order to make them safe to shoot at people, so the arrows are moving MUCH slower than arrows intended to kill something.)

Rosekitten 02-08-2011 11:27 AM

i think i'd prefer to have class only specials really, as fr as clerics becoming over powered in certain games i see it happens, this new mmo is tweaking skills now to fix the balance so nothings gotten too out of hand, and being so new still most people don't understand that stun and silence kills the healer.. heh

why is like everyone i talk to into some form of combat game in rl D: im jealous.. </3 i don't think we have anything like that in my area .__.; aside from renfest but ours here kinda ish lame...

Coda 02-08-2011 11:37 AM

In D&D the cleric is still almost as good as a rogue when it comes to bashing people over the head in face-to-face combat, so being silenced ISN'T fatal (especially if the cleric cast buffs ahead of time).

Then again, I do have a wizard that's wearing armor and carrying around a sword and shield almost as big as he is.

Rosekitten 02-08-2011 11:39 AM

this is true.. i sadly didn't get to play table top D&D much played a bit of the mmo but it wasn't as fun as the real thing Dx

Alexander Linden 02-08-2011 01:11 PM

If a rogue has you flanked though >.>

Coda 02-08-2011 01:29 PM

If you account for the rogue having flanking you have to account for the cleric not being silenced. If you're comparing how a silenced cleric handles, you have to likewise take away the rogue's big class feature.

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