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NikkoGallarado 12-02-2013 02:46 PM

[M] Who are you?

Disclaimer: This roleplay will potentially have gore, violence, language, and sexual as well as other mature themes. IF you are not of the mature age or are squeamish we would like to take this opportunity to ask you to leave. That was your one and only warning... have a nice day.

Nikko sat with in the coffee shop reading a book his long fingers tapping against the table as he smiled some to self. It was quiet and time away from everything for once in long while it was rather nice for once. The two colored eye male tipped his head some, resting it back against the seat he was in.

I am the manry-est of men!

TannerSaunders 12-02-2013 02:55 PM

The bell atop the door to the coffee place that Tanner entered rang. So far his day was going hectic. From Riley, his now ex boyfriend, to the fact that he was now homeless and didn't have anywhere to stay. "Bastard.." Tanner muttered, remembering the look on the other mans face when he'd walked in to find the girl straddling his waist on their couch. Making his way up to the counter to order a hot chocolate, Tanner supposed that he could stay with his cousin Julian for the night till he found a place.

NikkoGallarado 12-02-2013 03:00 PM

The taller male looked over never seeing this person before. After all he did frequent this shop a bit since he was able to get a small home here for him and the boys to stay at for the winter months when they came. Closing his hazel eye he was in wonder of what happened since the other looked rather disgruntled by something. Placing a marker into the book he stood up walked over. "Here allow me get your drink for you." he said a bit of accent followed in his words. "You seem pretty down on your luck." as he placed a few bills on the counter.

I am the manry-est of men!

TannerSaunders 12-02-2013 03:16 PM

Tanner looked up at the tall man who was now standing in front of him and almost took a step back. Not because of his size, but his appearance. Were those ears real? His voice had caught Tanner a little off guard. It was sexy as hell. Crap, no, bad Tanner. "I uh...thank you, but you really didn't have to do that." He ducked his head, blushing some. "I'm alright, really. I just had a problem with my..roommate, is all."

NikkoGallarado 12-02-2013 03:22 PM

Slightly tilting his head some he looked the other over trying to read him but was getting very far in that process. He smiled softly gave a small wave of his hand. "No, no it's okay really I got it any how. Roommate troubles? I haven't heard something like that in a real long time. I wont pry, but please enjoy your drink." as he couldn't help but smirk some at the flush color cross the others face.

I am the manry-est of men!

TannerSaunders 12-02-2013 03:39 PM

Tanner didn't really know what else to do but nod and lift the drink up to his mouth, blowing on it some. Closing his grey eyes he let the smell drift up his nose. Hot Chocolate, always soothes a broken heart. Tanner frowned some at his thoughts. "I know, it sounds kind of weird really.." The urge to cry was strong. "Its nothing new though..we fight all the time and it usually ends with me walking out., yeah..thanks again." He bit his lip and went to sit down at a table near the window.

NikkoGallarado 12-02-2013 03:48 PM

The brown haired male nodded some as he turned walked away heading back to his part of the little cafe picking up his book as he picked up his tea cup, taking a drink noting it was cold. He wrinkled his nose some as he was about to ask for another pot, the girl behind the counter took the old one and placed down a new one. "Here you are Mr. Gallarado, enjoy~" she smiled at him headed back into the back.

Nikko chuckled some as he watched her, taking the marker out of his book to continue reading it.

I am the manry-est of men!

TannerSaunders 12-02-2013 03:56 PM

Gazing out the window and watching people walk by was something Tanner did often, but today was different. He'd never been to this little shop. Only passing it by on his way to Riley's. His eyes couldn't help but stray to the man sitting at his own table, reading. The way his nose had wrinkled when he realized something was wrong with his cup. A girl came over to refill it.
"Gallarado.." Tanner said softly to himself, hearing what the girl called him. That was an interesting last name. Thinking about it for a moment, he realized he didn't know his first name. Biting his lip he took a sip from his cup, looking down at the chocolate that moved inside of it as he sat it down. Tanner wasn't good with small talk, nor actually keeping up a conversation. Should he talk to him?

NikkoGallarado 12-02-2013 04:08 PM

Nikko was well known in this area for his trouble some twins Ace and Demetri. But also for the mystery that lie around him and his kin. It was not normal that mythical beings would even show what they are let alone show what breed they where. It took the small area to get over the fact that Nikko, allowed the ears and tail to show his two son hardly did it. But another one was like him it was younger male who would be seen with him from time to time.

The older male felt as if he was being watched as he shifted his gaze up to look from the book that was before him. Though he didn't dare to turn look to the other, who was looking at him. But it made him wonder what the youth wanted from him.

I am the manry-est of men!

TannerSaunders 12-02-2013 04:18 PM

Getting up and disposing of his empty cup, the sandy haired teen took in a big breath as he made his way over to the others table, "Sorry if I am disturbing you you come here to this place often? I mean. I've never been here other than today but..I was curious?" He asked, trying hard not to show how nervous he was. He wanted to be able to repay the man the next time he saw him.

NikkoGallarado 12-02-2013 04:29 PM

Moving the book down some as he placed his finger between the pages set it on his lap. "No, I'm fine, I should be asking you if you are fine." he smirked a little leaning back in his seat. "I am here a bit, through out the week. You can find me here in this spot." as he was wondering what the youth was getting at. "How rude of me, I never told you my name. Nikko, Nikko Gallarado." as he bowed his head some.

I am the manry-est of men!

TannerSaunders 12-02-2013 04:54 PM

Why did he have to ask that? Was it that obvious that he wanted to go home and beat the crap out of his ex? He gave Nikko a little smile. “I'm fine...really..” He whispered, “Thank you N-Nikko.” Did he really just stutter? “My names Tanner..Tanner Vetris.” Tanner held out his hand for him to shake, not really sure if he would. “I just wanted to know for the fact that I wanted to be able to repay you for today the next time I come here.” If he did. There was no telling what would happen the next day. Usually it involved Riley begging on his knees. If he refused. Well, that involved Riley to throw fit and drag him back home till they settled things.

NikkoGallarado 12-02-2013 05:04 PM

He lifted his hand up waved a little. "No your fine really, no need to worry." as he saw the others hand, he reached out to give him a shake. "I think you should head off and do what you need to do and fix thinks with your friend." as he let go of Tanner's hand. "You don't have to repay me, you look like the kind of person who shows up in a place once or perhaps twice then not really return. So don't worry about, think of it a treat."

I am the manry-est of men!

TannerSaunders 12-02-2013 05:21 PM

When Nikko released Tanner's hand, the teen just looked at it. Did he really seem like that kind of person? It wasn't that he meant for it to be that way. “I don't think that we'll be kissing and making up for a while.” He blushed, realizing what he had just said.
“In all honesty, I would much rather forget him for a while. But, Mr. Gallarado, I would like to do something for you..I don't want to be like the type of person that you say.”

NikkoGallarado 12-02-2013 05:54 PM

Nikko picked up the marker placed it back into his book as he set it off to the side. "Are you sure? He sounds like an important person to you, I think it would be wise to go back and make up don't you think?" as he rested his head upon his hand. Watching Tanner still amused at how easy the other blushed, in many ways it remind him of him self in his much younger years. "Why forget?" he asked as he listened on. "You don't have to do anything for me really, no need to, I ask for nothing in turn. People are people, who you are what I say dose not define who you are does it?"

I am the manry-est of men!

TannerSaunders 12-02-2013 06:11 PM

"Why? He'll just end up hurting me again..." and again. He slowly pulled out a chair, looking to Nikko to make sure it was alright that he sat their. "I see what your saying. I am that sort of person, Mr. Gallarado. I didn't use to be though." Tanner messed with his sleeve, a sigh leaving his lips. "I have always been the person to return generosity to others..." He couldn't help but look into Nikko's different colored eyes. One purple, the other Hazel. Beautiful. Quickly he looked away.

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