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Trakadon 03-26-2012 12:24 AM

[M] Street Skulls
~Street Skulls Roleplay~

Check the OOC for for all the rules, setting, plot, character details, and Profile information.

~Roleplay open~

Trakadon 03-26-2012 01:12 AM

It was morning and Roland was sitting at his favorite table outside of an old run down café in the old Tokyo district which was run by an elderly couple who had been constantly victimized by some random wannabe thugs. He had helped them and got rid of the punks and ever sense then he has always come here for breakfast. The food wasn't bad and the coffee was instant but he enjoyed this morning routine before heading to the precinct.
Roland relaxed in his seat with a cigarette in his mouth, occasionally blowing smoke out from the side of his mouth. Though as time passed and several cigarettes later, Roland decided it was time to head out.
"Thanks for the food and coffee granny. I'll leave the money on the table as usual." And with a final wave, Roland started his walk towards the precinct. He was always told that he could eat at the café for free but he was more comfortable with just paying them.

The precinct was located in the center of the old Tokyo district along side with the Hunter headquarters. Roland never liked the idea of the Hunters. He knew that the law was different in the Old section of the city but the Hunters only made things worse. Even so, Roland never spoke out about these things. It was already obvious to everyone that lived in this district so it wasn't necessary to speak the obvious.

Straywolf 03-26-2012 01:33 AM

As the taxi rolls up in front of an apartment complex in Old Tokyo, Makoto reaches for her wallet and picks out a few yen for the fare. As the taxi stops, she hands the driver the money. Arigatou Gozaimasu. (Thank You) The driver accepts the money, and opens the trunk. Makoto walks to the back and takes out a large, metal suitcase filled with her equipment, and closes the trunk.

The taxi drives away, and Makoto examines her environment. Damn, what happened to this place while I was abroad? she thinks to herself as she walks into the apartment complex. I should probably head to the Skull Hunters headquarters after I set up shop. Makoto takes out a key from her pocket, unlocks the apartment door, and walks into the room. Examining the room, she lets out a sigh. "This will do...for now."

Espy 03-26-2012 01:56 AM


Being a Ryuujin was both the best and worst part of...well, being a Ryuujin. The good part was that people didn't bother much about attacking you. At least the smarter ones didn't. The naive idiots were a different issue. Think if they teamed up, they could beat me, mused Kyd, only half-lucid and completely hung over from the night before.

It wasn't his fault there were purple bodies strewn across the streets of Tokyo. Oh no. Not this time. And the binge drinking had only been to commemorate his most recent newbie-offing.

I'll only get this wasted just this one last time, he thought, a promise to himself that even he wasn't sure how many times he'd broken. He was completely vulnerable in this state, or at least the most vulnerable he'd ever be.

Bodies do their job quite well, though, scaring off potential hired guns and more naive idiots. It was common knowledge among the Skulls.

Aaaauuuuuuuugh. Kyd leaned over the edge of his hammock (he'd strung it securely across the stage of an abandoned theater) and spewed last night's dinner over the floor.

...Fabulous. More food for the dogs, I guess. He forced himself up and monkied across the rafters, feet dangling, to the rickety ladder that had been left from decades ago, then gathered the syringes firmly lodged in First Class Seating A13 and slipped out the back door.

NikkoGallarado 03-26-2012 01:34 PM

Vincent sat smiling head tilted to the side just watching the small animal in the tank try to hide from his view, it was another day with nothing new but just random out and abouts for the gangs. In away being a Ryuujin here was not so bad very different from what he was used to in London but went along with it, nor really caring much on how others feel, maybe her.

Reaching to the tank his long fingers brushed against the back of the lightly colored ball python that laid in one corner of the tank. "You seem bored Aya. . ." muttering to him self some then picked the snake up out of the glass thank letting slither around his finger then just rest and sit. "Hmm. . . I wonder where everyone is today?" he asked finally looking up not seeing any one or even her, the smile faded as a frown grew across his face.


Zaki leaned back in his seat, tabbing the table with his finger trying to see what was wrong with the new item that was asked to be made. One bright green looked it over again, for the third time, he was asked to make some kind of skates that could go over shallow pools of water that should have been a cake walk but something was not working in the youths favor. Letting out a groan he headdesk, slowly but surely a headache would soon start form if he can't figure it out soon.

"It possibly be the wiring, that's all fine can it be something else? Arg I can't think, I going to get some food." thinking to him self pushing away from the desk getting up to go and grab a meal to help him get a better idea of what could be wrong with the item he is trying to build.


Sitting outside a smiled across her face, legs hung off the bridge where Ashton sat her purple white hair danced in the wind as she sung a song to her self.
Saita no no hana yo
Aa douka oshiete o-kure
Hito wa naze kizutsukeatte
Arasou no deshou
(Oh the wildflowers that bloomed
Ah, please tell me
Why do people fight
Hurting one another?)

This was something Ashton did often when alone when no one was around. The melody was something she had heard along with the lyrics but could never tell who had sung the song. But it was a nice day, so thoughts like that would be far from her mind, Watching the world move and people of this city and how they all live.

Still smiling watching people move past one another her eyes lit up seeing someone leave from there holds.

Moonless Midnight 03-26-2012 07:47 PM

Jubeii walked down one of the many halls of an abandoned building; it was one of the hangouts of the Vamps. The building was old and a bit dirty here and there but was over all in good condition. Her footsteps echoed around her as she headed to the elevator. It's really quiet today. I hope it stays that way; I don't want to have to bother with idiots right now. The upside of being a Ryuujin was that most people avoided fights with you; if they were smart that is. After riding the elevator Jubeii exited the building and headed in the direction of the precinct. "Wonder how the cops are fairing today" she said with a grin; though no one would have noticed with her scarf on. It's always a good idea to keep an eye on the cops and hunters.

Reyoki 03-26-2012 07:52 PM

Maki's brows furrowed as she wandered the filthy streets of Old Tokyo. It wasn't a secret that there were people hunting the Skull Gangs, but she was rather sure that some of the newer members of the Flame Skulls had gone missing because of the new 'elite units' that were prowling around. While she also knew that the Flame Skulls were very powerful in battle, their fighting styles also made them rather easy to identify.

She kicked an oil drum that was half-full with trash and sent it flying down the alley she's been walking, the metal making a terrible racket. Some cats scampered away from the noise, and some thugs down the alley ran off when they saw the Flame Ryuujin approaching. "That's right," she muttered darkly to no one in particular, "Run, ya little maggots. I'll see you all burn in the fiery pit of oblivion."

Espy 03-26-2012 08:05 PM


Hayate crouched on the edge of a building, high above the streets and coincidentally above his Ryuujin.

Aww. The cats. He had been feeding them the night before, but no matter the disturbance, he knew they'd always come back. It wasn't the first time he'd fed them.

Not that he had much to spare, he thought as his stomach gave a low rumble. He pulled back sharply. Angry Kitty, Angry Kitty~ he hummed under his breath. Maki clearly wasn't in a good mood, and Hayate made it a point to get out of her range when the Ryuujin's face fell. He wasn't looking for a fight; neither did he quite care about the ranks in the gang. Maki was only a person to watch out for, and perhaps fearing when her temper rose, but nothing more.

Definitely not my boss.

Trakadon 03-26-2012 08:43 PM

Roland notice several stray cats ran pass him coming out of an alley near him. With a slight confused and worried look on his face he walked to the entrance of the alley way. He grumbled softly as he noticed a figure walking towards him. He scratched the top of his head with uncertainty rising inside his chest. "I feel like I know that person..." He said under his breath.

Roland grumbled and pulled out a new cigarette out from his chest pocket and placed it between his lips. He couldn't help but feel like he should just turn away but he was to determined or maybe just a little too curious if he knew the girl walking towards him.

Roland slipped his hands into his pants pockets and cursed his misfortune as he realized who the girl was, but there was only one way to find out for sure.

"Hey... Are you Maki?"

Straywolf 03-26-2012 08:51 PM

Makoto opened her suitcase and laid out its contents on the old dining table. She placed her two firearms, several empty cartridges, a box of .45 bullets, and her tactical vest on the table.

I should probably take my handgun and a few clips with me. I'll leave the MP7 and the vest here. I don't want to draw attention to myself. Makoto fluidly filled three cartridges with bullets. She hid two inside her jacket, and loads the last one into her handgun.

Safety's on. Okay, time to head out. Makoto holstered her handgun inside of her jacket, and left the apartment.

Reyoki 03-26-2012 08:56 PM

The fiery redhead glared at the person who had spoken to her. She was in a foul mood and didn't want to cause a big scene. "I may be, and I may not. It all depends on who's asking the question," she said as she placed a hand on her hip.

She eyed the person up and down, observing his casual dress and fit physique. He certainly wasn't one of the local punks, and he definitely wasn't a Flame Skull. Something about him was setting her on edge, and she started shifting her weight from one foot to the other in a slow rhythm.

Trakadon 03-26-2012 09:07 PM

Roland sighed and shifted his body slightly so his side was facing Maki. "Maybe I should introduce myself first?" He looked up to the sky with a frown on his face. "I'm not sure if that's a good idea either..."

Roland turned to face Maki again and took his left hand out of his pocket and point at her. "But you are Maki after all right? I mean you do fit the description and all." He lowered his hand and placed it back into his pants pocket.

Moonless Midnight 03-26-2012 09:13 PM

Jubeii headed up one of the streets of old Tokyo on her way to the precinct. Thugs and skulls were skulking about in the numerous alleyways but they retreated back upon seeing her. Yeah, that's right, mind your own business and stay away from me. I don't want the hassle right now. Walking a bit further she spotted the Flame Skull Ryuujin Maki and a cop. Jubeii had seen that particular cop around before but had never met him in person. I wonder what they're up to. Curiosity came over Jubeii and she decided to observe them. Walking to a nearby building she sat on the entrance steps, sat down, and kept an eye on them.

Watching them Jubeii could tell that Maki was getting irritated, or at least wasn't in too much of a good humor. Things could get interesting.

Straywolf 03-26-2012 09:16 PM

Makoto walked the streets of Old Tokyo, taking in the environment and its people. She passed an old looking cafe and saw an elderly woman pick up a bill that was left on one of the tables.

Makoto continued to walk down the street, and noticed a man wearing a bandanna talking to a red-haired woman. She also spotted a man observing the two people from one of the rooftops.

Hm...this looks interesting. Makoto leaned against a wall and observed the three people from the other side of the street.

Espy 03-26-2012 09:25 PM


Who is this person...? This man who had walked up to Maki...who was he? He definitely wasn't a Skull recruit...No, he exuded a sort of confidence. He didn't seem to want to run with his tail between his legs like so many recruits did at the oh-so-great Ryuujin.

And then...was that Jubeii? Hayate squinted at another red-clad figure. Two Ryuujin, the skull-bandana person...Things could get messy.

Maybe I should back up a bit. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, Hayate noticed a fourth figure at a distance. Were they all meeting here...?

Reyoki 03-26-2012 09:33 PM

Maki could see and feel the presence of others- a couple other Skulls, and someone else... someone unfamiliar. She pretended to not notice in case things took a turn South.

"Description, ne? What are you, some kinda cop? I don't get along too well with cops," she said as she took her hand off her hip. "Ya see, they're always taking away members of my family, and that makes me upset." She faced him directly and cracked her knuckles. "You're not about to make me upset, are ya?" she said darkly, her fingers tingling with the anticipation of a fight.

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