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sylvanSpider 12-11-2017 11:58 PM

Split the Booty ;3 (M){SpiderWorm}
The Hangman's Cry
Damon was restless, pacing the deck from one end of the ship to the other, his brother hot on his heels though seeming more to do it out of something to do more than actual restlessness. They'd been cooped on the ship for what felt like weeks and now they were finally stopping for fuel, food, and entertainment. The small desert planet of Ariacan was the destination, and it was known for little else than being a tourist trap for those that wanted to experience "the old west" life. It was a gimmick. The pirates of The Hangman's Cry knew that, but then everyone that went there knew that. But, the entertainment was just too good to pass up and Cap'n A'vi was in the mood to spoil her crew and her crew was more than willing to take her up on the offer.

"I want food. I want some good fuckin' food for once. That's all I want. Is it too much to ask?" Damon asked his brother who was still following him but at a more leisurely pace.

"You mean you don't like the slop that cook gives us?" Roek responded laughing, "He does what he can with what he has. Have mercy." The infamous slop towards the end of a voyage on the Cry was awful and enough to make any sane pirate want to hurl, not to speak for the insane ones aboard. However, after every stop they were given the greatest of feasts, so neither of them could actually complain. Not really.

Both were soon stopped in their tracks though, gasping as they turned to see that the captain of the Cry herself grabbed both of their collars. A smile erupted on both faces as they turned to see her as well, "Damn right he works with what giv'n! I oughtta make the two'a ya say sorry, but ye caught me on a good day. 'Stead I'll let ye off with a warnin'. Be on y'best behavior, gentlemen. We dun wanna get kicked outta this place too. Hear me? No explosions until we get off the planet an' they can't see us. Got it?"

"Understood, Miss A'vi!" came the reply in unison as each of them straightened their posture and saluted to their captain.

"Damn right it is. Now go 'ave some fun. We're landin'."

Worm 12-14-2017 02:46 AM

Vvwoosh! Ino's bullets pierced the air with outstanding accuracy. One after another, the line of cans were pelted down into dust. The sound was probably the most satisfying aspect of this game. Vvvwoosh - Dinn - Poof! After each poof, Quash jumped up and down, bubbling with excitement. His long, lizard tongue lolled from his incredible mandible. If he weren't being held on a leather leash, he might've been running back and forth between gunfire. "That's right Quash! Might actually have a chance to win big tonight." Ino closed one eye and aimed for the new set of rotating bottles.

The Gunslinger was a major hot spot on Ariacan. While still maintaining the ancient aesthetic, it hosted a variety of gambling games, a full bar and a strip club with themed escorts. Every night they had a Hot Shot competition with huge payouts. Unfortunately, there was always one fellow, by the name of Marco who has reigned as the best and most frequent winner. He held the most points and has made a lofty living off of these contests. Tonight, Ino Ysh wanted to get his name on the board. Like a real old West cowboy, he blew on the top of his steaming pistol. Quash yanked at Ino's arm, wanting to run around again. Ino regrettably released him with the push of a button on his wrist pad.

You see, Ino was not only a lover of animals and good ol' fashioned games, but he also had a bounty to fill. One of which, was for the live capture of Marco Devana. He hadn't lost a bounty yet and didn't intend to lose this one. He chuckled, watching Quash bound off into the arid landscape.


Tennan had made her way through sex slavery and the abomination of her home planet. At this point, she had nothing left to feel but hatred. Even as she danced for these disgusting pawns, she was focused on a goal. Tonight, it was for Marco Devana. Although she held a job here as a dancer/escort, she found the thrill of the kill much more exciting. To be honest, she was very disappointed to find that they wanted Marco alive. She hoped that they would still pay if she brought him dead. He would probably be a good fuck too. Her hands moved up and down a skimpy body suit as her mindless customers threw credits into her ports. The music acted as a battle beat, keeping her blood lust controlled for now. Marco would be center stage soon, she just had to capture his attention for a minute. Then he would be hers.

You see, Tennan has no exterior eyes. Some of her race does produce them, but Tennan never developed them. Because of this, her persuasion skills were high. She could make most humanoids believe that she was of the same race as them. She'd had men describe her sets of eyes longingly to Tennan, only for her to laugh at the deception. She could appear to have extra limbs or eyes or antenna, all based on what her viewer found attractive. This made her an excellent call girl, and it helped her get away with murder on several occasions. She wondered what Marco Devana desired...

As the music shifted, so did Tennan's dance. She crouched down, whipping her hair over her mask. Upon turning back up, she pulled two long swords from under her legs. She stood tall, extending the swords to either side of her small frame. With the pulse of music, she took her cue and slid one sword down her throat. Her body was rigid as she took the other sword and slid the metal down her throat with ease. Then, she removed one and then the other. She clinked them together, leaned forward and stuck out her tongue with a guttural moan. "Welcome to the freak show!" She gleamed, red lips ready for blood.

sylvanSpider 12-14-2017 03:41 AM

Marco stared at the wanted poster in disbelief. Before him plastered on the wall was his likeness to a T. They got the wild red hair, the comfortable working garb, and even the eyepatch down exactly. The character drawn showed a more morose version of him than he generally liked to portray to people, his likeness bearing more of a frown. Then, at that point, it matched exactly. The artist had quite the eye and must have spent a good deal observing him. Then, they all did, didn't they?

Marco was a bit of celebrity on Ariacan recently. His gunslinging earned him quite the reputation albeit at the time being a negative one. Or, at least, one that was entirely too positive. Cheating?! What feckin' proof did they have for that one, eh? Am I that good? He scratched his head and pulled his hood over his red hair. He couldn't do anything about the eyepatch—he got terrible headaches without it—but he could at least hide his oh so obvious mane.

He turned quickly hoping no one saw him gawking at his own picture and connect the dots and shoved his hands in his pockets when he was nudged in both shoulders at the same time. He spun around on his heel getting ready to give a guy his but clamped his mouth shut when he remembered the situation he was in. There were two that were the culprits and they both spun around in that instance as well. He locked eyes first with the blonde one, then the brunette and turned to walk away when both sets of eyebrows raised and the auburn haired one stepped closer, “Oi, oi! You're Marco, ain't ye? Marco Devana? We're 'ere to see your show!” He looked completely starstruck, as did the other similar looking man.

Marco's eyes widened and he jumped at the former, putting a hand on his mouth, “SSHSHHH please. Please. I can't have anyone ah... knowing. Okay?” Marco pulled his hand away but the terror was still in his eyes when he saw that the brown-haired twin was going to be compliant.

Well, mostly.

He leaned in, “Why are you hiding?” The question was anything but playful, an ominous, predatory tone leaking through in the timbers, threatening to raise his voice if he didn't like the answer.

“Well ah, you know...celebrity status an' all that. I ain't in the mood for pictures, see...” Marco stammered putting his hands up almost defensively. For many, this would be believable. Marco was known as the shy guy gunslinger, and he lived up to that persona in real life, once even physically running away from fans wanting an autograph by jumping off of a balcony.

The twins, however, didn't buy it. Now, the blonde leaned in, “No other reason? That's some real terror in your eyes...erm...eye.” Marco was against the wall and the blond one loomed over him, his palm pressed on the wall above him, effectively trapping Marco where he was. “I just...can't....believe you. Can you, Damon?”

“Sure can't, Roek,” the one called Damon responded with an evil glint in his eye. Marco could have sworn he saw fangs, but he couldn't be sure. His right eye was going crazy showing him all of the possible outcomes and finally he decided that ducking out and running was the best option, which, he promptly did.

He took off running, weaving in and out of the crowd to the dismay of those he shoved past and to the twins who had lost their prey. “Let him run,” Damon muttered, “We'll be seeing more of him later.”

Worm 12-20-2017 07:36 PM

Though Tennan was completely focused in her line of work, she felt something deep in the pit of her stomach, telling her that tonight wasn’t going to go as planned. Was it anxiety? She wasn’t used to these discouraging thoughts. She finished the show with fire poi, one of her specialties. However, not very relevant to cowboy times. She still played with the costume they gave her, using guns as handles for the poi.

Ino, however, was given a bit of an advantage. He saw the doors fling open and even though Marco was just a blur, he followed his instincts and flew after him. Quash knew just what to do and charged behind him. The man was fast. He should’ve expected that, since he’d run away from every potential interview. Perhaps that made him more suspicious to the Gunslinger employees. Ino wasn’t built for endurance running. No, he was a beast master and a trapper. Sharp shooting was just a plus on his part. He didn’t plan on striking the lad dead, since the bounty wanted him alive. So he held his pistol with a disheartened scowl.

Quash continued after Marco, his short legs didn’t do him much justice, but for just a moment he was close enough to fling towards Marco and perhaps land a bite. Jaws widened, he lunged and bit the ankle of Marco’s pants, tearing it. Quash held on to the fabric and playfully whipped it around. By the time he looked up again, Marco was long gone. Quash hopped back to Ino with the small scrap of fabric, tail wagging as if he’d done something deserving of a treat. Ino responded with a grimace and sigh. ”Keep that scent.” Was all he said, Quash’s tail slowing to a stop.


Tennan’s burlesque show ended with jests and cheers. She dipped with a bow, a devilish smile still on her lips. They were painted red tonight. As her headgear scanned the audience, it located the presence of a wanted figure. Two, to be exact. She was only expecting Marco tonight, so this was an added bonus. She’d been wanting to splurge anyways. She licked her lips, head focused towards the boys. If they could imagine it, they would see two eyes fiercely tracking them. The eyes would sit right where Tennan’s headgear sat. She gave them a wink, and watched the audience taper off. Her gut must’ve been telling her that tonight was going to be a much needed indulgence.

sylvanSpider 12-20-2017 10:37 PM

Marco should have seen it. It was one of the possibilities that he saw, certainly, but it was one of the least likely; he shouldn't have been pursued. The twins from earlier seemed to just watch him leave, but out of nowhere there was another predator. Gasping when something latched onto his leg, he shook it until eventually a large piece of his pant leg was missing but he continued to run.

Of all of the planets Marco could have chosen to live on, he had to choose Ariacan. It made the most sense given his talents, sure. He was great at showbiz so long as no one talked to him after. Hell, he was even willing to give out autographs so long as everything was done through the mail, but the lad was shy. Unbearably so. Much more than he'd ever care to admit. As such, he'd always been sort of a loner, too afraid to talk to anyone that might become an exception to the rule. As far as he was concerned, there were no exceptions that could possibly come. Each and every person that he met caused the same anxiety, and now he had all the more reason to fear them.

And while Ariacan for the past several months had been good to him—he'd earned his living doing what he loved, shooting for show rather than necessity—he knew that it was a place crawling with bounty hunters. Ariacan attracted more than just tourists, although there were certainly more than enough of those. The employees of the tourist trap were always said to add a certain amount of reality to the illusion of the Old West, but a lot of that was because a lot of them were of the rougher, the more tumbling, crowd. They were the kind to get plastered in the saloons after the sun set and the tourists went to bed, and a lot of them came here to hide out.

But, that brought forth yet another kind of face one could see in the crowds of Ariacan: bounty hunters. For every five or six wanted unchecked employees there was a bounty hunter hunting and ready to collect. This was the side of Ariacan that few bothered to look for. Marco didn't fit into any of these crowds. Not initially, at least. He was a good man just looking to earn his pay through an honest day's work, and that's how he made it, at least...until he became wanted himself for apparently being too good.

He looked behind him, his right eye once again going crazy with possibilities until he was able to calm himself down and look at the passing faces rationally. Most, here at least, were tourists. He leaned against the wall panting and out of breath, closing his eyes if only for a brief moment. He was getting a head ache, probably due to his right eye putting in so much work, but he needed to survive. There was no knowing what they'd do to him once he was brought in alive.

Though, it was peculiar that he was wanted alive. Generally cheaters were wanted dead and a corpse would suffice. What would they possibly want with him alive?


“Oi! Damon! Get a load of this shit!” Roek exclaimed rapping his knuckles on one of the many wanted signs adorning the city. The twins, while there as tourists, were all too aware that the wanted posters were indeed authentic and had seen several instances of their own mug just walking down the street.

“Well, ah'll be damned,” Damon murmured under his breath, “The bloak's wanted! Says 'ere 'e's a cheatin' rat! D'ye buy it?”

“Giv'n 'is countenance? Not a bit. Bloak's innocent. Still though, makes ye scratch yer chin, don't it? What'd 'e do t'deserve this?” Damon looked closer at the mug shot. Yeah, the artist really did do a nice job, but then, they got plenty of practice and the twins had a gay old time comparing their mug shots with the other. Left out one of the O's in their last name though. Rookie mistake. The pair laughed at this and joked about what they'd do if they found him again. If he was decent enough they'd ask A'vi if they could keep him as a pet. They'd done it before, though the last one didn't make it very long. Tragic story having something to do with a misunderstood statement and an incredibly faulty exploding escape shit.

Ah well, what's done is done. They meandered their way into one of the shows going on. A burlesque show by the looks of it with some fancy looking broad singing and dancing on the stage. She was just finishing up when the twins showed up, drinks in hand and clinking their mugs together shouting things like “Such showmanship!” and “Brava! Brava~! Bravisime!” as if they were at some fancy opera or other.

When the crowd stopped cheering for the performer, Damon nudged Roek. “Did ye catch 'er lookin' at ye? Like she wanted t'eat ye...” he whispered.

“Yeah, I saw it...Bounty hunter?”


The twins had had their share of bounty hunters after them and ninety-eight percent of them wound up dead. The other two percent were paralyzed. They had a habit of turning the predator into the prey in which they would lead their hunter all over the fucking place only to turn around on them when they thought they had them and, more often than not, burn them alive or simply....blow them up. If Miss Dancer wanted to be added to the list, she was welcome to try.

Worm 12-23-2017 05:07 AM

Ino dragged on his cigarette as long as possible before he flicked it. A long, string of ash flew from it with the butt. He stomped on the ember with his leather boot. He was frustrated with missing the big Marco. But hoped that the man would return. After all, how else was the sharp shooter going to make his money? Ino held the scrap of Marco’s pant in his fist and sniffed it himself, looking around for any clues as to where he might be. Instead, he found himself in the entrance hall of the Gunslinger stadium. The wanted posters were there.

Just after Ino scanned the board, he found three posters on the ground. Two images of similar looking fellows with different hair colors. Brothers of Orovoro. He placed them in his pocket, only to stumble across Marco’s poster on the floor as well. He started to wonder how many other bounty hunters were after Marco too.


Tennan cleaned up after the show, in fact she cleaned up to a nearly decent woman. Her dress was sleek and chic. If one were to know her on the outside, they would never assume she was an exotic dancer. Though, she did have the body to suit it. She grabbed her huff and took a long whiff of Anisum, calming her excited nerves. She was so close to her prey, she was hysterical and in ecstasy. She watched the boys with a focused mind, weaving in and out of her teetering audience. She found the shoulders of the brunette Orovoro and tapped it.

sylvanSpider 12-27-2017 03:21 AM

Marco leaned against the wall, placing both hands on his knees, exhaling. Both eyes closed for the moment, he needed to gather his thoughts. There were plenty of wanted criminals walking these very streets. Hell, it was why it was a hotspot for criminals and bounty hunters alike. It wasn't like he was the most wanted on the list. No, that would be the Orovor twins that he saw plastered on basically every wall they could be plastered on. Well, them and Captain Zet Rayt, but he hadn't been seen in about a decade. It was rumoured though, that those twins were crew to the same ship that that captain ran. Why was he so nervous?

Wait...wait. The two that stopped him. They were twins...Marco opened his eyes, once again scanning his surroundings. The two...they were Damon and Roek Orovor. He shook his head. They seemed so at ease for being the most wanted men walking the planet. Why the hell couldn't he just relax? He took a deep shaky breath and took in everything, letting his right eye do the work while his left eye rest in darkness. The left eye brought too much pain. Seeing everyone's past was a burden Marco Devana was not prepared to carry alone. There was always too much tragedy in everyone's life, always lingering just below the surface—the surface that only those that belonged to Marco's species could access.

The possibilities shifted with each passerby, and some came without even the passerby. Marco, throughout his life, had learned to cipher through them. The most possible to the least possible. Among those possibilities, still low on chances, caught his attention. That lizard was back, but he saw the lizard's master with them. A large man. Western garb. Mask. Marco gulped. The man could be just around the corner. The shitty thing about his ability?

It gave possibilities. Only sometimes did it give the actual future.

Marco could very well be fucked.


Damon spun around on his heel to face whoever it was that had tapped his shoulder. Roek was already facing her and peered around his brother's shoulder to see what was happening, blinking. Damon, however, seemed unsurprised by her appearance donning his infamous shit-eating grin immediately taking her hand in his, planting a soft kiss on the backside of said hand and bowing deeply, “Ah, yer the performer my brother an' I jes 'ad the pleasure of seein' on the stage, right?”

Roek stepped around his brother watching as he straightened and subsequently straightened his clothing. He really hoped this would escalate. They'd been given an order to not cause any explosions, but the cap'd be alright with it if they didn't start it, right? Self-defense. It's in the guidebook as acceptable.

Worm 12-31-2017 05:35 PM

Ino hearkened a deep hurt in his heart. He tried his best to cover it up through small achievements, such as bounties, or drugs. As a hunter, there was no stigma associated with long lasting intoxication. In fact, it was expected. With the crumpled up head shots in his pockets, he weaved through the stadium hall now. He may have passed Marco without knowing it, his scent bubbling all around the venue. Quash did his best to remain obedient, a flickering tongue showing in his anxiety. It was hard not to jump on every sentient being in the room.

They were shoulder to shoulder, forcing their way into crowded seats. The stadium was huge, the highest seats needing screens to be able to capture the action so far below. Luckily, Ino would be down there soon enough. He was just gathering his sights since he'd signed in early. A loud chatter filled the room, echoing with life. From the top spot here, someone could easily snipe Marco... He needed to make sure that he got to Marco first. Hopefully, he'd come back like he intended. Ino made his way back down, much to Quash's dismay. Ino had to tug him from several unsuspecting guest's knees.

The ticket booth was still backed up with a long line that led back to the entrance hall. He wasn't looking forward to seeing the stadium packed even further. He imagined the roar of the audience like a tsunami washing over him as he aimed his pistol. Each time he pictured it, his hand shook like a chihuahua. His eyes were on the target, but his mind was on Marco. He imagined the man seated right behind him, and then - poof! He was gone. If he didn't get this big one, maybe he'd get the twins. He pulled out the images of the twins again, making his way back stage with the other contestants. They were so young... And so dangerous.

In just an hour, the show would begin. People from all over the galaxy were taking their seats now.


Tennan smiled sadistically, allowing him to kiss her hand. She nodded. "Yes, and you must be the esteemed Damon Orovoro." She giggled. "I'm your biggest fan. Actually, both of you." She turned her metal face towards Roek now. "What's your favorite sort of explosive? I love dark matter frags." She gave a toothy grin, sinking her teeth into the soft flesh of success. She wanted to reel them in, as she did all of her victims. Their youth became even more apparent as she closed in, finding it almost endearing. So much destruction for such young fellows. It must've been part of that twin power.

If she could find them vulnerable or asleep, she would have a chance. She wasn't afraid of dying anymore. And if it was by the hands of these two pirates, maybe she could go out with a bang. As if on command, the bang of the Gunslinger's Hot Shot competition exploded through the hallways. It was about to begin, and the entire venue was reminded of that. "You going to watch the competition?" If she had eyebrows, she would've raised them in peaked curiosity. Instead, she remained smiling. "You guys like Anisum?" She dug a small tube from her dress' hidden pocket, displaying it nonchalantly as the rest of her customers found their way out. Most of them probably were finding their way towards the stadium.

sylvanSpider 12-31-2017 06:49 PM

Today was the big day. The day that he'd been looking forward to for several months. A day that he'd be really tested and able to prove his worth. Now that he was wanted, though, he would not be performing. There was no way to. He'd be captured the moment he stepped into the arena, and he had no intention for that. Alive. What kind of sick fuck wanted him alive? If he'd been accused of cheating, the price was death. Yet, they didn't want his corpse. They wanted him. Sure, there were those awkward necrotic species that would probably kill him anyway and bring him back, and he certainly didn't want that.

Then, no one would expect him there. If he wasn't on the stage, being in the crowd is probably the best defense mechanism. After all, bounty hunters were under strict regulation to not hurt any of the tourists. In the shoulder to shoulder crowd, maybe, just maybe he could blend in enough. Of course, that would be torture enough for the red-head, watching everyone else do what he should have been doing. But, given the fact that most of the population was going to be in this spot, he'd stick out like a sore thumb out of the arena.

Marco sighed, shouldering his way into the crowd to find a seat.


Damon grinned, his cheeks reddening slightly, “Oh, so you like our wanted posters, do you? I'd say the artist did a fairly good job.” Roek's face mimicked his brother's as a smile spread, all too willing to let his brother take the reins on this one. So, Damon continued, “Dark matter frags are alright, ah guess, but ah get the most laughs from Roek.”

Roek nodded in response to this, grinning cheekily and giving a peace sign, “Dun let Damon fool you though. 'is explosions are always top notch.” The way they moved and communicated made it all too apparent to onlookers that they were attuned to each other in ways that others could only dream of having. If they weren't moving together synchronized, they moved complimentary to the other. Already Roek was shifting so that he could occupy one of the positions closest to the feminine bounty hunter lest she try anything with Damon. They were partners in crime and fun, the latter both certainly intended to have.

“Watch it?” Damon asked, “No. The star ain't gonna be there, ah bet. Considerin', well, ye know. The fact that 'e's a wanted man. We're gon' be part o' the crowd, scout it out. See if we can find th' bloke.” He paused and scratched his head with the offer, “Hell yeah we do! We 'ave some with us, so we can get 'igh with ye. Cap' says we shouldn't take drugs from strangers though. Cook made this fer us. 'E's quite good at it too, says et's better to get it from 'im than anywhere else.”

Worm 12-31-2017 11:17 PM

Tennan grinned, pulling back her huff of Anisum to take a drag for herself. After a shudder and sniffle, she responded. "Smart Captain. Part of the Hangman's Cry aren't you?" Her mind was sharpened once more, focusing on her prize. The room around her buzzed in intense waves. "The posters didn't say, but y'all are looking for a wanted man. I assume you've gotta be pirates - with your accent and all." She waved her hands over them, talking with her hands. It was better to play dumb so she didn't alert them. After all, they were probably right about Marco and it'd be better to get some other eyes on the prize. Since she literally had none.

"Always wanted to ride on a ship as a passenger instead of a bounty." She grinned, wondering how hard it would be to befriend and kill these guys. They were erratic and energized. Hell, they might even be a fun ride. She adjusted her dress, pulling up the top to fit her large bosom. "You think I could hitch a ride to the next star system? I'm willing to uh- pay a price." She grinned seductively. With a pulse from her mental space, it might be hard to resist her persuasion. However, her real intent was to get the bounty together, agree to split the booty and kill the twins, so she'd end up getting triple the bounty. Hopefully she could kill them both before actually reaching their ship. After all, she wasn't sure what to expect from their Captain.

She wondered if they knew about her identity. After all, she wasn't wanted yet. Unlike her twin counterparts, she lived stealthily and under the radar. None of her murders were pinned to her. Especially because many of them were already wanted criminals. "I mean, its always good to have an extra set of hands, right?" She giggled, flipping a long braid from her shoulder to her back.


The competition was beginning. It started with blasts much like fireworks, all of the competitors lined up on terraced podiums. "Ladies, Gentlemen, and everyone in between - welcome to the Gunslinger's Hot Shot Competition!" Cheers roared throughout the ocean of an audience. From where Ino was standing, the audience was a blur. And this was partially because he was anxious and angry. Marco was no where to be found. His position on the central podium was left empty.

"We're happy to introduce our long time champion, Mister Marco Devana!" Cheers and whistles rolled through the stadium. A spotlight hit the empty podium and the cheers turned to gasps and silence. "Al-right folks.. It seems the champion has - has not made his position yet." The reptile spokesman pulled out a cloth from his shirt pocket and wiped his forehead anxiously. "Heh. But uhm, let us find a-a new champion tonight!" The gameshow music began, audience perplexed in the background. "Introducing-" Cue drumroll. "Miss Violet McMetter, The Wonderful Jax Wisp, Mister Quin Ngyuen, The Fabulous Sinder Waspet, Mister Ino Ysh and Miss Valya Zrtyag! He cleared his throat, hoping that he pronounced all the names correctly. The cheers returned, almost forgetting the missing champion. Targets began to rise in the background. The targets were of course, living. This was how Ariacan cleaned out its prisons.

Five people in restraints lifted from the ground, sealed to the ground. "And now, let's find our newest Hot Shot Champion!" On the various screens bidding odds were displayed. Ino, being a newcomer had very high odds. Marco Devana was still listed. Ino wondered if Quash was okay in his cage backstage. Little did he know that the lizard had escaped.

sylvanSpider 01-03-2018 04:20 AM

The twins, in unison took their own respective huffs of Anisum, all four eyes dilating at once. Each shuddered and shook their head, the world coming into mind numbing clarity. Those sets of eyes now turned to Tennan, then to each other with her correct assessment. “Aye, we are with the Cry, though why that be the first ship ye turn to based on the fact that we be pirates is a bit concernin' ain't it, Roek?”

The blonde twin's brow furrowed, “'Tis a bit concernin', aye. We cert'nly ain't the only pirates on this 'ere land.”

Damon began circling the woman, Roek following suit, “Down right concernin', but, ah suppose it does make sense since yer our biggest fan and all.” He stopped his circling for a moment when he was standing directly in front of her raising his eyebrows, “So I 'spose it makes sense, right Roek?”

“Well, that's a fact, ain't it?” Roek chimed as Damon (and therefore also Roek) continued his circling. “I dunno 'ow many people go about researchin' those that they dun intend t'kill though. We've 'ad plenty o' fans try t'kill us for our enormous bounty on our 'eads.”

“Ah, another true fact, if ah ever 'eard it, Roek! Bloody brilliant as per always, my dear brother! But, as a true fan, mayhaps we can work ourselves a transport deal, though y'know pirates, 'specially those of the Cry 'erself, dun generally do transports. Et won't be easy t'convince the cap. 'E's got a pretty...'tective view, y'see? 'E only generally admits recruits t'the crew. An' 'ere's the thing, once a member, yer a member fer life. Ye run, we kill ye. So. ..Still sound app'tizing?”


Marco winced, hearing his name announced and seeing that empty podium. Should be me, he couldn't help but thinking, I should be up there... He shook his head, dismissing the thought and gathered all of his mental fortitude to sit back and enjoy the show, at least until the streets of Ariacan were populated again. He glared up at the criminals that were used as the targets. He'd put many of them out of their misery on that very stage. His eyes widened with a thought, however, Is that why they wanted me alive? To use as a target? Would certainly sell tickets...

Worm 01-03-2018 07:48 PM

Tennan's lack of eyes came in handy when trying to avoid the dizzying feeling of watching the two boys circle around her. She could definitely feel it, though she stood firm, crossing her arms. "Now I was only hoping you'd be a part of the Cry. There were rumors after all. And seeing as I'm your biggest fan, I'm also a fan of Zet, your captain." She grinned devilishly. She had no way of knowing that their new captain was anybody but him, though she had heard that Captain Zet Rayt was dead. It was a good way to find out.

"Such a powerful man." She sighed, blushing as if infatuated with the man. Though really, she was fantasizing about killing such a powerful being. She took only a moment to digest their offer, quickly regurgitating a response. "Yeah sure. It'd be an honor to be aboard the Hangman's Cry!" She bobbed her head up and down, excited to see if she could clear out the entire cabin. Oh that would be a rush! "I've got nothing else left for me anyways!" She giggled, scooping up a purse from her dance floor. She had nothing in the purse, except for some old bounties. She kept it just for looks. It matched her dress after all.

"Besides, I've been dying to leave this cowboy hell hole. Been sayin' y'all too damn much since I started working here." She chuckled, clearing her nostrils for another hit of anisum. After a huff and sniffle, she shook her head, machine skull beeping towards the action of the Hot Shot competition. It was time to get to business. "Well?" She nodded her head towards the arena, suggesting that they head for it. "Lets get our guy then."


Violet got two head shots, Jax got one but two other lethal kills to the heart, Quin got a whopping three head shots and another lethal, Sinder was at one headshot and three lethals, putting Quin at the highest point score and Ino up next. The floors were bloodied with bodies which were shoved into a pile after each was killed. If they were dead, they remained standing on their podium with bullets scraping by them. When someone was killed, a rewarding ding would flash over their spot and light up the dead body before it was replaced.

The fun thing about this game was that not only was there a large gambling community behind it, which meant large prize winnings, but that the prisoners were also contestants. If one prisoner managed to make it all the way through the competition, they were allowed to go free! Several had left the arena over time with bullets in their arms, legs, stomachs. And the longer a prisoner was left as a target, points built up on them each round, giving more incentive for the hot shots to aim for them. Ino was focused on a full wipe, as all shooters were on their first round.

He aimed, cocked and shot consecutively across the board. He got three headshots and two lethals, clearing the board. Cheers in the audience left a big smile on his face, though he knew inside that Marco Devana would've done even better, giving each prisoner a peaceful bullet to the brain. He stood back at his post, watching as Valya finished their round. He had the strangest inkling that something was wrong with Quash, but decided to shake it off. The bastard was probably just whiny and hungry.

He did have a deep connection with his pet, but he would've never guessed that he was outside the Gunslinger now, sniffing around the loading docks.

sylvanSpider 01-03-2018 09:05 PM

“Ah! The lass really did 'er homework!” Damon exclaimed gleefully. “Well, we may 'ave a spot for ye, but ye see, Cap's got rules on who can join'n whatnot,” Damon said, leaning in to Tennan's ear as if whispering a secret. This wasn't completely true, but it certainly had a ring of the truth to it. Captain A'vi Rayt did have standards when taking applicants, though she did take in others. The Cry had a reputation for hunting down slave ships, hence the Cry's wealth. There was a lot of money to be had from the slave trade, and the ships bearing humanoid cargo often carried a lot of that wealth with them, not excluding the slaves themselves. The slaves were freed and offered a position on the ship. Most declined and were dropped off on whatever planet they stopped at next, regardless of where it was. Those that accepted, however? They were immediately granted access. A'vi's reasoning for this was sound enough. Freed slaves weren't going to try to collect a bounty on those that had released them. Those that joined were more often than not filled with enough gratitude that they were then bound to the Cry as closely as the captain herself.

After all, that was how the captain herself came to join.

“There are certain qual'fications,” Roek continued for his brother, “A certain skill set is required, an' I 'pologize, but ah didn't see yer wanted poster anywhere. Ye do anything that can merit ye bein' a pirate with the most feared crew in the whole galaxy?”

The twins nodded with her suggestion and they made their way just in time to see the competition beginning.


Marco inhaled deeply through his nostrils, watching as some of the criminals survived, while many didn't. The years that Marco competed? None of the criminals survived. None. Few points were even given to the other competitors. His grand slam move in the last competition had been a fan the hammer, emptying all six bullets at once into separate criminals—all headshots. He'd been proud of that one.

He hoped that not many put money on him, but then, they'd be idiots if they had. There was no money to be had betting on a wanted man. Marco narrowed his eye at one of the competitors. He recognized him from being with the lizard that got his leg earlier. Shit, is he here for me?

Qian sat on her haunches, huddled under an overhang of rubble, trembling with tears running over her cheeks. So, this is what her proud, noble kingdom had been reduced to? Nothing but a pile of debris littered with the corpses of her friends...her family? She let out a choked sob, clapping her hands over her mouth, hoping they didn't hear, the ones who had done this to her kingdom. They were large, terrifying mechanical beings, unlike any of the other robots she'd ever seen, all four arms were armored and completed with dagger like claws attached to each. Each bearing different weapons, and each taking the lives of those she'd seen fall.

There was so much much...

Qi's katana lay next to her, looking as if it would fall apart the next strike she made with it. Sure, she'd managed to hack one of the Yingya's arms clean off, but she'd had to hack to get through the tougher outer shell, and the katana had paid the price for it. She was useless now that her katana was. She'd barely made a dent in their onslaught.

Certainly, she'd saved herself. The creature had reeled back screeching, allowing the young girl to make her getaway, but that did nothing for her friends and family, already hacked down. She'd heard of the Yingya, of their conquest, but never did she imagine their little peaceful planet on the other side of the solar system being raided. She could imagine a life of slavery if one of them found her. That, or an immediate killing.

Gods, she felt so useless. But then, why did she not turn herself in? She had no more reason to live anymore. All of her reasons were now bloodied, broken...dead.

Worm 01-08-2018 12:26 AM

Tennan couldn’t help but laugh. ”Nothing that I can tell you, bad brothers.” She dug in her seemingly endless pocket on the side of her skin tight dress and found a slender pipe the size of a cigarette. She lit it and took a long drag, not bothering to focus on either one of the twins. ”But I can tell you that I’ve been smart enough to not get caught.” She vibrated with the same feeling of a person lifting a brow curiously.

She stroked a piece of her pastel green hair, pulling it behind an ear. ”And… I can do some incredible things with knives.” She hummed seductively. A blade sprung out from her thigh and she pulled it out, pressing it to the gut of Damon as he made his way around her. ”And I’m not afraid of death.” She grinned, pulling the blade back and pressing it against her lips. She opened them, extended her tongue and licked the blade before sliding it back in garter.
This was just the tip of the iceberg when it came to Tennan’s abilities. But It was usually enough to intimidate or impress.


Quzhujian peeled through space like an iron bead against a sheet of fabric, light wrapped around them as they reached hyperspeed. The giant diamond shaped ship hovered over its new colonization effort, Guangda. The planet had already been eviscerated with particle beams and atom bombs. It was like rodent extermination. All that was left were the scraps and then the Yingya could drain the planet of its fuel. At one point Guangda was lush and green. It was now covered in sand and dried out, cavernous rock. It was red and gold, and filled with the perfect fuel.

The ship spun in two inverted pyramids rotating in opposite directions. The bottom pyramid slowed to allow the ship to land. Sand and dirt ripped up from the ground as it landed, taking up thirty miles of land. Inside Quzhujian, there was two million Yingya. One of these highly militarized beetles, was Shenxin. Select soldiers were beamed down in squads. Shenxin was part of the third squad, composed of twenty ranked officials. His armor touched the ground, scraping it as he walked behind his comrades. The grunts and groans of war cries echoed across the surrounding area, warning any remaining life of their arrival.

sylvanSpider 01-08-2018 07:10 PM

“Then ah suppose ye'll jes 'ave t--” Damon began, getting cut off by the blade barely poking in between the buttons on his jacket. Wide eyes softening to a wry smirk, “...Touche. But y'know, we 'aven't been either. We're known though, 'cause we don't hide, right Roek?”

“Tch. Yeah, we're not like that bitch Marco. Or, 'parently, you,” Roek added, raising his eyebrows as he watched Tennan's tongue tracing the edge of the blade before sliding it back into her garter. His apprehension appeared to be fading, but then, it was near impossible for anyone, save for the other brother, to know what was actually going on in his mind. “Alright. We'll give ye that. An' it seems we've got certain comm'nalities with ye. So, what say you? Help us 'unt the redhead? We ain't gon' turn 'im in though. Cap said we could try an' recruit 'im. So dun kill 'im if ye find 'im first.”


Qi was stuck. Broken. All around her were the pieces, the remnants of a life that had been stripped from her in a matter of minutes. She'd managed to escape with relatively few cuts and scrapes, but they were coming for her. If not to kill her outright as they had the rest of her people, then for slavery. Qian Bao long ago decided that death would be the better alternative, but if they decided on the latter, she couldn't even kill herself. Her katana was on the verge of falling apart and she knew that it was no longer sharp enough to even so much as cause a paper cut.

But there was a noise. A loud noise. Even Qi with her will to live had to see what was going on. She poked her head to see the blinding light—undoubtedly those that were seeking, and thereby obtaining, conquest.

They were landing.

Worm 01-08-2018 07:45 PM

Tennan smiled, pleased. "I say, what're we waiting for! Let's get to it!" She chuckled, pushing towards the Gunslinger arena. Now with two others on her side, she was more likely to at least find the target. With all of them on the ship together, she just needed to plan a perfect escape. This was the exact sort of challenge that kept her going.


The arena was pulsing with intense energy, the last two shooters being Valya and Ino. Ino had his eyes rotating around the arena, trying to no avail to pinpoint Marco. He wondered if he should throw the game then. Valya was up first and made a full sweep, though one of the hits was imperfect. It would be easy to lose to her, even though Ino could probably win.

Quash found his way worming into the wood work of a ship, following the scent of shellfish buried in the hull of the ship. He found his way into the kitchen area and dove into a bucket of mussels, his tongue opening and emptying the shells with ease. In just a few minutes he'd downed an entire bucket, licking his choppers with a big, sedated grin.


Shenxin and his squad would spread out in a twenty mile radius, each one taking designated posts. They were all close enough to respond to any trouble. He tapped the terminal exit screen on his wrist hologram. His other team members slowly fading into the horizon as he found his post.

Ilani was haphazardly parked in a graveyard gas station. She dug her own tube into the fuel line to attempt to fill up her beat up cruiser. It was a bright yellow disk wrapped in the remnants of a fuel pump that she'd crashed into during her landing. Whistling, she danced the tube into her cruiser's engine. Her face and clothes were smeared in black sludge, but she had no concern.

The only thing that broke her from her fantasy bubble, were the war cries of Yingya. She continued to whistle and dance however, knowing that once her cruiser was filled up she could make a slick exit.

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