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SaekoNova 04-09-2012 05:38 PM

~☆~Sister's Tea House~☆~
Sitting in the back of a beautiful forest in an undisclosed location sits the Sisters Tea house. The gorgeous facility is surrounded by fog and would remind any human of an oriental weekend spa. The house stands tall, and though the building has not existed long it is covered in various vines that wrap around its huge form. The beautiful garden surrounding the house contains a plethera of flora and on occassion a traveler lucky enough may see a faint multicolored orb pass out of the corner of their eye. In the nearby town children chant whimsical songs ♪In the back of the woods sits a house of great tea, but only those in need will be able to see♪ while they prance about town. The house itself is beautiful and decorated heavily with butterflies and other assortments of chimes. Bells can be heard for miles around the house and it is often said that they are what draws the spirit of a human in. The warm nature of the tea house is strongly influenced by its two owners. Little is known about the sisters aside from the fact that they are young, kind, and otherworldy beautiful.

The oldest sister Nova often tells travelers of their beautiful home planet Airia presenting extravegant stories of the warm hearted people they cherish back home. Nova is a beautiful enchantress and is known around the Tea house for the amazing appliences she has "conjured up." Her true skill lies in the ability to heal and nourish using only the forces foud in nature, she is a genuinely kind and gentle woman and would do anything to end the suffering or pain of those around her. It is rumored that her ability to manipulate nature is not only for healing but that has yet to truly be proven. Her age has been confirmed by various travelers as 20 making her incredibly wise and mature for her age.

The second and youngest of the sisters is Maychan (or May). May has a much less docile personality and is often found around the tea house eating various candies or offering various sweets to her guests. May chooses a more subservient role and helps serve guests and customers their food and drink. May has the ability to summon various elemental pets though their true power or nature has yet to be confirmed many travelers find they feel at ease around them. May is easy for most travelers to talk to and can often get even the shyest of humans to divuldge their secrets. May has been confirmed at merely 18 years old making her love for sweets and unbelievable energy more understandable.

Around the house many people have encountered a third "commoner." The spirit called Manda can be found. Her origins and life are shrouded in mystery and she refuses to give any details. Nova and May have come to appreciate her love of sake and odd behaviours. She is rumored by many travelers to be a Zashiki-warashi and often behaves as one as well. She can often be found in various rooms around the house drinking sake and writing in her journal ferverously. She can also easily be called on by Nova or Maychan, and even the local adventurer Syari has been known to call her out of the shadows on occassion. She is generally cheery but gives off an almost sinister air to anyone willing to get too close.

Sitting directly outside the house burried in the butterfly bushes and debris sits a plaque covered by leaves and worn that reads;

Of those that enter;
The weak will be made strong,
The lost willl be found,
The hurt willl be healed,
The lonely will be loved,
the hopless will be given hope,
and those who wish harm on this home,
will be destroyed.


MayChan 04-09-2012 05:41 PM

Walks in and takes a gander at the room. Finds herself a pretty lady apparently named 'Nova' I think I shall join her for tea Sits down in a comfy chair and greets the lovely lady, "How are you today Nova?"

SaekoNova 04-09-2012 05:41 PM

Ill start off as this is my Tea room :3 How has everyones day been :3

SaekoNova 04-09-2012 05:42 PM

oooo seems May May has beaten me to that, great and now that you Manda and Meiz are here its even betters :D

Hex 04-09-2012 05:44 PM

looks around -puts half a cup of sugar in my tea- its gonna be a good day ladies and gentleman!

SaekoNova 04-09-2012 05:44 PM

Smiles at the equally pretty "naked" lady sat next to me my day has been well :D how about yours May?

Hex 04-09-2012 05:48 PM

I fought a bear today true story I swear!

MayChan 04-09-2012 05:48 PM

She pours herself some sweet tea and tosses in a couple of sugar cubes and one for her to suckle one. Stirring her tea cup she smiles softly, "It was actually pretty mellow, nothing too big other than I have English stuff due on Wednesday." Takes a sip of her tea.

SaekoNova 04-09-2012 05:53 PM

Sets up her tall glass and starts to make herself a nice hot glass of hot chocolate with whipped cream and sprinkles -smiles at May and Amanda- then sits down next to them both and start to drink her hot hot coco ;)

Hex 04-09-2012 05:59 PM

Nova Cheated! You're not drinking tea!

SaekoNova 04-09-2012 06:02 PM

Grrrr its my tea party! so MEH!!! <3

Daring Scylla 04-09-2012 06:03 PM

Scylla poofs in and arranges himself neatly in a crosslegged position on top of a little floating cloud. Apparently the cloud has enough substance for him to sit on. We'll never know, because he's not telling.

He neatly pours himself a cup of boiling water over some Irish breakfast tea, even though it's actually six o'clock in the very late afternoon. That Scylla.

"How goes everyone today?"

MayChan 04-09-2012 06:07 PM

Tries not to drool over the hot chocolate that Nova is drinking, "So I heard you like chocolate?" May composes herself and takes gulps of her tea. She directs her attention over to the new comer 'Scylla' "Hi hi! I just found out how to put clothes on :D" May says joyfully.

SaekoNova 04-09-2012 06:08 PM

Welcome Scylla, im well thank you that could looks very soft :D

Hex 04-09-2012 06:09 PM

Manda stares at the cloud perplexed..."WHAT IS THIS WIZARDRY" she shouts before giggling...:"I am good" she continues before looking over to maychan and nova bobbing her head back and forth, her bubbly personality completely out of place with her dark appearance.

SaekoNova 04-09-2012 06:10 PM

Cuddles May and Manda Tight I love you guys!

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