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SanePsycho 02-14-2011 05:12 AM

Table-Top RPGs!
Here's gaming of a whole different sort! Dungeons & Dragons, GURPS, World of Darkness, and so on.

Does anyone else here play these sorts of games? If so, let's hear about some of your characters, memorable events that took place during your groups gaming sessions, or how it all got started for you!

As for me, I began when I was sophomore in high school. Some friends of mine were talking about it during lunch and I was interested. They invited me to play in their next session, and I gotta say, it was some of the most fun I had during my high school years. I still game every chance I get. It's a great way to bring my ideas to life, interacting with my friends' characters, and I love seeing where the stories take us. There's always adventure around every corner!

So please, share your stories, or if you're interested in table-top gaming feel free to ask questions. I look forward to hearing them! ^_^

Jurinjo 02-14-2011 04:25 PM

Never ever played them, I have been slightly interested for years until I found Weregeek and now I definitely want to play xD

Pisces 02-15-2011 11:13 AM


I recently starting playing D&D last year around September. A friend of mine wanted to start a D&D group, I was itnerested, and thus it started. THe first campaign my friend DM'd the game, but after his finished, he lent me the books and we're currently in the middle of my own campaign. It's my first run as the DM, and I'm enjoying it a lot.

My group is really zany. Nothing is every going to go as planned, lol, and that's not a bad thing. I love how they surprise me and force me to change things and mix them up.

SanePsycho 02-15-2011 02:36 PM

Haha, you can always count on player unpredictability!

One of my friends managed to kill off one of the main villains, who was at level 20 while he and the party were only level one. While the villain was monologue-ing he rolled three crits in a row and stabbed him with his lightsaber.

That player in particular pulls off some of the strangest stunts/sidequests and he leaves the rest of us rolling off our seats in laughter! xD

Pisces 02-15-2011 06:02 PM

I remember, when my boyfriend was still DM'ing, one particular player who is like that saved us from fighting a hydra. He rolled high by luck and managed to save up by jumping into the hydra's throat, making it gag, and we rode out of the room on a wave of hydra vomit.

SanePsycho 02-16-2011 01:10 AM

Oh wow, that sounds...tasty? Vomit surfing.. xD Ahh, I can just imagine it, and the giggles will not stop!

Pisces 02-16-2011 10:40 AM

Our DM took pity on us and gave us a random, underground stream in the next room to heal and wash off the grossness. XD

Jenny Harper 02-18-2011 03:57 PM

My first experience of DnD was at one of my birthday parties. My now wife made characters and we tried to play but no-one was playing.

I am now part of three people playing DnD, with one DM and it's really fun. I have a rogue and a cleric. We did our first session the other day and will be doing another one tomorrow, it's brilliant.

Our DM is...hilarious to say the least. He does bit players and such that are funny and his Paladin just falls flat on his face all the time. It's got the technical side of having the dice rolls, but it's not too serious.

SanePsycho 02-22-2011 06:14 PM

It's been difficult for our group to game on a regular basis, lately. Its understandable and all since some of them work and have school, and whatnot. I just miss the days when we would game during the day, throughout the entire night, nap for a few hours, then start again. Ahh, summer. xD

I miss D&D too. Our group has been playing a lot of GURPS for a while and we just recently started a Scion game to get out of the GURPS lull.

Lost 03-22-2011 12:37 PM

I started playing D&D with some friends of mine when I moved in with them. We haven't played as much as I wish we did but I work a lot too. And since I moved out in December I haven't seen much of them.

Some of our sessions were awesome though. Suplex-ing baby dragons. Running around Med. size dragons while they do a barrel roll. Go on a trip through the trollmores from the books.

The stories could be endless. BUT my fathers' stories are sooo much better than mine. He started playing back when it first came out. Has most of the version 1 & version 2 books. Stopped really buying them then, but thats cause his group got separated (work/school/life/etc). I asked him to get back into it so he could DM for us. Since then he is memorizing the 3.5 books and I fear writing us one hell of a campaign.

I want to get into more of these games. I wish I had time for it. I'm a big gamer as it is. I own all the consoles (wii, xbox360, ps3) And I'm starting to get really into boardgames and cardgames. I own most the munchkin sets already, and theres this game called SPANC thats supper fun, but all the Steve Jackson games are quite fun.

It would be easier to get into more roleplaying sort of games if I had more friends that played them. I've got my own place now but I'm only really free late at night. As most of my friends don't want to start playing that late I normally miss out.

I might have gotten a little of topic

SanePsycho 03-22-2011 12:57 PM

Oh, no worries, no worries. ^_^

I've never actually heard of SPANC. I looked it up and it looks like it'd be great to play. Space Pirate Amazon Ninja Catgirls. Yeah, that's something my group would play in a heartbeat! xD Is it similar in gameplay to Munchkin?

Lost 03-22-2011 01:05 PM

Kinda similar.
It's a four player game at max.
Each person gets four catgirls
Each cat girl has 4 stats [SP] [A] [N] [C]
Theres challenge cards and your trying to get a total of 10 loot
Theres four challenge cards to a round and you get loot from the challenges or from completing the round. Each challenge as one of the stats on it and you try to roll the dice and beat the challenge.
You get toys and poolboys to power up your catgirls. One toy per girl except for your captain.

My roommates and I haven't figured out everything yet.
But I only just got it a few days ago.
Its really quite simple and is something you should look into.
When I was talking about it with the guy at the store he said it was a "made for girls" game. But really I think he was wrong, but Frank is a pretty cool guy. Gave me some ideas on some other games I should by soon.

Have you ever played Killer Bunnies?
Everytime I go in a game store I wanna know if its any good cause it always looks like so much fun.

....oki so maybe not so similar?

SanePsycho 03-22-2011 01:11 PM

Oh wow... The jokes for that game practically write themselves! Yeah, I'll definitely have look into it.

No, I've never heard of it. I just looked it up, and it seems like its an extremely weird version of Magic: The Gathering, or any other card battle game.

Lost 03-22-2011 01:16 PM

The jokes do write themselves!

The challenge cards are funny too.
They add to the jokes writing themselves~

I think there is one where you make your own decks and then a different type of game
its confusing.
I got the killer bunny game game
not the deck building one
it was the main game and the first expansion.
I haven't tried to play it yet though.
I really should get on that.

How about the card game "We didn't play test this at all"
Its best with a large number of people. The more people the more fun you'll have. I played it up at college and didn't realize it wasn't really good for small groups of people. It just wasn't as fun with just 4 people.

Serra Britt 03-22-2011 01:25 PM

I used to have a group I played DnD with but that was a long long time ago. Plus I just don't have the time to invest in it anymore. But it was a lot of fun and being humorous was the best part xD
RPG-type card games are fun too, the one I've played the most was "Munchkin" which was a real treat and super funny as long as you don't take the backstabbing too seriously :P

Lost 03-22-2011 01:26 PM

Which Munchkin Game did you play Serra?

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