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daikokunyo 11-08-2020 08:52 AM

Tarot Parlour (Freebies!)
I'll read the cards for you! Ask a question and I'll:

Cast one card for free
Cast three cards for 100 aurum.

You can choose the deck you'd like me to read with, from the next post.

You can ask your question in this thread and I'll reply to you in this thread with a picture of the card/s linked. But if you want to ask your question in private you can PM me and I'll reply also in PM. You can also just describe a situation and I'll pull you cards for clarity on it. And if you don't have a question you can ask for a general reading.

daikokunyo 11-08-2020 08:53 AM

Decks to choose from:

The Halloween tarot

The Wonderland tarot

daikokunyo 11-08-2020 08:57 AM

Reserved again just in case

daikokunyo 11-08-2020 08:59 AM

This thread is now OPEN for posting!

Kaderin Triste 11-10-2020 07:05 PM

If I don't have a question, can I still get a reading?

daikokunyo 11-11-2020 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by Kaderin Triste (Post 1943092)
If I don't have a question, can I still get a reading?

Sure you can :f-kittysmile: The cards will be vague but that's okay.

Kaderin Triste 11-11-2020 12:16 AM

Lol. I just never know what to ask because...well, usually relationship questions tend to be most common, but I don't really want/need to know about that stuff, but I also don't want to ask about other life stuff because I feel like it can also influence the way the person interprets the cards, especially if the reader knows me or the question is fairly specific. While not having a specific question can lead to more vague answers, it also generally means they're more pure and less biased.

I would like a 1 card read please!

daikokunyo 11-11-2020 03:10 AM

Yes, a specific question means that the tarot reader interprets the card with those specific details in mind, so it's definitely a good idea to get a broad interpretation and apply that to yourself how you like. A question isn't necessary to draw a message from the cards, but if a querent really wants to frame a question despite not having one in mind, I usually suggest a question like "What do I need to know right now?" or "What do I need to be aware of/think about?" Still keeping it broad, but if they feel like they should frame a question, it's a good way to go. If they don't feel the need to frame a question, like you, that's equally great.

So for you, I pulled the Seven of Hats. You have several choices before you, a mixed array of good and bad choices. It may seem confusing because many of the choices are attractive, so you don't know which to pursue. It's also confusing because things are not what they seem. Appearances can be deceptive and a choice that appears good to you may not be the right one. The advice of this card is usually 'don't build castles in the air', since right now the outcomes of these choices are just illusions. It's also 'be careful what you wish for'.

Temptation is dangerous. You shouldn't be swayed by the illusions. So how do you make your choice? By knowing what it is that you truly want. Be self-aware, be authentic to yourself. Look at what will bring you true, long-term fulfilment rather than short-term joy. Look at what will get you EXACTLY where you want to be, even if it's not the easier choice.

Do you want a comfortable home? Personal growth? Success (by your own definition)? Material prosperity? Don't look at what is a 'better' thing to want according to the value judgements of others. For example, don't decide that you shouldn't want material prosperity because some say that's shallow. Screw all that, what do YOU want? What do you truly want? Be honest with yourself and don't feel guilty about it.

Kaderin Triste 11-11-2020 02:13 PM

Prepare for me to vaguely overshare about my life now!

That card actually makes a lot of sense because I have actually been trying to be a bit more introspective and make decisions more based on what I want than what society says I should want. (And also maybe struggling with making a big decision that could have a negative impact on my financials, but would ultimately be better for my mental health.)
I've got a long way to go to really get to the core of what I want, beyond the superficial, and actually acting upon it, but it'll just take time. Mainly just until I can put things in order and make a workable plan.

Also the art is really pretty.

daikokunyo 11-12-2020 01:56 AM

You didn't overshare in my opinion, but I'm happy you shared as much as you're comfortable with :f-kittysmile: and I'm also happy that the card was helpful with things you've been thinking about!

Originally Posted by Kaderin Triste (Post 1943107)
I've got a long way to go to really get to the core of what I want, beyond the superficial, and actually acting upon it, but it'll just take time.

The card is emphasising the importance of knowing what you truly want to then make a choice. So it's not hurrying you to make a choice; quite the opposite! It wants you to deliberate and be certain. You got this!

Kaderin Triste 11-12-2020 03:44 PM

Yeah, it's encouraging to know that the cards (or a spirit/otherworldly entity/deity/(insert personal belief)) is reinforcing my plans.

I mean, I've myself kind of stuck in a vicious cycle at the moment, financially, but if I can start to get actual planning and goals figured out, hopefully I can get out of the next few years. Sooner maybe.

Kitalpha Hart 11-12-2020 05:26 PM

I want that deck
But money :')do you have any other decks though?

daikokunyo 11-13-2020 04:00 AM


Originally Posted by Kitalpha Hart (Post 1943136)
I want that deck
But money :')

Honestly this is such a mood lol.

I have the Dreaming Way deck but the deck told me it only wants to read for me. So right now I'm only reading for others with the Wonderland deck, but I've got other decks that are on the way/yet to arrive. (And I've got several on my long term wishlist but let's not go there lol)
When they do arrive and I decide to do readings with them, I'll post about them here! And update the Reserved post with them.

Kitalpha Hart 11-13-2020 10:21 PM

Yeah, I've got Shadowscapes, Manga, Kawaii, and a fairy tales around the world one
I've also got a playing card deck themed to a game where I know the characters fairly well and Foxfire Oracle

daikokunyo 11-14-2020 01:35 PM

Is the fairy tales around the world one Tarot of the Divine?

I'm eyeing the Kawaii Tarot because I want to slowly start doing timings for supplementing my readings. I'd rather keep a separate deck just for timings that I don't get other messages from, and the Kawaii Tarot is minimalistic enough that it could work.

Kaderin Triste 11-14-2020 02:30 PM

I love the Shadowscapes tarot. The art is so pretty.
I have it plus the Mystical Cats tarot and Cat tarot.

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