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Merskelly Metalien 12-15-2018 07:54 PM

Comfort stuff to do when you're sick?
When I get sick, I try to get better as fast as I can, but typically I feel terrible for an entire week or half of one. :c
I notice though, that when I'm sick, I'm super clumsy, easily tired and not really into doing a whole lot.
When I'm sick, to comfort myself, I like to do a variety of different things to pass the time and keep me functioning. :]
Like drinking tea, and playing Fallout 3. Or dorking around with the keyboard and playing some tunes. x) or just kicking back with my water, kleenix and putting on a movie or two. <:)
Just little things I do so I don't feel completely miserable.

It's the holiday season, and I know feeling under the weather must be pretty common. If you aren't sick, then you're helping taking care of someone who is. :/
What are some things you do when you're sick that help you?
And are there any interesting things that you reserve for when you ONLY get sick?
For example, The Princess Bride is my go-to movie for whenever I'm sick, so I only watch it if I get sick. x) Mostly because the little kid is sick in the movie and is just playing video games when his grandpa arrives with a story. ^-^

Kaderin Triste 12-15-2018 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by Merskelly Metalien (Post 1887945)
If you aren't sick, then you're helping taking care of someone who is. :/


When I'm sick I like to stick with very much "lazy" activities that involve basically not moving. Like watching movies, reading books, and napping. The former two, because if I fall asleep in the middle of something, I don't have to worry about making a mess or the cats destroying (or eating) anything while I'm unconscious.
But I don't really have anything that I ONLY do when sick.

Merskelly Metalien 12-15-2018 08:18 PM

Oh! ahaha lucky you then! x) Wish I lived alone sometimes! I pull a lot of the workload around my household, but there wouldn't be so much work if I were the only one living here. XD
Nice to see someone doin' the lazy stuff too, even when not sick. x) and sleep is good, rest is important in recovery. :) What are your comfort movies you watch that you're cool with sleeping in the middle of watching it?

Kaderin Triste 12-15-2018 08:22 PM

Pretty much everything tbh, it just depends on how I'm feeling at the moment that I pick the movie. Rom-coms are usually a go-to or Gilmore Girls because I can select to play all the episodes on a dvd and if I fall asleep in the middle, it's fine. Happy, silly stuff is generally what I like for when I'm sick because it just makes me smile and feel a little better.

Merskelly Metalien 12-15-2018 08:43 PM

Awe. :3
Usually I'll pick movies or TV shows I've seen like a bajillion times. There's something comforting about knowing the whole movie already and just listening to it play out as you doze off. ^-^

Espy 12-15-2018 08:52 PM

Bed. Phone. Puzzle games on phone.

Also, art :|

Gallagher 12-16-2018 12:43 AM

when i'm sick, i either sleep for 3 days, or play games and ignore everyone for 3 days

im usually only sick for 1 or 2 days at a time

i just like sleeping. and games.

Death by Mirrors 12-16-2018 04:10 AM

Books. Science fiction or fantasy, something with an exciting plot. I rarely ever fall asleep in the middle of anything, even when I'm sick - but of course I get tired more easily than at full health.

Occasionally I play games on the 3ds too, but to be honest I'm kind of a technophobe when not feeling well. Which is funny since I love all things tech normally.

Merskelly Metalien 12-16-2018 04:30 AM

If I had my old games back on my phone I'd lay around and play them too...Ahhhh Kung Fu Pets!
It's nice to hear that other people curl up with a good book too. -u- games...and sleep...
huh, now that I think about it, there's actually not much else to do when you're coming down with a cold or flu or something..

Linkle 12-16-2018 08:31 PM

I have a few comfort and get better rituals.

First one is...kinda gross but so far it has not done me wrong at least in helping me feel better. I mix Sprite, Poweraide and Emergen-C. its...not the tastiest but it helps ease my tummy and gets me some Vitamin C.

Soup, Juice and a charged phone for when getting out of bed is not happening. Hot tea at night to help me sleep, medicines, and reading. Otome games wind up being a huge thing for me when I'm sick.

Movies with my Girlfriend and Roommate. I mostly listen but just the noise and knowing they are there helps. I also run myself baths and let myself soak. Except wen I'm REALLY sick, then i make sure the heat's up.

Merskelly Metalien 12-17-2018 12:10 AM

(AaaBulbasaur! x3)
I used to take a whole bunch of cough medicine when I was sick because I wanted to get better faster, x) but I just ended up hating medicine anyway haha. I mostly drink teas, take some sambucol and stay hydrated now. :)

Neonriser 07-21-2019 08:47 AM

I just consume chicken noodle soup. :P Especially when I get a cold.

Merskelly Metalien 07-21-2019 08:27 PM

:) Some warm tea with honey helps too. -u- I have tea to help me sleep, and to help my throat. :[ Though when I was coughing a lot and couldn't help myself because my throat was ticklish and raw and icky, the Throat Lozenges helped a TON! o-o

But the only flavor I can handle is Lemon. >:/ The cherry ones are gross and awful. So are the honey and crème ones. Lemon was tolerable and helped with the coughing. But you can only have them 2 hours between finishing one and taking another. If you have too many in a day, you can have some bathroom issues. >~>; I learned the hard way...Also I probably should have showered every day that I was sick. The steam helped a lot too. :( Though it was a long 2 1/2 weeks until I got better, so I was probably too weak most of the time to walk around even...
Being sick is no bueno. >:/

KittyBeary 07-21-2019 09:11 PM

Hot tea with honey. Soup. Ghibli movies. >:V

Merskelly Metalien 07-21-2019 09:14 PM

:D ahhhh Ghibli Movies! <3

bluebird 07-21-2019 09:23 PM

gon' perish at the ripe ol age of 30
weekday: pop pills n continue in life ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
weekend: sleep for 40 hours a day

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