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Rosekitten 06-04-2011 10:17 PM

Rose's never-ending search of tales ~Semi-open

Please feel free to post your plot ideas up as well, I'm not limiting my search to just being my story lines. I'm more then happy to try to fill a role that you want filled in your story. ^^ Also as a bit of information, I do have a young baby so if I vanish I shall return either in a few moments or up to 2-3 hours depending on what is going on. As far as genders go I can play either so that makes no difference to me.

Unique romance
Boy x Boy
Boy x Girl
Warring sides

Captive and captor
Wizard and apprentice
Farmer and assistant
Assassin and target
Hunter and hunted

Willing to try:
Pretty much anything, if you have a plot or idea then feel more then free to name it :3 I'm always open for new ideas.

I'm willing to try some fan based rp's but I'd rather stay away from them if at all possible.

Will not do:
Zombie Stories
Girl x girl relationships

~ Please be somewhat literate, I don't expect perfection but at least try. ~
~ Write more then one-two lines, I need something to work with. ~
~ Don't break the rules of the site, they are there so follow them. ~
~ Be creative, please please please don't make me do all of the story work and drag it on like a dead horse. D: ~

Plot Ideas:

Harvest Moon: The idea behind this one is to have two people who end up working on the same ranch or farm together. Or maybe they could just be i the same town. It is more of a relaxed rp idea but if you wanted to spice it up the story could go more along the lines of rune factory where there are monsters and fighting. I intended for this story to have romance in it (seeing as most harvest moon games you have children in and get married) but it dose not have to have any, i just thought it was a good way to add to the story. I can go into further detail if you are interested in this plot.

Twisted World: This is based off of my book that I was writing quite a few years ago. The main story line goes that there is a beta test for a new mmo and a select few were chosen for this said test. It can be a group of friends or just complete strangers that end up grouping together. But to sum up the start of the story, the real world gets corrupted during a sudden power surge and starts to deform and twist to be a cross between the current world and the games realm. The people who beta tested are forced into their characters roles of saving the said world. It is up to you if the character get transformed into their game creation or if they stay human. (this can also be a group rp and not just a 1v1)


Jurinjo 06-04-2011 10:26 PM

I will post! :D
Honestly I will ask you eventually. But not until I improve to a standard I'm happy with p= Will help keep this search alive though!

Rosekitten 06-04-2011 10:59 PM

i'll post more to ya in a bit been asked to heal a rift on my moms pc XD this won't end well lol

Fey 06-04-2011 11:21 PM

:: pops head in:: did someone say mythological rp? I'm all over that like white on rice :)

Rosekitten 06-04-2011 11:41 PM

well then tell me what your looking for in a rp :D maybe we can work something out

Fey 06-05-2011 09:34 AM

I'm a big Egyptian mythology, Norse mythology, geek, I know my greek/roman too, but it's not first in my heart.... That being said, who's your deity of choice cause I'm nerd enough to be able to play most anyone(assuming we're going 'cannon').

Sadrain 06-05-2011 11:50 AM

Good luck with finding. ^^ Yay for mythologic rpers. xD I used to have a plot for mythological/fantasy RP. xD Good old times. C:
I am sure you will have fun with the rps you estabilish. xD

Rosekitten 06-05-2011 12:07 PM

if i can get any going yes :) thank you for the luck

as far as my Deity of choice hrm let me think.... i've never bothered to try and rp any major mythological beings really xD and I love Egyptian myth <3

anyway back to the question.. probably Sekhmet I had a warrior in a mmo i played named after her :)

Fey 06-05-2011 09:30 PM

I...I love you rose, I hope you can accept that, cause Sekhmet is my favourite too :D Bast is a close second in that pantheon.

Kamikaze Chinchilla 06-05-2011 09:48 PM

omg! ZOMBIES! Let's do zombies! *bounces up and down* 8D

*dies* x__x

I haven't been on these boards forever. Would be interesting to have a KoC rp xP

Jurinjo 06-06-2011 07:32 AM

Silly Kami. She said "aside from zombie invasions" ;p
What is KoC anyway? ;>->

Rosekitten 06-06-2011 11:49 AM

KoC would be a knights of chaos rp.. and i agree Kami D: but i'd need permission from Cron to start that up x.x

I dunno i just feel zombies are always over used XD though i did have a dream last night about a zombie elephant o.O; er rather a zoo.

Fey - xD thats rather funny most people never knew where I got the name from and i was like um hello she's awesome!

Kamikaze Chinchilla 06-06-2011 07:06 PM

x'D ZOMBIE ELEPHANT! Who wouldn't want that? xD ... xD;;;;

I poked Cron about it. He says that he's just waiting on the other judges to finish picking the winners before doing anything like an rp.

Rosekitten 06-06-2011 07:31 PM

oh well! they need to hurry the heck up cause i've been wanting a KoC rp for 3 forevers haha

Kamikaze Chinchilla 06-06-2011 07:33 PM

And I is bored-ed and a huge hunger for rp-ing. We must bug the judges!

Rosekitten 06-06-2011 07:58 PM

yes we must, i also have a strong urge to rp Dx and have no motivation </3

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