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-   -   Natsu's land of Horrifying Nightmares. Enter if you dare.. Contests avalible! (

Natsunaine 10-28-2013 02:04 AM

Natsu's land of Horrifying Nightmares. Enter if you dare.. Contests avalible!
My Nightmarish land.

Welcome, Come Inside look around, But be warned don't come alone,
For within are horrors that will melt flesh from bone...
Waiting watching from the corners of your fears and dreams.
You must be warned not everything is as it seems..
What may seem harmless and safe in your eye and calm your heavy breath
Could be the one thing that leads you toward your death.
As long as you follow me through this land of fright..
I can promise you everything will be alright.
But if you stray, Or wander with curiosity in your heart...
Your flesh and bone will be torn apart..
For as the red eyes look from the shadows the terror you will start to feel...
For it will be your last breath when the terrors take you for their meal..

By Natsunaine.

Natsunaine 10-28-2013 02:04 AM

Table of contents & Rules

1. Intro
2. Table of Contents
3. Contest Information
4.Contest Entries
5. Contest Results.
6. Black and White list.
7. Reserved.
8. Open for chat post.

1.Follow: Site Rules, Forum Rules, Thread Rules and the ToS.
2.No chat or 1337 speak.
3.No spamming. Please have actual chatting content in your post
4.No Drama, There will be no warning, You will be instantly blacklisted and asked to leave.
5. All posters must give Natsu luvins.. ALL!
6.Rules may and most likely will be added in later.

Natsunaine 10-28-2013 02:05 AM

Contest Information!

Writing Contest- In the spirit of the holidays, I am hosting a Contest for the scariest Halloween story. What are the requirements you might ask? Well, The only thing that I require is that it is readable and it must have one or more member of Trisphee in it!

Whether it be yourself or me, Or another person! Have fun, and make it scary! The Winner of the contest will be given a choice between 20k OR the mystery box which holds 3 random items.

Avatar Contest- Again, In spirits of the holidays, I am posting another contest, But, this one as you can already tell will be an avatar contest for those of you who don't want to participate in the Writing contest Or, Those of you who want to enter both..

The Theme Shall be Terror, I want to see what your idea of terror is whether it be a blood thirst monster or a stone cold killer, The best avatar will receive a reward of 10k and a random bonus item.

2nd Place shall Receive 5k Or an random Item.

3rd place shall receive 2k.

Posting Trivia- At any time I may post a Halloween or Horror based question whether it be the history of Halloween or A question based on lore, Even movies! The first to answer the question gets a Nightmare point.

Those with Nightmare points may cash them in for prizes! The more Nightmare points saved up the better prizes!!

1-Nightmare point-500 au.
2-Nightmare points- A cheap common item.
4- Night mare points-1k au.
6-Nightmare points-1.5k au or a commons item equivalent to 1.5k
10- Nightmare points- 5k.
20- Nightmare points- 10k or an expensive item.

Natsunaine 10-28-2013 02:05 AM

Contest Entries and Forms.

Natsunaine 10-28-2013 02:06 AM

Contests in progress!

Nightmare point Tally-
Lunaryon 1np
Lawtan 4np
Angel Spirit Girl- 1np

Natsunaine 10-28-2013 02:08 AM

Black List.
White List.

Natsunaine 10-28-2013 02:08 AM

-Reserved just cause-

Natsunaine 10-28-2013 02:09 AM

Open for Insanity and terror... Er.. I mean chatting!

Tiva 10-28-2013 02:43 AM

*steals thread cherry* Ello

Natsunaine 10-28-2013 02:49 AM

Why is it that you always steal my first posts? x'D

Tiva 10-28-2013 02:54 AM

Because I like cherries?

Natsunaine 10-28-2013 02:55 AM

Touché, I like cherries myself.. o-o.. Okay, as bad as that sounds, I mean the fruit.. x'D

Tiva 10-28-2013 02:56 AM

I mean the fruit also, I don't collect the other type.

Natsunaine 10-28-2013 02:59 AM

Well, I figured as much, It just sounded wrong and I needed to clarify.
Now to work on the contests.. Don't worry I will still post as well! xP
I just won't be checking a lot! xP

Tiva 10-28-2013 03:01 AM

It is fine, one of my rp buddies is awake now and is bugging me.

*gets out her moonshine cherries*

Natsunaine 10-28-2013 03:08 AM


Ugh, that reminds me I need to find some rps mine have all poofed .w.

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