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Merskelly Metalien 02-24-2019 01:04 AM

Bad Advice game

Welcome to the Bad Advice game!

Here's how it works. Come up with some terrible advice for the problem question posted by the AAY. Then come up with your own question to submit for someone else to offer a horrible solution. I hope some hilarity ensues.

I'll go first with a question.

How can I keep from falling off my bed?

DreadedMartian 02-24-2019 05:50 AM

Duct Tape yourself to the bed.

There's a bee in my car, what should I do?

Merskelly Metalien 02-24-2019 06:17 AM

Trap it in your car and play some jazz. XD

What can I use instead of a band-aid to cover this papercut?

DreadedMartian 02-24-2019 06:58 PM


How can I prepare for this big test tomorrow?

Merskelly Metalien 02-24-2019 07:19 PM

Tattoo your study material to your arms.

I'm on the wrong plane, what do I do?

PartySkeleton 02-25-2019 12:59 AM

Jump out and hope you'll land in a body of water!
How does one stop a haunting, asking for a friend?

Merskelly Metalien 02-25-2019 03:51 AM

Turn on your vacuum cleaner and as many lights as possible then remove your pants. This will confuse the ghost hopefully getting it to stop.

How can I be better at bowling?

Death by Mirrors 02-25-2019 04:49 AM

After your first throw instead of grabbing a second ball just march forward on the alley and manually knock over every pin that still stands. Be sure to jump over the photoelectric barrier at the beginning, or else the computer might not count your score properly.

How can I get a Finnish library card?

Merskelly Metalien 02-25-2019 04:58 AM

Get a normal library card and throw a lavish and crazy awesome Christmas party. In the morning, your library card will then be Finnish.

What's the best way to ask for a raise?

Death by Mirrors 02-25-2019 08:54 AM

Just ask for a packet of sildenafil. It has been proven to raise other things after all. Caution: only put it on top of your money, keep far from your bills.

What's the most important skill to write in one's resume?

Merskelly Metalien 02-25-2019 12:23 PM

By far the most important skill to include would be "critiquing".

What shoes should I wear to go on a short hike?

DreadedMartian 06-01-2019 04:46 AM

6 inch Pumps, a fur coat, and a camel pack full of tampico juice.

How do I handle my laundry situation?
(As in it desperately needs to be done but I dont wanna do it)

Major 06-01-2019 05:30 PM

Well, you can try burying it, trashing it, or burning it!

What's a good way to get rid of acne?

Merskelly Metalien 06-03-2019 07:41 PM

:) Easy one. Just remove all of the skin from your face. No skin. No acne.
Problem solved. xD

How can I make sure no bugs get into my room at night?

mdom 06-07-2019 10:35 PM

Use bugspray as body lotion. Not sure about health implications, but no more bugs!!

How can I sleep early?

Merskelly Metalien 06-08-2019 03:24 AM

The best way to sleep early is to drink early. Hangover symptoms may occur upon waking however.

When is a good time to ask someone on a date?

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