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Coda 09-08-2019 03:40 PM

I don't remember what level I was on when I hit my high score. I don't think it was 48, but I also haven't tried to grind for a personal record ever.

Espy 09-08-2019 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by Coda (Post 1907466)
There aren't many games out there older than me, at least relatively speaking.

But there's one game that's older than me that I still play fairly often: Galaga. I also go back and play Colossal Cave from time to time.

Interestingly, it turns out that Oregon Trail was first released in 1971.

Oh frick I lied, one of the games that I revisit from time to time is Loderunner, which came out in... 83.

Quiet Man Cometh 09-10-2019 05:03 AM

One of these days I need to dig out the email I've still got stored of how to install and tweak Warcraft II to get it running again.

My brother resurrected an old game he made back in school along the same veins as Pac-Man or Ladybug. Took some wrangling to get it working on an old tv. You're a burglar who needs to break into a safe while avoiding security.

I still like basic games, but not sure how old they are. My friend and I would play Chip's Challenge on her computer. I can't remember when I started Daggerfall, except that I blame the bug in the main quest for my Bethesda habit of never bothering to do main quests anymore. I also had absolutely no idea how leveling worked, it seemed to be random, so I did a lot of environmental tactics and meta-gaming to survive some encounters.

Coda 09-10-2019 10:02 AM

I should see about digging out games I wrote when I was younger.

Kitalpha Hart 09-10-2019 11:16 AM

I'm tempted to find my working DS Lite, charge it, and put in More Friends of Mineral Town, what with the remake coming out at some point
It was the game that got me into the series so I have a soft spot for it

bluebird 09-12-2019 10:54 PM

oh god i think i made one "game" on Scratch as a kid, but it was so simple u could finish it in 1 sec loool. but i remember taking forever to get a simple action right. (and also giving up on making more games after that experience haha)

I have an urge to revisit Peasant Quest from HomestarRunner and The Hitchhiker's Guide to Galaxy tho. I never got closure from those text based games because i was too stubborn, too much of a purist, to use a walk-through.

Coda 09-12-2019 11:24 PM

Uuuuugh, HHGG is a painful one to finish without spoilers.

Espy 09-13-2019 01:19 AM

oh gods I forgot hhgg existed

i’m going to try to forget again

Coda 09-13-2019 10:21 AM

You know, for as much as I like text adventures and as influential as they were in my development as a programmer, it occurs to me that I've never actually finished any of the classic-era text adventures (with one exception).

I've gotten pretty far into Colossal Cave Adventure, the first Zork game, and Adventureland. I've finished some more recent ones, in no small part because modern ones tend to be far, far easier, but if it was made before the year 2000... yeah, I probably never finished it.

The only one I've ever finished was Adventure in Time, and that only because I stumbled across it again 20-something years after I first played it and decided I was more curious to see how it played out than to actually solve the puzzles on my own.

There's an argument to be made that Portal (not the Valve game) is a text adventure, and I did finish that. But it's not really the same thing, even disregarding the difference in user interface conventions -- if the game were totally text-driven instead of having a GUI, it still wouldn't quite be the same genre. (That said, I highly, highly recommend it. And then once you finish the game, find the book it's based on and read that because it includes some extra information that wasn't included in the game. Don't do it the other way around.)

Espy 09-13-2019 11:42 AM

i should get back into nethack

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