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DarkForbidden-Love 09-18-2011 02:01 PM

Fading Realms
This is the quick reference pages:

Main Characters:

Played by Littl3Chocobo
dream gen; nonspecified
dream name; ten
age; 20
dream age; not specified under 25 over 15
dsc; olive skin auburn hair over the 6ft mark, avi is a ref though non-dream eyes are black not white and hair is waist-lenghth not knee
orientation; monosexul meaning you can try but he only gets set once
history: a retro-gamer with a penchant for hfood history and fancy/wild dress, he likes to cook even though you should not eat any of it and he likes to make obscure referneces

Names: Normal:Risa Kandi Dream: Hera DeLuca
Played by DarkForbidden_Love
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Decription: Both Risa and Hera have dark brown hair, and mismatched eyes. Risa's eyes are silver and yellow while Hera's eyes are purple and blue. Risa is a tan color while Hera is pale.
Orintation: Pansexual Leisbian
Brief History: Risa is one of of a set of twins and is the youngest. She believes heself to be worthless because her sister got more attention. Her parents love her but she is clouded by jealousy.
Hera is a kind orphan who never knew her parents. Hera has a love for any living thing but will take a life in exchange for her own. She loves running and being chased.

Played by Funkduder
Name- Jon Howard
Appearance-Male, slick, short hair. Well trimmed. White. ~27 years of age. small specks of white hair on both sides of his hair.
Personality- Professional, Ambitious, and Shrewd.
History- Although born into a wealthy family, Johnathan Xavier Howard, lived greedily, masking his original nature to hunger for power. His parents were abusive, forcing him to live on his own at times in order to "prepare him for the future". He grew mentally unstable from the treatment, but not without result. He learned to swindle, bargain, and persuade people towards his cause, leading to the climatic usurping of his parents business... They officially died in a building accident during a "remodel" of their estate.

Name- Noj`ek, Xin-Nathaniel
Appearance-Male, Asian/American half-breed, 18 years of age, untrimmed curly brown hair
Personality- Serene, optimistic, and relaxed
History- "He is as the wind," people would say. A wanderer of many trades. Anyone who has met him has found great hope in the wisdom of his age. He is always quick to give a lending hand, preferring non-violence if possible. He was only known to have gotten angry once, and all those who heard the story had either died, forgotten, or simply had not believed the effect of his anger. Those who successfully seek him out will find him drinking tea, ceremoniously.

Played by Rose
Names: Isadora Williams (also known as Izzy to close friends)
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Description: About 5'5 with long dark brown hair. She commonly has it pulled back into a neat yet loose pony tail that covers her ears. Her eyes are a dark blue and her skin is a dark peach color, until the winter when her skin seems to take on being a pale white. Her build is slender but she's hardly graceful. She also wears glasses to assist her 20/18 vision with being near sighted.
Orintation: Straight
Brief History: She lives a hectic life and always has. Now she finds herself with over 15 credit hours in college and trying to balance out her job and have a social life all at the same time while taking care of her three cats. She's never had it easy coming from a run down farming community she moved to the city in hopes to find a way to do more with her life. Well she found it.. so to speak.

Names: Vyri Spirol
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Description: Stands at about 5'3 with a odd hair color being grass green. Commonly has it pulled back minus the clumps she lets hang in the front to the sides of her face that she keeps tied at the bottom with bands and beads. Her eyes are a soft blue and her skin color is a dark tan. Her body is lean and nimble, movement hardly requires any thought process.
Orintation: Unknown
Brief History: She hails from one of the less explored regions of the world, staying mostly with her tribe and passing day by day with no worries aside from where the next hunt will lead her. She's a expert with a bow and close ranged small weapons such as daggers. Her people are known to have a quick temper and are hardly afraid to show when they disagree with something let alone defend themselves if it comes to it.

Chacter played by Espy:
Name: Gene Byrne
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Description: 5'5". A young man buried in his research in college. Not many people have seen him without his rimmed glasses, without which he actually isn't too bad. He has unkempt light-ish brown hair and a penchant for veering off into scientific terms and hypotheses.
Orientation: Straight
Brief History: Coming from a well-off family, Gene is shadowed by his three older siblings, yet pampered and protected to the point that he doesn't go outside much besides for school. However, unconciously, he wishes he could be more, and unbeknownst to him spends the nights dreaming dreams that are forgotten by morning to be replaced by theses for his various science courses.

Name: Kien Faolchú
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Description: 6'2". A lean, spear-wielding man who rarely talks to people he doesn't know well. Under his cold exterior, he's actually quite mischievous, tossing innuendos that most miss. Most of the time, the bangs of his gray-streaked black hair are slicked back, but the thin ornamented tail shows how long he has kept it. Besides his spear, which is more often than not folded and stowed, a large knife is strapped onto his back, making him more menacing than he had intended to be.
Orientation: Bisexual
Brief History: Not able to remember the name given to him by his parents after a trauma that partially grayed his hair, he took what the others dubbed him, only finding out much later the meaning. His memory returned after the temporary amnesia, but he had already gotten used to "Kien", and either way didn't want to be associated with his family, though not for antagonizing reasons.

Names: Aaron Hustler(reality), Zeph Tulma (dream)\
Played by Kalei
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Description: both Aaron and Zeph are on the short side, and have brown hair and light green eyes. Aaron’s hair is cut very short and neat, while Zeph’s is longer and more messy. Skin is tan.
Orientation: Straight (reality), Bi (dream)
Brief History: Aaron is from a strict but supportive military Family. Carrying on the tradition, he joins the armed forces. So far he is content with the life he chose. Zeph has been raised by his Aunt, for various reasons. He is working a dead-end job to save up for school. He usually keeps up a upbeat attitude.

Played by Poggio:
Name: Rococo
Age: Unknown but looks around 16
Gender: Male
Description: He stands at about 5'3, with wavy dark red hair. It stops just before his shoulders and he usually likes to keep it tied up with a ribbon. His skin is caramel colored with blotches of scorch marks that are usually hidden by his attire.
Orientation: unknown, has not been romantically involved.
Brief History: This is hard. Rococo's origins are some what ambiguous ( Meaning I will be more descriptive about them as time goes by. ) For now we shall say that the boy. Once learned from a master and is now a journey man

Names: Viridian
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Description: He stands around 6'2 and is a mulatto with freckles and a small auburn curly bushy hair usually found under a beanie. He also has a braided goatee and sideburns that curve into his beard. Viridian is the owner of numbers graphic t-shirts which are hidden beneath a paint covered over washed blue button up, and jeans. He is often seen listening to his ipod with large headphones on and a pencil and sketch book in hand.
Orientation: unknown, has not been romantically involved.
Brief History: Viridian is a graffiti artist who poses as a printmaking major during the day.

DarkForbidden-Love 09-18-2011 02:03 PM

Smaller Parts: Hokan-Jin: Plays as one time character who will most likly die.
Mr. & Mrs. Kandi- Hokan-jin
Jane Clayne- Hokan-jin
Tali: Played usually by DarkForbidden-Love, twin sister of Risa.

DarkForbidden-Love 09-18-2011 02:08 PM

(And now the RP starts.)

Risa cursed under her breath, she was late for practice again. She had promised her twin, Tali, that she would make it one tiem for once. She just hopen Tali would understand that mom and dad had left her without means to get from the studio to the courts.

Hera laughed at the merchants failed attempts at catching her. She had been living on the streets forever, so this was not the first time she had been noticed stealing but the trill of being seen and chased had never left her. She cafefully weaved around the arms attempting to catch her and punish her for stealing.

Funkduder 09-18-2011 02:27 PM

(I'll only post using one character at a time or make a noticeable split when referencing different realms.)
Xin sat in the large tree which stretched over the majority of the merchant's square. The crowds below, dressed in a variety of different clothing styles, haggled prices in a loud, but cheerful way. It was almost as though the act of bargaining had made an impression on the crowds.
Around the dark alleys that received the full shade of the large tree, a ragged individual ran with energy that made him feel years older than he actually was, mentally and physically. Taking a final sip to finish his tea, he dried the mug with a flick of his hand, spinning it so that the drops of tea would not remain. Catching it, he placed it into his wooden pack and jumped from the tree towards the building down below.
It wasn't a bad landing, but his clog snadals had shrunk an inch due to the impact and he had to take a moment before taking another step towards the alleyway where he saw the girl. He was curious. The girl ran almost as fast as he does now, giving him the impression that a good chase was about to occur.

DarkForbidden-Love 09-18-2011 02:37 PM

Risa skidded to a halt at the court entrance. Tali and her team were there practicing basketball for the tornament this weekend. "Hey," she shouted, "I'll play defense."
Tali grinned, "I'll play offense. It's a instant death game, Risa, still want to play?" Of course Risa still wanted to play.

Hera heard someone land behind her. She assumed due to the sound it had made upon landing that it was actually male. She felt her grin grow, she knew this would be a good chase. She stole a glance over her should and shouted, "Catch me if you can!" It was childish and imature, she knew but if the oponent understimated her all the better.

Rosekitten 09-18-2011 03:18 PM

Vyri was in the river as she stood there silently almost breathlessly.. she seemed to be waiting for something. There as she suddenly seemed to come to life as she slammed the spear she had in her hand downwards into the water. Pulling the spear back from the water she smiled happily at her catch seeing as she had speared two this time. Wading back to the river bank she pulled the two fish from her weapon and put them into a basket that had been sitting there. Closing it she quickly took the straps on it's side and placed them over her shoulders to hold the basket on her back.

She seemed to be headed back to where she lived by this time, he life seemed peaceful enough no one ever ventured this far... such a life was dreamed of by many or told about in fantasy books. Living off of the land with no reports of crime or pollution.

Isadora was rushing out of the door with a piece of toast in her mouth un-buttered a she fumbled with her bag and her keys trying to lock the door. 'shoot shoot shoot!' she thought to herself as she took a hand and moved the toast so she could take another bite and hold onto it at the same time. Once her door was locked she rushed down the one set of stairs and out of the door all the while shoving her keys back into her bag and trying to finish her meal.

She tried avoiding bumping into anyone in the middle of her rush as she walked and tried to keep her balance in heels. She was hardly what you would call graceful in fact at the moment she probably looked like a mess, her hair was coming out of her ponytail and her glasses were half off of her nose as she kept with her speed walk.. almost to the point of running.

Funkduder 09-18-2011 03:27 PM

Nathan smiled as the girl ran off. Although he saw her stealing, he had no intention to turn her in. He ran as though running with her, not attempting to call for help or even ask her to stop running. It was a simple chase to test the worth of a person, and had the circumstances been different, he would say that-

"It would be a competition worthy of note, and paying attention to it will lead the success of the company," Jon concluded. His sleepy crew looked at him with eyes of disbelief. Everyone knew about the business of energy but no one in their right mind would try to produce energy the way he had tried to convince them to.

"Sir, do you even know what you are attempting?"

"Yes, I do. People who exercise will waste energy as long as the energy they use goes to nothing. There will be good conditions, and they won't even know what they're creating something out of it."

"But sir-"

"Unless this is a legitimate concern, I don't want to hear anymore of this. Five minute coffee break, and then we can put the idea to vote. Agreed?"

The crew member paused for a bit, looking down at his empty mug. "Agreed."
The room cleared out a bit more slowly than usual, as Jon pulled out his laptop, editing details of his other long-range plans at Howard Corporations.

DarkForbidden-Love 09-18-2011 03:54 PM

The game was long and brutal, with Tali's team winning. Risa looked at her watch after the first game and said, "Sorry, to come late and leave early, but I have to do a report on the Freelance society." She left the courts with a wave and, once everyone returned to the game, a sigh. She started to walk towards her home, a large estate at the edge of the city limits. Her parents would not be home for a while being out of town on business which ment she had time to burn. "Homework it is then." She muttered to herself and looked at the sky, "Sometimes I wish it would change."

Hera had always enjoyed running and when chased, her love for it only increased. Her pursuer was good, she would give him that. But she needed to lose him, it would not do to lead her pursuer to her tempory resting place. She took a sharp right then turned up a staircase to take this case to the rooftops. The roofs in this section of town where close enough together that one could step from one roof to another without any extra effort. Hera was grinning woundering if the one who chased her would take that risk.

Espy 09-18-2011 06:04 PM

Gene strode calmly through the neighborhood, his face buried in a book. College Physics, Stanton, Ed. 3. He flipped a page, and from the corner of his eye, watched as an acorn dropped to the ground a few feet away. Acceleration of...

...gravity, my ass! Kien thought as he thudded ungracefully into a trash mound. He was, or rather, had been, sitting on the edge of a rooftop, thinking to himself, when footsteps had startled him. But who the hell would be running on the roof?! He slipped quietly into the shadowed alleys, hiding himself from whoever it was.

littl3chocobo 09-18-2011 06:23 PM

he rolled over. dorian wondered if laying there for another hour counted as sleeping. he needed to have at least three to validate getting out of bed today

the run was unexpected, but not unusual. nathanial often did odd things but still. ten huffed trying to keep up and still remain unnoticed.

Funkduder 09-18-2011 08:06 PM

Jon gulped down the last of his coffee just as everyone returned looking a little more refreshed than before.

"Alright, then. Now that we're all refreshed, do you have any questions before we make the vote?"

One of the advisers raised his voice: "Why do we have to hide the fact that we're in the energy business?"

"Simply put, Steve, it's more profitable. If people understand that their energy is being harnessed and sold, then they'll want to be paid. In this way, it's easier for the company to make a profit.

"Now with that order of business complete, let's put this to vote. Say 'nay' to mean 'no' or say 'aye' to mean 'yes'."

Each one gave their vote and when Jon counted it off, he was contented.

"All in all-

"your not too bad for a runner," Nathaniel called as he turned the corner and followed the girl. However, as he was heading up the stairs a familiar silhouette shifted behind the corner, and he smiled. "It appears that you're not the only one being chased," he called again as he began to follow her by rooftop.

DarkForbidden-Love 09-18-2011 08:30 PM

Hera let out a carefree laugh. She was standing on the edge of one of her favorite houses with her stolen goods. "I know I'm not the only one being chased." Her smile was confident and cocky. "I also know I'm a good runner, street time does it to you." With that she stepped backwards off the roof and hit the garbage pile with a sound thump. Quickly scrambling up she disappeared into a throng of people who had passed by.

Risa arrived at the house she resided in and was surprised to here someone else about. Her first though was robber then she relized that security alerted her that an unidentified person was in the house. It was probably one of her parent's business friends who had stopped by to see the child her parents bragged about. Risa scampered up the stairs manging to avoid whoever was in the house and sat down on her bed. Pulling out her homework she started to do it mostly forgetting about the other person.

littl3chocobo 09-18-2011 08:31 PM

he sighed and looked over at the clock, 9:16...only two hours and 18 minutes, wait, 9:16? 'fuck!' he threw himself out of bed, he was going to be late, he quickly tossed himself over his bed into the pile of clothes spilling out of his closet, he was massively late. isadora you punk he thought to himself, aloud he finished the thought, 'how the heck can you be an hour late on a day like this?'

he was panting lightly and one of his sandles felt loose, the clasps in the back was the only thing holding the silver in place if he lost his shoe now he'd have to leave off the chase and never find out who the mystery girl was or why nathanial desided to chase her. he stumbled at the bottom of the stairs, he paused momentarily to reclasp his shoe and wait for the others to finish their descent, it would do no good to be caught

Espy 09-18-2011 08:45 PM

Hm...? Kien squinted for a moment, pressing himself up against the wall to hide himself from the passing crowd. His gaze fell on a girl. I've seen her before... She looked triumphant at...something. And he'd also seen her pickpocketing. From him. But she'd been too fast, even for Kien. He stepped a bit closer...

...and lashed out on arm, yanking her into the alley. One word: "Thief," he muttered, accusingly. He pointed to a cloth purse slung around her waist.

Rosekitten 09-18-2011 08:55 PM

As she ran she nearly stumbled right into some poor sole who had his head buried into a book. She stopped herself short and caught herself just in time before falling over. It was already taking most of her skill to run in heels let alone if she had to stop suddenly. The guy for the moment didn't seem to notice he nearly sidewalk kill. Going around him she looked over the door numbers before finding the one she was after and started beating the heck out of the door.

"dude please say your up! Get up I'm sorry we're gonna be late I didn't mean it!" She cried out still beating the door with her one free hand. "Please please say your up and getting dressed.. we have a test today and you know how they treat people who are late" She sighed heavily before half sliding down the door front trying to lean against it, though she quickly righted herself again. The guy she nearly run over probably noticed this odd site of a young woman beating on a door screaming for someone to get up let alone her dress was a little over the top.. but that was due to where she worked after her classes.

debating atm will edit post soonish for dream life

DarkForbidden-Love 09-18-2011 08:57 PM

Hera felt the hand wrap around her arm. She did not fight it but went along with it. When she was accused of being a thief she just smiled slighly. "Sorry, sir, you might be slightly confused." He was pointing to her sack of food for tonight. "This," she held her sack up, "Is for a companion of mine, back home." Hera sighed, "She has been quite sick for a while and the doctors said fresh fruit would help." She hoped her speach convinced the man who grabbed he that he had the wrong girl. "Who are you even, I do not believe I have seen thee around." That was a complete lie, it was the same guy she had snatched a purse from last week. "Now, sir," she stressed sir, "Would you please release my arm?"

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