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Jenny Harper 01-12-2011 05:36 PM

Losing focus
So I haven't actively posted here in ages and I seem to be losing my motivation to. I have a goal, I want bot the pandora boxes. But I see no reason why I should get them strangely.

I've had a bit of a relapse going back to neopets because I wanted an item. But I just got why am I reluctant to post places?

Espy 01-12-2011 09:28 PM

I don't really know, but I've done that a lot. I'd say to take a break from posting and do other things (IMO play an MMORPG, but that's just me) and then when somewhere's got an event, hop back on.

Jandi 01-12-2011 09:50 PM

I share your pain, I feel that way a lot too. Why?
That, I can't find an answer for. xD

Jenny Harper 01-13-2011 05:58 AM

I hop on and off sites a lot, I have a very small attention span. I'm slowly condensing accounts and such.

Jandi 01-13-2011 06:56 PM

Haha, same same. I did that too, I only play a couple sites actively now, compared to what I did before. I hate the worst attention span, everrr. XD

Illusion 01-13-2011 09:40 PM

Yeah it gets dull here when their is no updates. No Updates = Less people. Less people = Less Posts. And Less Posts = Less People.

Do the mess up math ;D
That's why us members need to post like crazy, donate, and make user run events. Oh and suggest ideas, and "push" the admins to do some small thing to make the site more entertainable.

Coda 01-13-2011 11:33 PM

We don't need pushing. >.> We have a list of things that should last us past the summer.

Demonskid 01-13-2011 11:40 PM

Poor coda =( working so hard and then had to read that.. *hugs*

Taradiddle 01-14-2011 12:14 AM

Poor Coda, indeed. D: We know you guys are working hard, and when there's a huge list to get to, that makes it even harder. As long as there are loyal users, we will always wait. :D

We should be thankful we aren't getting bombarded with useless, half baked features like some sites I could rattle off, but won't.

Lucid: 01-14-2011 01:01 AM

**hugs Coda** we know you're working very hard to make shiny, shiny things happen for us. C:

Zukin 01-14-2011 01:04 AM

Speaking as a new person to Trisphee, I think this place is great.

It's small enough that I'm able to find people to talk to easier, the items are beautiful, and the community is awesome.

I'm sure if you just started posting around again you might find someone interesting to talk to. ^^

Taradiddle 01-14-2011 03:15 AM

If you're looking for a reason to post, Letiel starting a Who-dunnit kind of event, only it's more of a "Who's-Doing-It?" and with werewolves. :D You can find the sign up sheet in the OOC section of the Roleplayer's Realm, but you gotta sign up by the 15th.

Jenny Harper 01-14-2011 04:17 AM

Oh Coda please don't take this as me complaining about no events. Sweety I'm sorry if it seemed that way but I'm just a bit off. This happens when I complete a quest and feel at a bit of a loss.

I have new quests on neo so that's keeping me happy for now. But I will find my place again here. I always welcome newbies and reply to my topics.

Coda 01-14-2011 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by Jenny Harper (Post 405283)
Oh Coda please don't take this as me complaining about no events. Sweety I'm sorry if it seemed that way but I'm just a bit off. This happens when I complete a quest and feel at a bit of a loss.

I have new quests on neo so that's keeping me happy for now. But I will find my place again here. I always welcome newbies and reply to my topics.

Oh no :) I didn't take it that way at all.

Ashy 01-14-2011 11:19 AM

i find it hard to post when theres noone on (evenings for me) so i give up and read webcomics instead >.>

Taradiddle 01-15-2011 01:49 AM

If no one's on, I post in all the threads I can get myself interested in and then I go do other things.

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