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daikokunyo 12-04-2019 02:52 AM

the hols
do you celebrate thanksgiving/christmas or do your families? are you getting work leave whether you do or don't celebrate it? what are you upto these hols?

i have a month's break from college because i finished a semester of college. thanksgiving, christmas and new years all fall within this break, although i don't celebrate any of these except new years. i'm using this time to catch up on hobbies, relax, eat good food, bingewatch and stay addicted to Trisphee :p-cool: and i'm slowly getting back into writing (fiction and fanfiction) and RPing again, now that i have the time.

Kitalpha Hart 12-04-2019 03:12 AM

We celebrate both
For xmas mom gets so worked up anything and everything sets her off and she gets pissed. One year she threw out the tree because she asked dad to do a thing and he forgot. Some years she doesn't care so much, others she's so uptight I wish I were elsewhere. This year is one of the latter
Thanksgiving is rarely ever on the day because schedules and my oldest sister insists we have it. She never helps with the cooking anymore, thankfully and never helps with the cleaning or prepping. Even before she had kids
New Years mom heckles me for the time I got tangled in a blanket and faceplanted right at midnight, but otherwise ignores it

Death by Mirrors 12-04-2019 03:34 AM

We celebrate Christmas, but not Thanksgiving. Actually celebrate nowadays seems much too big a word for it; we eat breaded carp and we have a tree, but that's pretty much it. One year I put eliseratje's christmas songs on the stereo (for those who don't know, ratje does well known tunes with naughty lyrics) but turned out none of family listened closely enough to realize the pervy parts. This year I'm trying to make them sing Ilouutinen, if I can find the lyrics and sheet music. And no, we're not from Finland - I just happen to enjoy the song.

Kaderin Triste 12-04-2019 03:51 AM

If it wasn't for my family (and kind of Derpy because it's fun to do a little bit if decorating and small gifts for him even if he is realistically just a plushie... >.>), I wouldn't celebrate holidays at all. And as it is, I really only do the commercialized side of Christmas and Easter. For Derpy.

Every Thanksgiving, I lie to my dad and say I'm working and every Christmas Eve, he and/or my brother will harass me until I grudgingly tell them what time I get off work and then will legitimately kidnap me (take me against my will) to go spend the night in a cold bedroom followed by my dad attempting to wake me up early to go to church with him even though I'm an atheist (though admittedly, I'm sort if "in the closet" to my family about that) and I'll pretend to be asleep. Then we'll go to my grandma's house where the only thing I can actually eat is baked sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, rolls, and pie (because I'm the only vegetarian in the family) and I'll get needled with the usual "any boyfriend?" "why no boyfriend?" "why aren't you dating [insert name of friend casually mentioned once]? Good friends? Your parents started as just good friends too...." line of questioning and innuendos (ace/aro, but it's easier to remain in the closet to my family than to try to explain that to them). And if I'm lucky, I won't get forced to play card or board games and will, instead, be left alone to work on whatever craft project I bring with me. And then I'll be taken home late and have to get up early for work the next day.

But when I finally get home, Derpy gets to unwrap his presents and that's always fun. Lol

Kitalpha Hart 12-04-2019 04:22 AM


Originally Posted by Kaderin Triste (Post 1928535)
and then will legitimately kidnap me (take me against my will)

You can always call the police for that. Just because they're related doesn't make it okay

I'm an atheist (though admittedly, I'm sort if "in the closet" to my family about that) and I'll pretend to be asleep.
Sleep>anything I have to wake up early for>religion, right?

I'll get needled with the usual "any boyfriend?" "why no boyfriend?" "why aren't you dating [insert name of friend casually mentioned once]? Good friends? Your parents started as just good friends too...." line of questioning and innuendos (ace/aro, but it's easier to remain in the closet to my family than to try to explain that to them).
"If you're so interested in a boyfriend, why don't you get yourself one?" Throw it back at them and make them flounder
Or tell them that every time they ask any sort of question about a boyfriend or anything of that line of you, they add a week until you go looking. They are currently at 793 years, 7 months, and three weeks

Kaderin Triste 12-04-2019 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by Kitalpha Hart (Post 1928537)
You can always call the police for that. Just because they're related doesn't make it okay

Fair point, but I feel like the police would be all "if you didn't want to go, why'd you get in the car. You're an adult." Plus they have better things to worry about than me not wanting to be around my family 1 day out of the year.


Originally Posted by Kitalpha Hart (Post 1928537)
Sleep>anything I have to wake up early for>religion, right?

Sleep is the greatest thing in the world. I miss it so much.


Originally Posted by Kitalpha Hart (Post 1928537)
"If you're so interested in a boyfriend, why don't you get yourself one?" Throw it back at them and make them flounder
Or tell them that every time they ask any sort of question about a boyfriend or anything of that line of you, they add a week until you go looking. They are currently at 793 years, 7 months, and three weeks

Thing is, the people asking that are my widowed grandmother and my married aunts usually, so the throwing it back at them? Not a super effective argument. I thought I had them convinced that I just wasn't interested last year until as we were leaving, my grandma asked about my one friend and when I said we were just good friends she was all "your parents started as good friends too...."
Sometimes they don't ask, so fingers crossed this will be one of those years.

Stabbsworth 12-04-2019 12:15 PM

i don't celebrate thanksgiving because i'm english.

we do celebrate christmas, though, as it's become more commercialized nowadays, i'm sort of erring on it. being a culturally christian atheist sort of sucks.

not too sure about other religious holidays, i'm aware of yule but i'm not sure if i'd be able to celebrate.

daikokunyo 12-04-2019 12:35 PM

the only yule i observe is the yuletide fanfiction fest xD

Derpy McBlueEyes 12-04-2019 02:22 PM

"Mama says tomorrow afternoon we're gonna redecowate my twee!" Derpy wiggles in excited anticipation.

Kaderin Triste 12-04-2019 10:10 PM

Wow. Dad's getting savage this year. Just got a group text from him to my siblings, sil, and me asking why the in-law is the only one to contact him on Thanksgiving.

Uh....probably because you don't treat her like a child and guilt trip her for literally every aspect of her life? Or maybe it's because you don't insult her and then try to act like it's just a joke and further insult our intelligence when we get mad about the insult? Could that be it maybe?

Can I please just disown myself from this family?

Espy 12-05-2019 01:52 AM

Thanksgiving is bull. Christmas happens, I guess. -shrug-

Kitalpha Hart 12-05-2019 04:23 AM

Disown your dad

daikokunyo 12-05-2019 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by Derpy McBlueEyes (Post 1928554)
"Mama says tomorrow afternoon we're gonna redecowate my twee!" Derpy wiggles in excited anticipation.

awww that's wonderful, sweetpea <3

Kaderin Triste 12-05-2019 11:20 AM

Yes! Tree decorating soon! But first I have approx 3 hours of work and then have to fix a broken pipe under my sink! Then tree, Derpy!

littl3chocobo 12-05-2019 03:36 PM

i compromised with a catholic x''D we do the non-religious parts of commercial xmas since it is safeish middle-ground on the holiday

Kaderin Triste 12-06-2019 12:18 PM

"Cwismas twee!"

Teehee....decorating Derpy's little tree was fun.

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