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Rainbowfox Ari 10-23-2018 10:53 PM

Spooky Stories Contest

Welcome to the cabin, everyone! Come in, come in, pull up a chair. Tonight, we are telling stories, and enjoying ourselves! We're going to make this a bit of a contest, so let's all gather together, put on our best thinking caps, pass around a storyteller's pipe, and enjoy the chill in the evening air!

If you want to tell a story, here's the way you do it:

[Standard Story: Freeform]
This is what most of you are here for! Tell us a story! No set prompts, no real limit [just don't write a novel, and don't give us one sentence]. Don't worry about themes or using specific prompts, just let your imagination run wild, and scare us senseless!

There will be one overall winner here and one runner-up. The winner will receive 1000 candy, and the runner-up will get a random item from the event shop! Have fun!

[Standard Story: Prompt]
Using one of the following four prompts, give us a chill up the spine! Once again, no real limit EXCEPT for the prompts, which are as follows:

-"I thought you said this place was empty?"
- He wasn't sure where he was, or how he was going to get out of here.
-"Do you have any idea how hard I worked for this?"
- It was at that exact moment, they realized... they were ****d.

As before, there will be one overall winner here and one runner-up. The winner will receive 1000 candy, and the runner-up will get a random item from the event shop! Have fun!

[Three Sentence Spooks]
Spook us in three sentences! Make it good! You may enter this as many times as you like, but you may only WIN once. There will be four winners, all of whom will receive 500 candy!

[The Unfinished Tale]
During the event, there will be three partial stories put up here. Your job is to finish them! Use the characters, the scenarios, and the monsters to your own benefit, and give us a fright, or make us giggle! The best end will receive 500 candy, AND a random item from the shop.

[The Haunted Train]
The young man standing at the station was set on-edge by the lateness of the hour, and the fact that there was nobody else on the platform. He was waiting for his friend to arrive on one of the later trains, but so far he had been waiting for two hours past the agreed upon meet-up time. His bag was starting to get heavy on his shoulders - and he was having this uncanny feeling of being watched from all directions. He didn't really know what to make of it. All of a sudden... [Finish me!]

[Hallow's Eve Punch]
To make the best punch, it requires so many strange ingredients, that most people don't want to take the time to find them. The first ingredient - the absolute must - is either black or blue blood. Now, you can get this from Wendigos, Zombies, Ghouls, Banshees, or... if you're really hurting for it, you can buy some from a warlock. The second ingredient is werewolf fangs. These need to be powdered, and you can readily get them from most supernatural dentists. Although, if you live in an area where there are none, you may need to improvise... The third ingredient is... [Finish me!]

[The Easiest Scare Ever!]
My sister is so lame. She gets scared at the drop of a hat, I swear. One morning, she refused to even go out the door, because she thought she saw a bat the night before on the opposite side of the house. Although it's been a real chore - for some reason - to scare her on Halloween. Mostly, because she keeps herself locked up in her room at all hours. This one Halloween, though - I got the drop on her good when I... [Finish me!]

It's simple enough to enter, just fill out the requisite form below and enter away!

Standard Story
[Prompt] or [Freeform]

Three Sentence Spooks

The Unfinished Tale
[Tale Title Here]

Gallagher 10-26-2018 04:08 AM

here's a fun fact, if someone manages to snag 1st place in every category, they'll nail themselves 3k candy in one go

DreadedMartian 10-26-2018 05:35 AM

Do you post your entry here or send it in a PM?

Rainbowfox Ari 10-26-2018 04:50 PM

Either or, but I would prefer it be in PM for organization's sake.

mdom 10-26-2018 04:59 PM

That'd be the best writer in the whole site, Galla |D

Lilith Dracania 10-29-2018 08:28 AM

Not my story all credit goes to Edgar Allan Poe

My favorite spooky story

The Black Cat

by Edgar Allan Poe
(published 1845)

bluebird 10-30-2018 07:48 PM

great wall of china...

Rainbowfox Ari 11-01-2018 02:39 PM

Sorry, Lilith. That doesn't count. The point of this contest is to write your own, not show off ones that have already been written.

Rainbowfox Ari 11-02-2018 08:34 PM

So, how has everyone's spooky-time been?

DreadedMartian 11-05-2018 12:47 AM

Spook-tacular. I wish halloween was longer. Is it weird to start decorating for it in September?

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