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Illusion 05-07-2014 05:21 PM

Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire (IT'S HAPPENING)

We all knew this was happening; but maybe not quite this soon? Especially today of all days, it's May. There was no pre-announcement, let alone a full blown trailer (Nintendo might actually show off the new Pokemon games at E3 for a change.)

So who's excited for explore the Hoenn region once again... Possibly, the trailer said "new world" but it will most likely be Hoenn. Gen 3 had possibly the best region to explore in my opinion; tons of exploring in the vast ocean is the first memories that come to mind. Also the mountains and roads that I seem to keep missing...

Kyogre and Groundon have new looks on the cover; possibly mega forms. Or maybe some sort of form change? Omega form and Alpha form? Who knows, they only received awesome skin changes; but it's still interesting to look at.

So what are you excited for? The return of contests? The battle frontier? (WOOT WOOT. Battle factory.) The new updated or entirely new story? What city are you looking forward to see revamped?
And the most important question of all; what version are you getting?
(I'm going with Sapphire once again. Team Aqua = The most evil team ever.. Even though their plan would had simply be to let it rain forever...)

Demonskid 05-07-2014 05:30 PM

Wasn't that the game with the treehouse hangouts?! OuO I loved that feature the most! I miss having a hangout ;-; I had an epic underground hangout in D/P too

I'll 'TRY' to get both games but Mom and I are planning to move the end of this year/beginning of next year so we have to save up as much money as we can... ;-;

they haven't even released Diancie to us yet and they're giving us new games?! xD I want my Diancie!

Also gotta post this cause it looks important

(warning, image may be fake) Looks like Mudkip and Treeko might get a Mega Evolution now =) Awesome! and that whole arrows pointing to rayquaza then to a shadow... don't tell me they are gonna FUSE the pokemon D: DNA Evolution Kyoquedon (mon)? x'D

Illusion 05-07-2014 05:36 PM

I hated it that we could only have 1 base, and most the convenient ones to get to were so small... You couldn't fly to your base, making some bases too out of reach, and you couldn't do much else but show them off to friends.

Diamond and Pearl bases were much more fun, especially playing capture the flag. It was just the matter of actually finding a friend to play with....

Ultima 05-07-2014 05:40 PM

I LOVE GEN 3! I'm likely going to be getting Sapphire again. Kyogre <3

I'm excited for contests, secret bases, Pokeblock making, among other things. And I'm hoping for them to incorporate some things from X/Y, like customization, and uhhh... Well I haven't played X/Y, so I don't really know owo;

BUT. I'm still excited as heck.

Demonskid 05-07-2014 05:41 PM

I never had a friend to play with, but with the 3DS's street and spot pass system, if they ever remake D/P I'm sure we'd all be able to play together! =)

(I edited my post with intresting info i found)

Ulti- THEY BETTER ADD THE CUSTOMIZATION D< I spent HOURS getting all the outfits on X.. i still gotta play Y xD

Illusion 05-07-2014 05:47 PM

I wonder if we can ride the rocket ship to space this time to go catch Jirachi lol...
I find it funny that were getting new games while we haven't even received Diance or any of the "secret" event Pokemon from X and Y yet.
I wonder if we will have our Pokemon follow us again. THIS IS ALL THAT I ASK FOR GAMEFREAK. MY ONE REQUEST.

Demonskid 05-07-2014 05:49 PM

I know! D8 I want my pokemons to follow me again ;-;

I hope the friend system from x and y will be put into these. I liked the new friend system >x<

Ultima 05-07-2014 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by Demonskid (Post 1626360)
i still gotta play Y xD

I still gotta get a 3DS >w>;;

Demonskid 05-07-2014 06:05 PM

=) now you have 2 (4?) reasons to get a 3DS!

Pokemon X/Y
Pokemon OmegaRuby/AlphaSapphire

I wonder what new features they'll have.. o3o

Lucid: 05-07-2014 10:36 PM

But I guess if you're all getting Sapphire, I might as well get Ruby.

Quiet Man Cometh 05-08-2014 12:56 AM

I don't think I can handle any more Pokemon. I think I'm done. I still play around in SS, and haven't finished Black yet. Too much!

Taiki 05-08-2014 04:26 PM

I'm so excited for this because 3rd gen was the one I played the least. Not because I didn't like it but because at the time I had to use a Gameboy Advanced and I didn't have a rechargable battery pack like I did for my Gameboy Color.

So I can't wait to play it again. :] I have Sapphire version before so I'm definitely getting Alpha Sapphire. I got an Emerald version a year or 2 ago to play through it but I kept getting annoyed that you couldn't run in houses so I didn't get very far. :I

Illusion 05-08-2014 04:34 PM

LOL. Running in buildings is such a nice feature, I feel like a jerk sometimes with it though.
Think about it, I could break into some grannies house, run around talking to everyone like some maniac, steal all their goods, scare them to teach me their family's secret Pokemon move, or simply force them to trade me their rare pokemon for some crappy one you can catch outside in a minute.
Running only adds more rudeness in the midst of it all.

Demonskid 05-08-2014 04:58 PM

I think mom's agree'd to help me get the games. Mainly because since my GBA SP's are dead I can't play the original ruby any more. can't wait now! so many goodies are coming out this year x3

Illusion 05-09-2014 03:35 PM

It looks like they will be revealing actual game-play via trailer on Sunday during Pokemon Smash. So we will be getting more details soon! (I was hoping on a E3 showcase but then I forgot that Nintendo will be revealing things before E3 on their own schedule.)

Taiki 05-10-2014 02:49 PM

You know what I realized? This is the first time in Pokemon game history that there will be a paradox. It's the first time where the same game will exist twice where they are compatible. Like, you can literally play Sapphire version, take the Kyogre and move it all the way to Alpha Sapphire. I really hope there is some kind of secret where something happens if you do just that, take the legendary from the original game and move it to the new one. haha

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