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Mizeria 12-05-2011 09:12 PM

1x1 Forever a Search!

I'd like to start by thanking you for stopping by. I haven't been active much on tris recently but I'm hoping to jump right back in to the game!

Next up some basics about me:
I'm one of your friendly Admins! Currently 22 years of age and working at the USPS. I have been engaged since February which is one of the main reasons I've been so absent on Trisphee. Needless to say I rarely have free time. I love reading, gaming, watching movies/shows/anime, and music.

I've been roleplaying for a while, and writing my own stuff for longer than that. I really started rp-ing on Roliana before I was even on Tris.
(90% positive that tris wasn't even around yet back then)

IF the rp goes 3 days without me posting please pm me to make sure I didn't forget because of the stress of wedding planning.

[ New* ]
1. Introduction
2. Role-playing profile
3. Original ideas
4. Fan series
5. Off limits

Mizeria 12-05-2011 09:13 PM

Role-Playing Profile
-Because I thought it would be nice to say some stuff about myself

Experience: Nearly six years.
Style: 1x1. Small Groups (If you sell me on a storyline)
Preferred Format: Third person, paragraph form.
Post Length: Anything from one paragraph to several paragraphs. Semi-flexible.
Writing Notes:I'm looking for longterm partners that are literate, and will be posting at least 2-3 paragraphs per post (or more!). One liners are not fun to deal with. Even if you have writers block one paragraph shouldn't be hard to come up with. It is "Quality over Quantity" in my mind, but I still hold to the belief that you should be able to come up with more then just one line.
Limits: Overly-Romantic. Fan-Based Roleplays* (Look to post 4)
Preferred Place: A Thread. (May be talked into PMs. Maybe)

Skype: lostfantasy13
(You can always post here or PM me as well.)

I can play:
Gender: Female is preferred. (Second Character tends to be male.)
Character Notes: I tend to play one or two "main" characters and add in a lot of random characters to push the storyline along. I'd be surprised if others didn't do the same when it came to 1x1s. After a while you need to have more then just the two characters.
* That being said; Any character I make that isn't my "main" can be played by the roleplaying partner as well. Think of them as NPCs and talk for them if you want to.
Sexuality/Gender identity stuff: straight
Age: no real restrictions
Species: Anything as long as we have set outlines on the character type.
(What it can/can't do)
Preferred Genre: Action
Other: I like playing multiple characters and not having a set plan for how everything will turn out. Keeps it fun and spontaneous.

What I would like in a partner:
◦  Someone who will help plot and keep the storyline moving
- Meaning if theres something holding you back in the story tell me so we can work it out!
◦  Someone creative and open-minded
◦  Someone who is at least semi-literate.
◦  Someone intelligent.
◦  Someone who is reasonably friendly.
◦  Someone who understands Real Life can get in the way sometimes.
If you have any questions, feel free to message me or post :3

Mizeria 12-05-2011 09:13 PM

Original Ideas

Basic list of likes:
- Fantasy Settings
- multi races/species (vampires, werewolves, fae, elementals etc.)
- Greek/Roman Myth.
- Zombies (as long as the plot is good)
- Post Apocalyptic World
- Magic
- War
- Angels vs Demons
- Anythings Else (pretty much)
I'm on an Elemental Kick. So my ideas right now all include Elementals in some way.
If you have any ideas for some else feel free to offer them up!

Idea 1: Elementals vs Humans.
I'd really like to revisit this roleplay as its one I had started with a different partner who had disappeared for real life reasons.
Not all humans know elementals exist, but those that do hunt them for the 'good of mankind'. There are testing divisions all over the world called Alter (S)aints. Most of the people part of Alter Saints don't know the truth of what happens there. Some that are signing up for special jobs (the doctors, security, and some others) learn the truth after the higher ups are sure that they are trustworthy. With elementals learning to act more human they are blending in better. There true numbers are unknown.
We didn't get much father on a concept because we were going completely post by post. If you are interested please feel free to read the other thread. (There is only 16 posts we didn't get that far into it)

(Old Thread: Here)

Idea 2: Elementals vs The Fierce
(This was another barely started RP I had once that I would like to revisit. Things can be changed. I'm very flexible)

Thousands of years ago when our ancestors were living, there was a war. A war, that would kill but also create. Our ancestors had knowledge greater than our own, but little weaponry. But blades and knives weren't needed, for they'd be of no use against The Fierce. Oh yes, if your ancestors were alive they would know all about them. They were cruel and unforgiving, with magnificent powers. Though only the ruler could be defined as amazing to his admirers. But The Fierce wasn't a good group to be fond of. No, no. They were pure evil, and the ones to create the whole war. Our ancestors might've followed them, and contribute to the creation of the war. Or they could've been fighting against them. No matter which side they were on, their lives weren't spared. The war was vicious, and blood was everywhere. No body on the ground had a pulse, or even a sign of peace. Since the soldiers of both sides needed supplies, most things that were once common were coming scarce. Food, cloth, etc., all gone. You think that after all of the people on the good side were dead, that The Fierce would laugh with pride and go attack some other place. But no, something happened. Irony would affect us all in a matter of years. Thousands of years to be exact. Nobody had known, and neither did the person that created it. A man of old age had gone to the sacred well on the last day of his life. No, he wasn't going to be killed by The Fierce, but die of an old disease. Before he left, he had four wooden carvings. He created them to be keepers of the four elements; Water, Earth, Fire, and Air. A girl or a boy represented these elements. He wrote up descriptions for each, which resented The Fierce. The man did this, because the leader of The Fierce controlled a mysterious element, which most every misunderstood. Darkness. With this element, he could take the other elements and obtain them. But he didn't know how, but the old man did.

Mere minutes before the old man's death, he sprinkled an unknown dust over each of the wooden carvings. And after that, he collapsed into darkness. Nobody knew of this man's disease, or the importance his carvings' held. Just then, did The Fierce break into the clearing of which the sacred well was. They trampled over the dead body with humor, knocking the wooden carvings off of the side of the well that they were placed. They were supposed to have fallen to the ground and broken, since they seemed to be fragile. But they landed in a bag which the unknown dust was kept in. The leader of the group looked in the bag, only to see emptiness. The figures and dust were gone completely. And soon enough, the bag dissappeared as well. He was somewhat confused by this, and decided to leave. But his group was taken by suprise as a few mysterious figures shoved their blades into the hearts of those beside the leader. He of which, took off on his horse into the darkness. The Fierce of now only one dissappeared after resting at the sacred well. He took a sip of the water, and felt his body start to bend. Letting out a shriek of agony, he looked at his reflection in the water to see what happened. His face wasn't full of wrinkles and hatred, but young and shone mischeviousness. The last thing to grace his face was a smirk most devious, and a plan brewing in his mind. He dissappeared into the darkness again.

But now, his plan is formed. He is alive. And so, are those wooden carvings.

When they were in a sense "born" the day the old man made them come to life whether it was by magics, faith, gods, or demons the truth of their lives was unknown to them. They were different but they didn't know how or why. All they knew is that they had to stay together. Holding close to the only truths in their world would be harder then they could have ever imagined. They were just 'born' and they were running. Running for their lives away from The Fierce, evil beings that wished for only pain, destruction, and unhappiness. Each of them bore a sign, a symbol, a mark, that was proof to the world of what they were, not that anyone would welcome them. Magics, Sciences, and anything purely unnatural was forbidden in world. As they were signs of the evil that was sweeping over the lands. They tired to stick together, the four of them only knowing safety when they were alone with each other and nature. If anyone else was near they could not relax always fearful of trouble, and always knowing when it was going to strike only escaping narrowly time and time again. Soon though, they couldn't help but attract attention when they traveled together. They were different, and it was as apparent to everyone they encountered sooner or later. By age 9 it became a danger for all of them if they stayed together and reluctantly they said their goodbyes going their separate ways.

Idea 3: Work. In. Progress.

Mizeria 12-05-2011 09:13 PM

Fan Series

* I will only do Series Based Roleplays if we don't use pre-made characters.

Example. Dr. Who:

You want to do a roleplay of Dr. Who as Pond and the Dr. I wouldn't.

Yet if you wanted to do a roleplay in the world of 'Dr. Who', I would be willing to. That would take the settings and species, but not the pre-made characters that the writer created. Giving us more of a creative spin ourselves.

(so like, theres a different time lord the dr never knew about and his adventures are focused on a different part of the world or something.)

* Still updating

- Push
- The 10th Kingdom (A 3-part Tv Movie)
- Alice (The Syfy movie)
- Neverland (The Syfy movie)
- TinMan (The Syfy movie)
- Inception
- The Mummy
- X-Men (not sure which place to put this) xD
- Cabin in the Woods

- Kingdom Hearts

- Soul Eater
- Rin
- Needless
- Speed Grapher
- .hack
- Tsubasa

TV Shows:
- Dr. Who
- Firefly
- Warehouse 13
- Burn Notice
- Sanctuary
- Lost Girl
- Game of Thrones

- The Mercy Thompson Series
- Alpha and Omega
- The Percy Jackson Series
- The Hunger Games
- Three Days to Dead (Dreg City Series)
- Need
- Blood and Snow

- Fushigi Yugi
- Alice 19th
- Doors of Chaos

** If you want to do a roleplay in the World of a book, movie, anime or game that isn't listed you have to be able to explain it.
This includes specifics about species, settings, time period, and anything you believe to be or would make relevant.

Mizeria 02-22-2012 06:30 AM

Off Limits

- Overly Romantic.
// if there is any attraction it will be female/male. Thats just my preference

Characters flirting, fine. But if you're looking for pure over the top romance you'll need to either find a different partner or make a second character that you have to play for that part of the rp. You can have a good story without the characters wanting to rip each others clothes off. It IS possible.

- Master / Slave

- ANY School

more coming soon-

Sadrain 02-22-2012 09:45 AM

Is only ripping each other's clothes off considered romance by you. :D What about attraction on some level from both sides? xD
But I agree, romance isn't what the rp is made about or should ever revolve around. x3

Mizeria 02-22-2012 11:38 PM

No thats not what I consider "romance" but it was the only thing I could think to write at the time

Sadrain 02-23-2012 07:06 AM

:D I see, I see. I just don't do sexual stuff, so, if it's what you consider romance you don't want, it would give me no problem. But anyways...

I don't really have any plot in mind currently, except rather big sort-of-ones, but is there anything you're currently 'craving' to role play?

Mizeria 02-23-2012 10:54 AM

I don't really have a plot in mind either. Except one for a group roleplay... but those never turn out good for me so I haven't tried to make one yet.

I like fantasy settings. Mixed races, mostly because I find it boring to play a human all the time. I enjoy "fighting" roleplays, but it doesn't have to be one.

I'm up to trying anything. Are you craving anything specific?

Sadrain 02-23-2012 11:14 AM

I prefer fantasy role plays my self, wherever the setting is - medieval, modern, futuristic... xD Most of my plots are fantasy. I don't like fighting ones, though, if that's the main center, cause I fail at role playing battles for too long. xDD

No, not really. x_x;

Do you do futuristic? Then maybe I can figure something from some of my stories or come up with something new, in general.

Mizeria 02-23-2012 03:59 PM

I could try it. I've never really had a "futuristic" roleplay. I had one that was years in the future but nukes had gone off soo it was more like there was nothing we have now. It had a past feel to it if you know what I mean. No cars. No buildings. etc.

Sadrain 02-23-2012 04:22 PM

Fallout! xD Or pretty much there. P= That's something I haven't done role play wise, though. Hmm.

Mizeria 02-23-2012 04:27 PM

It was an interesting story. I had that rp back on Roli before I quit. I don't remember much of the details.

Sadrain 02-29-2012 03:55 PM

I am sorry I sort of left it hanging here, but, in all honesty, I am rather busy and I don't know if I could be an active player, and rp ideas are avoiding me for now, too.
But I wish you luck. :3 Since you do group rps, I think you will be kept quite busy. ^^

Rosekitten 03-02-2012 08:36 PM

How dare you open a looking for rp partners thread when you never show our rp love D: ~sniffles~

if your bored with it you could just tell me and we could try to come up with a new idea.

Mizeria 03-13-2012 04:33 AM

rose I'm not sick of it!
-hugs rose-
I love our rp
I just... forget things...

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