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Ashley 06-24-2011 02:10 AM

just testing some stuff
Yeah I'm going to be testing things here~

Probably tomorrow.. when I'm not half asleep <.<

beta fish
anka set??
dark tech horns
maneki neko
land of the rising sun
phantom of trisphee
bunny nom-nom hat
kitty mew-mew ears
night time masque
rosey hat
tall monster hat
armor of the decayed x2
guise of souls x3
griffin plushie
nocturnalis harvest x3
faust's memento
falla's wish
jhona's sword
ariel's hammer
ariel's helm
gunner boots
gunner long boots
gunner coat x2
sash of allegiance
ascellus's jacket x2
the gate of decision
USB sword
feather folk
woodland archer
celestial werewolf
ursei x6
love letter
celestial sprite
irlandeza's blessing
looming nightmare x2
solar kingdom
pillow talk

20 runes
whisper wings

april showers

Ashley 06-24-2011 03:26 PM

Christmas in July

Hello and welcome to Christmas in July!
This is a charity/giveaway that will last for
the month of July. There will be contests,
games, and giveaways throughout the month.
I hope that you'll stick around to chat and join
in on the fun!

Ashley 06-24-2011 03:46 PM


1. Have fun
2. Follow all site rules
3. No using a mule to get an extra chance in the raffle

Ashley 06-24-2011 03:48 PM

Pick a Number!

Ok, so the way this game works is that I'll randomly post Pick a number! and this image in the thread. The first person who quotes me with either 1, 2, or 3 gets to play. After someone has quoted me with a number I will then tell them which of the two remaining numbers is not the number with the best prize. I will then give them the option of swapping the number they originally picked with the other(the other unknown one, not the one that I told them has a small prize). If they don't swap then they will get the prize associated with that number and if they do swap then they'll get the prize associated with the number that they swapped to.

Now two of the numbers will have a cheap shop item. One of them will have something such as aurum or a donation item. The goal is for you to try and get the aurum or donation item. It's a game based on luck and probability.

Ashley 06-24-2011 03:50 PM


So you're probably wondering how you can be entered in this raffle. Well, it's quite simple really. All you need to do is comment or PM me saying "I'd like to be entered in the raffle please". It's best if you comment/PM me since it might get lost if you post it in the thread or such. Everyone who asks will get one entry. It just goes in order, you do not get to pick your own number. Do not use mules to get extra entries. The winners will be chosen via a random number generator. I will post screenshots of this so that you know I didn't just pick the numbers that I wanted. There will be three winners. The first winner will get bakeneko + kitsune + USB sword + ascellus's jacket + whisper wings. The second winner will get a ursei and a fictatsu. The third winner will get a ursei. This will end at 12AM EST on August 1st.

Ashley 06-24-2011 04:23 PM

Quote Me

Ok, this is a pretty simple game. I'll randomly post a lollipop and the first person who quotes it gets points. A pink lollipop is worth one point. A purple lollipop is worth two points. A blue lollipop is worth three points. The three people with the most points at the end will win prizes. First place will win dark tech horns + ursei + looming nightmare. Second place will win kamishimo and love letter. Third place will win celestial werewolf and phantom of trisphee. Prizes will be awarded at 12AM EST on August 1st.

Ashley 06-24-2011 09:46 PM

Other Games
These are smaller games that will be played sporadically throughout the month. Their prizes will mostly be decided on a game to game basis.

What's That Movie?
Sometimes I'll post an image from a movie. The first person to guess the movie wins a prize.

Guess The Number
Sometimes I'll say guess a number 1-15 for 500au. Pretty much whoever guesses right first wins 500au.

Page Prizes
The amount of aurum is based on the page number multiplied by ten.
First post page 10- 100au
Fourth post page 25- 250au
Seventh post page 50- 500au
Third post page 100- 1k

Ashley 06-24-2011 10:12 PM

Anka Auction

I'm going to be auctioning an anka set. The auction will last from July 1st to July 31st(technically August 1st for me. It will end at 12am EST August 1st). The anka set will be sold to whoever has the highest bid at that time. Now, you're probably wondering what the catch is. Well, it's only for people who do not already own an anka set. If I find out that you do have one and you've been offering then I will not be a happy camper. Now, how it will work is simple. The people offering will not be able to offer more than 50au over the previous bid. So, for example, if the previous bidder offered 10au then you cannot make an offer over 60au. There is no minimum amount more that you have to offer though. You can offer 1au higher if you wish. The auction will not be taking place in this thread. I will be making a thread in the merchant square forum for it.

Link to auction thread: -not up yet-

Ashley 06-24-2011 10:17 PM


Ashley 06-24-2011 10:59 PM

Game Winners

Ashley 06-25-2011 07:09 PM

Might as well start getting this ready...

Anka Auction

Hello everyone, welcome to my auction of the anka set. This is part of my Christmas in July thread, but you don't have to be involved in it or anything to offer.

A quote from the thread to give some insight on the auction:


I'm going to be auctioning an anka set. The auction will last from July 1st to July 31st(technically August 1st for me. It will end at 12am EST August 1st). The anka set will be sold to whoever has the highest bid at that time. Now, you're probably wondering what the catch is. Well, it's only for people who do not already own an anka set. If I find out that you do have one and you've been offering then I will not be a happy camper. Now, how it will work is simple. The people offering will not be able to offer more than 50au over the previous bid. So, for example, if the previous bidder offered 10au then you cannot make an offer over 60au. There is no minimum amount more that you have to offer though. You can offer 1au higher if you wish. The auction will not be taking place in this thread. I will be making a thread in the merchant square forum for it.
High Bid: None

Ashley 06-25-2011 07:13 PM

nvm not need

Ashley 06-27-2011 06:32 PM

What's That Movie?
Ok, so every now and then I'll post a few pictures from movies. The point of the game is to identify what movie the picture is from. PM all answers to me. Each movie that you identify is worth one point. After a certain amount of time(determined at the beginning of each round) the round will end. At 12am EST August 1st prizes will be awarded to the three people with the most points. First place will get xinnian + ursei + solar kingdom. Second place will get ursei + pillow talk + 1k. Third place will get maneki neko and land of the rising sun.

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