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((___jade___))> 09-25-2010 12:32 AM

Crayons and Crap [1x1 search~ ily hahaha]
Oke-dokleee, so the best way to keep me interested in a site is to be in role plays. So here goes my search.

About Jade Crayon:
> I have a life; I can be slow sometimes in replying. Don't nag me please.
> I don't think anything else about me matters, but I'm 17, have been RPing for almost two years, and I'm a girl, however I prefer to play guys in role plays a lot of the time.

There's not much I won't do, but I have a few limits.
> No sex scenes. Even to have one that we don't play out in posts, you'll have to really convince me (unless they're married).
> Language needs to stay at a minimum. Cussing your mouth to the gutter doesn't make you cool. Stop thinking that.
> No yaoi/yuri/shonnen-ai/shouju-ai to any degree. I don't do it.
> No IM or PM RPs. I don't like not being able to look back on stuff.
> I WILL play more than one character. It's fun to, actually.

Ok, I think that's it. Now for stuff I'd like to play...
Well, I don't have much. I'm trying to keep this short anyway. Just know that you can propose different settings to me, not just this stuff.
> Traditional fantasy (Elves, dragons, drows, orcs)
> Vampires (NOT sparkly Twilight. Nooo.) and Dhampirs
> Werewolves (again, not Twilight)
> Cyborgs/droids/various other futuristic stuff
> Steampunk
> Pirates (sky pirates?)
> Gangs (modern or fantasy or steampunk or whatever)
> Post-apocalyptic
> Demons & Angels
> Rich girl x poor boy kind of thing (but he works for her father to make things okay with the dude. Think Sun and Jin from Lost.)

I would also love to do some sort of passionate romance. I'm really in the mood for that. That does NOT mean a just-add-water romance. I hate that. I mean a pairing with best friends or already bf/gf or engaged or married, then throw some other twist in there. (a kid with an abusive parent x their only/best friend would be fun I think, or married sounds uber nice too. I've only once done married people and I LOVED it.)

Now for some fan stuff. I don't like cannon though; OCs for me.
> Lord of the Rings (I'll love you if you do this with me)
> Darker Than Black
> Final Fantasy VII (maybe)

Various others... I have some characters that I'd love to use. I'll give you a brief ditty about each one here.
I have a new drow female I'd like to use... She doesn't really have a name yet. I'm still developing her.
Shiloh is a vampire. He's young, but acts kind of jaded.
Damien is a werewolf. Although kind of emo and crap, he's sweet and stuff.
Kyriel is an Elf. He is super pretty, to the point that he is often mistaken for a girl. Have an RP with him but could be convinced if you're dying to play opposite him.
Raestao Snookun (Snookie) is a Silver Elf. He was orphaned at a very young age, to the point that he doesn't remember his real parents. He was raised by a shapeshifter, and had because of this, had major identity issues growing up. At one point he thought he was an orc. This causes for weird stuff.
Morgan Zeiger is freaking awesome is a cynical genius of a doctor. Yes, basically like House, but very different in plenty of ways. I love playing the guy. It's so hilarious. Love getting my cynical side out. He's obsessive and crap and specializes in mental conditions. (possible pairing could spring from that.)

Oh and I would love to do something in this world I've been thinking up. The world is like... sort of steampunk-ish, but also sort of like Midgar in Final Fantasy VII (with the slums and all), but also a bit like City of Ember (minus the being underground except in the slums). Basically all smoggy and gross even in the good part of town, and everything is run by a major monopoly of a company. Might turn this into a group RP later so if you'd be interested in that let me know, especially if you'd help me set it up. @,@ This is currently being developed into a group RP. If you have story ideas, I'd love to hear them.

K, I think that's about it...

Jurinjo 09-25-2010 12:53 AM

1) I'm in the mood for a werewolf RP, however I got no plot ideas >_<
2)The world you have in the last paragraphs is HIGHLY interesting to me. And it would make a great group RP =D
3) Snookie makes me laugh, and Kyriel makes me want to make a dark elf to befriend him and be his opposite.

Anyways about the KH idea, I've done it once with Aranel only she couldn't stick around. Basically we are friends in this beach resort town and it gets ramaged by heartless. We fight back, one or both of us get a keyblade but our world gets taken by the darkness and we're thrown across the void into another world.

But now that I've read this thread. Point 2 and 3 are really more exciting to me =D

((___jade___))> 09-25-2010 01:03 AM

xD Yep yep yep. C:

Ok, that sounds easy enough... that's similar to an RP I've done before that was... it wasn't actually KH, but it was KH inspired. xD

It's up to youu~ I'm good with any of the three (or four?). :3

Jurinjo 09-25-2010 01:08 AM

I will do the Midgar/Ember idea...but first can we see if we can find a group? That is if you're up to a group I understand if that's not something you seek right now.

The KH one will be made and I'll give you a link later.

Please oh please let's do one with Kyriel! =D
I'll form up a full idea and world (which I might base off a comic I found and love if that's ok with you).

Espy 09-25-2010 01:11 AM

I've never roleplayed before. BUT. I love the setting for this one. And werewolf rps are cool.

Jurinjo 09-25-2010 02:22 AM

One with Kyriel
Ok so I just thought of something....what is his age? I was thinking they could meet at an arcane school of arts. Maybe drow are not generally accepted cause they tend to have "evil" tendencies and all that. Me being an outcast, and possibly you being slightly distant for being being super girly? idk that you can skip cause either way I'll find a way for my drow to befriend you xD

The KH one

((___jade___))> 09-25-2010 07:11 AM

@juju; Yep, I'm up to a group. I'm actually in three right now and they're all slow enough that I'm keeping up just fine. ^__^ I actually wish they'd move a bit faster. XD At least one of them.
Wow, you wanna do that one too? XD We seem to do this a lot where we have a thousand RPs all at once... But ok. -really wants to use Ky-
And... his age can be whatever. I thought of him as being a teenager anyway so that works. :3
Yeah... I'll figure something out. Him already being an outcast is likely though. It makes sense, after all. xD

@Espy; which one now? xD;

Espy 09-25-2010 09:54 PM

If you're asking about the setting, I'm talking about the steampunk/midgard/ember one.

((___jade___))> 09-25-2010 10:13 PM

OEH, okay, I thought that might be it.
We'll have to make a group RP with it then... Peh, hopefully I can motivate myself to set it up... Might have to ask Juju to help me if he gets online more often.

Athilea Majiri 09-26-2010 09:04 AM

I would love to role play with you.

I love High Fantasy set in a sort of medieval time period. I think that setting and the arranged marriage thing could be a lot of fun.

I have to play female though. I don't play male characters well at all.

((___jade___))> 09-26-2010 10:19 AM

Ok, that sounds good. ow o
Yep, that's fine. I feel more comfortable playing dudes even though I'm not one.
So now for specifics~ We gotta come up with a reason for them to be marrying. :3 And what races we're gonna be. In the past, the race has had a lot to do with the why (which is why I ask both questions at the same time. xP).
For example (this is just to get the ideas flowing, don't have to copy any of these), the times I've done this in the past... the first one was an angel and a daemon and I don't remember why they were marrying. XD Then I did a dark elf/drow and a light faerie, and they were marrying only because they had a common enemy so it was beneficial to make a pact there. And the most recent one I have is a poor family blackmailing a rich family, so they agreed to marry the two and share the wealth in exchange for keeping quiet.
Yepyep. -is a jabberbox-

Athilea Majiri 09-26-2010 12:36 PM

Well, I was thinking my character would be an elf of some description. I love pointy ears. The reason could be because she was promised at birth...or it hrm...maybe some aristocratic stuff where one family is trying to 'merge' with another to preserve their blood line.

Sorry that this was so late. I had to go grocery shopping.

Jurinjo 09-26-2010 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by ((___jade___))> (Post 133790)
@juju; Yep, I'm up to a group. I'm actually in three right now and they're all slow enough that I'm keeping up just fine. ^__^ I actually wish they'd move a bit faster. XD At least one of them.
Wow, you wanna do that one too? XD We seem to do this a lot where we have a thousand RPs all at once... But ok. -really wants to use Ky-
And... his age can be whatever. I thought of him as being a teenager anyway so that works. :3
Yeah... I'll figure something out. Him already being an outcast is likely though. It makes sense, after all. xD

I don't know how to phrase this so it doesn't sound like I'm being pushy, but do you plan to make a thread for a group on the City of Ember-ish idea? (which really needs it's own name now xD)

Yeah I know. It's always too many roleplays or none at all lol

Okay my idea for setting: Near the border of the elf lands and humans is a school for magic founded by the elves. It is mainly a school for elves to not only learn (which they can do at home) but get a good dose of other cultures. To facilitate that goal of course is to allow anyone who is able to learn magic into the school. There are trials for everyone with elves being easiest, humans needing to be tested for talent, and drow being kind of left out due the prejudice and the fact that most don't desire it anyway. Well...that's all I got to put it in a long paragraph. What you think?

I took a look at the availible group roleplays and most of them have vampires in them. Sometimes these are good roleplays but usually it attracts most of the annoying RPers ;>>
Of course maybe I just chose the wrong ones to join.

((___jade___))> 09-26-2010 11:00 PM

@Athilea: Yies, I like pointy ears too. 8D
Yeah, that sounds good... ou o; Makes me think of African culture.
Then I should be an Elf too, probably, ya?
And that's fine; I understanddd.

@Juju: Haha that's fiiine. You don't sound pushy.
I want to and plan to but Idk when I'll actually do it. XD I'll try to get around to it soon. It's just that I have to come up with a good storyline to go with the world and all. Plus, I like to make intro long to scare away the noobs.

Oooh yesyesyes I like it. 8D -is now really excited about that role play too-

Yeah, I know what you mean... Lots of Twihards. :s People who think characters like Edward and Bella are good and well thought-out and thus make their character like them. People with character whose pasts are too horrible to be possible. Etc. XD
-has had a lottttt of experience role playing with such people-
It's rare to find the good ones. I have once or twice, but I've also gotten stuck, even currently I'm stuck in, a not so great one.

Athilea Majiri 09-26-2010 11:04 PM

If you would like to be, then yes. Pointy eared love is awesome. ^_^

Jurinjo 09-26-2010 11:17 PM

@Ath: I'm not in your roleplay but yes pointy ear love <3

@Jadey: heh, yes I recall you telling me you like to do that before. I'll wait patiently. And maybe I'll make a banner for it too.

I'll go do that ^_^

Yeah pretty much -__-
Lots of pepole though like to be emo all the freaking time and all woe is me >_<

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