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Judas 07-28-2011 02:25 PM

Magical Era - Judas&Yok
Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry is opened up to students who have been choosen to attend the school.

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Page 13

Yokuutsu 07-28-2011 02:38 PM

Transfer students are very rare in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In fact, there hasn't been one in at least half a century which is understandable considering that at the time students were turning into stone and one was killed. Who would transfer to there after that? But that threat is no longer present in the school and so, one person is willing/stupid enough to transfer from their school to Hogwarts. Good luck with that.

Vincent is the one who is willing to transfer. He was originally a student in America's Salem school....which is predominantly females like the school in France which is part of his reason, once he found out he could, for transferring to Hogwarts. There are some differences between the schools, such as the American school doesn't use wands and as're in school for a lot longer learning to control the magic without something to channel it through.

He's not a scrawny little boy, he's a bit squishy in place. He has light brown hair that's currently tied back, and yellow/amber eyes. He's currently doing the fun thing of wander around the castle and get lost! Maybe he'll find his way back....someday.....or maybe not.

Judas 07-28-2011 03:10 PM

Hogwarts, a relatively large school in the middle of a forested area in North Scotland, the school, built over seven hundred years ago is one of the biggest in a european state, but has only ever received students from island of Ireland, Isle of Man, Wales, Scotland and England. Hogwarts has gone through a number of horrific events in its life-time. But even with the effects people still attended the matter what.
Alexander is one of those students, being born in a small Viking village on the west coast of the island, he was suggested to attend the local witchcraft college located on a abandoned island but he had gone to Hogwarts instead.
He had witnessed the second Wizarding War take place while attending his first year and witnessed everything else that happened afterwords. He is now attending his sixth year of Hogwarts. Alexander was a tall male, having a long head of hair, a curse placed on him as a child makes his hair change to his mood, which at the moment was brown, telling he was calm. His skin was normal coloured but looked slightly pale, his body build was small but he had some muscle.

Alexander was currently in an old abandoned classroom, the door was wide open, Alexander was leaning against an old crumbled desk, waving his wand slightly in the air, repeating the word "Incendio" , his wand was facing a hanging object that held several tall candles, he wanted to lighten up the place and Incendio produces fire.

Yokuutsu 07-28-2011 03:22 PM

Vincent does, in fact, have a wand due to it being one of the requirements of the school. Since they teach no other way, he had to get one. In a way he prefers the American way, but he also knows that this is probably a safer way to do things. It, hopefully, can't do as much damage when something goes wrong compared to the America way.

And during his exploration of the school, he hears something coming from a classroom. As a person who doesn't exercise caution when he's alone, he has to check it out. So he sees the other person around trying to do....something. "Uh....what're you trying to do over there?" He knows nothing about wand type magic. He never had to learn, but soon enough he will be.

Judas 07-28-2011 03:34 PM

As Alex lights the candles and unawarely burns alive several insects like lighting the candles he hears a new voice, looking over he spotted a very unfamiliar face, the question that he asked made Alex laugh slightly before he placed his wand into his other hand, the accent was different from other student accents...he must be a tranferr student.
" I'm using the Incendio spell to light the candles...this room hasn't been used since the year of the Second Wizarding War..." Alex told him as he recalled during Potion Class that a Demonater attacked the students when the school was attacked.
After a second he turned back to hanging object and pointed his wand at it before saying "Lumos"and than a stream of light flung out of it. He could see the candles beginning to light and the burnt insects, "Nox" He said then the stream of light cancelled itself.

Alexander turned to the other male, "I'm guessing your a transferr student? " Alex asked as he twiddled with his wand,

Yokuutsu 07-28-2011 03:42 PM

"Well..didn't know that one." Vincent know....a spell or two....maybe....possibly. Which means he's going to be completely lost when classes start. America did the same thing in the Second Wizarding War that it did in WWII...sit back and leave everything alone. It's the you leave us alone and we leave you alone method....except it sort of worked this time, but not due to the fact that Voldemort would've never turned his sights to America. "Yeah....I'm a transfer student....and I don't understand why people use wands..." The last part is mumbled a bit. Why don't they teach both in places? They both have their uses obviously. It's easier to aim with a wand, but there are words to know to go with it.

Judas 07-28-2011 04:17 PM

Alexander stared at the other for a moment, he had heard the mumble, Alexander sighed slightly he got a little bit angry now, you could tell from his hair quickly changing its colour to a soft red, " We use wands for control...but some spells can be used without a wand...but they are heavily in decline and hardly anyone in Magical Europe knows how to do magic without a wand..." Alexander explained to the male as his hair began to return to his blueish colour.
Alexander got off of the desk, a small creak could be heard before the entire desk collasped before his eyes. Alex sighed before pointing his wand at the pile of rubble, "Reparo..." he said as the pieces of rubble connected together and formed the desk again. "I'm Alexander Raven...of about you?" He asked

Yokuutsu 07-28-2011 04:29 PM

Vincent doesn't have anything against wands except a preference even though some in America do have things against it. Only because they see having to use a future generations having less self control...and that their magic may be getting weaker due to needing an instrument to focus the magic to be strong enough. Which Vincent doesn't buy into that really.

He just lifts an eyebrow at the hair changing colors things. "You have interesting hair by the way." He hasn't seen anyone whose hair could change colors like that....but maybe he's just oblivious. "I'm Vincent Campbell....we also don't have.....houses? in America.." He shrugs a bit. He knows they have this competition thing with the houses. It's just a random comment about a difference. "But this school is bigger." So maybe there needs to be a bit more separation.

Judas 07-28-2011 04:53 PM

Alex looked at the other, raising his eyebrow for a second before chuckling, " I have a condition called Metamorphmagus...I can basically change my appearance...but only hair at this moment..." Alex told the male with a smile before hearing the other's name, "Please to meet you Vincent..." Alex said with a smile before looking around. Alex placed his wand away, in the legging part of his boots before looking at Vincent.

[[Bad post]]

Yokuutsu 07-28-2011 05:04 PM

"Still makes for interesting hair." It's only the truth. A lot of abilities are rare in America, but there are many of them. Many rare abilities and mixes of races due to the way America is. It's for those who want to get away from the persecution that their races may be facing...though some are hard to hide from muggle eyes. "Nice to meet you....soooo.....where are we exactly?" He chuckles a bit. He was just kind of wandering around hoping that he wouldn't get lost.....or find someone who would help him get unlost.

Judas 07-28-2011 05:15 PM

Alexander looked at Vincent for a moment before chuckling slightly at him. The hair thing may be interesting for Vincent but it was slightly annoying for Alex, his hair changed colour depending on his mood, which wasn't the bed thing to have when you are trying to hide just ends up being a royal pain.
When Vincent asked where they were Alex chuckled slightly before speaking, " This is the fifth floor corridor...also known as Abandoned Walkway..." Alex told Vincent as he looked at him, "Want me to take you to a more populated place?" He offered.

Yokuutsu 07-28-2011 05:21 PM

Vincent doesn't know that part to the hair thing so he doesn't see the annoyance. He thinks it would be pretty cool to change hair color like that, but he's biased a bit. But it changing due to moods can be a good thing if someone knows and is kind of oblivious to subtle clues. Then they won't mess up and all so much. "Aaaaaand...why is this the abandoned walkway?" He's hoping it isn't some horribly story or something. He doens't need nightmares. "Ah...yeah...more populated would be nice..." The castle is creepy in these abandoned walkways, but he also guesses that the Salem school also has its creepy parts too.

Judas 07-28-2011 05:29 PM

Alex looked at the other for a few seconds, chuckling slightly before speaking, " It is abandoned because this is where the Great Fire Of Hogwarts started during the war...some blaze..." Alex explained to the male with a smile, before he went and led the other out of the classroom and into the corridor, even the glass windows were broken. Alex looked to his left and to his right before he began to walk towards a dead end...but at the dead end was a painting, a painting of Nymphadora Tonks, a deceased member of the Order of the phoniex.When they get to the portrait Alex said " Acieo Incendio ", that was the password which opened the portrait up to show a busy corridor. "Populated area here we are..." he said with a chuckle.

Yokuutsu 07-28-2011 05:36 PM

"We don't focus much on history or current events really." They're essentially isolated in America being taught things to keep their version of magic alive in the world. "And since he never acted against America...." He shrugs a bit. "He wasn't talked about or anything..." Except those who left Europe to escape from him. "That's cheating." He didn't end up coming down there from the painting. "That doesn't count." He snorts a bit. "Our more....flat..." Like there are buildings with not as many floors. Kind of like a university campus. Everything is sectioned off into their building.

Judas 07-28-2011 05:45 PM

Alex chuckled slightly as he listened to Vincent, " Everyone takes Portrait Routes once in a while..." He said to him before he heard a large bell noise come from the ceiling, it was the new bell tower announcing dinner was about to begin. Alex smiled before looking at Vincent, " It is dinner time...time to head to the great hall..." Alex said as he turned towards two gigantic doors and walked into a large room, four long tables, Alex sectioned off onto his table.

Yokuutsu 07-28-2011 06:08 PM

"It's still cheating." Vincent is smiling a bit and chuckles a bit. He just looks up at the bell. "Well, you just answered the question I was thinking of." His stomach gurgles. There is a bit of a time difference between the two countries which means his eating schedule has been all messed up now. He just follows Alex and sits next to him, looking around at all the people. "There's a lot of students here...." Salem is a lot smaller than this school apparently. A hell of a lot smaller.

(It friggin logged me out D: )

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