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Awen Moonshine 10-23-2014 12:00 PM

Just another newbie
Hey everyone, I'm new here but seem to finding my way around fairly easily (plus have a few friends to help me)

A little bit about me... Hmmm... Well I am a 24 year old stay at home mum with a 4 month old little girl called Lilith and I live in England, my partner is at work all day long so I spend a lot of my time online.

Both me and my partner play WoW together when we can and most weekends at the moment are taken up either by visiting friends and family (as we live far from everyone we know) or tidying the house, watching anime and playing games ^_^;;

My favourite colour is purple (as you may have already guessed) and I love all things Japanese (I even know some basic Japanese)

I think that should be enough as I'm not very good at talking (very much a lurker) unless I know what I am talking about ^_^;; Then I tend to ramble... So I shall stop here and lok forward to making some new friends ^_^

Demonskid 10-23-2014 12:09 PM


Welcome to trisphee, if you ever, EVER, need anything, have any questions let me know. =)

The staff here are always friendly. They are goofy and weird (that awesome weird that you can't help but love.) and they listen to the user's feedback and advice.

Things are a little slow but that just means lots of hard work is put into things when they are released.

daikokunyo 10-23-2014 12:16 PM

Hullo there! I'm pretty new too and so far my experience has been awesome.
So do I love all things Japanese and know a couple Japanese phrases. I gave a couple of books of DIY to teach myself the language, one is completely of verbs O.O
Lilith is such a cute name :)

Witchchylde 10-23-2014 12:40 PM

Yay for the Lurkers!

Demonskid 10-23-2014 12:59 PM

Lurking is fun. =) but posting on tris is what makes you rich *u*

Awen Moonshine 10-23-2014 01:03 PM

Thank you everyone and hello all you fellow newbies! I shall probably become more active posting here when halloween is over as I'm taking part in too many events to keep track of, but I will check in here at least a few times a day ^_^

Lawtan 10-23-2014 08:09 PM

Awen? As in "poetic inspiration"? Yay! *dances a jig down to the horses of Garanhir*

Espy 10-23-2014 09:17 PM

Hey, welcome to Tris. Nice name.

trystan830 10-23-2014 10:07 PM

hey there Awen!

you're from UF too?

OPALNYX 10-24-2014 01:36 AM

Welcome to Trisphee Awen.
Hope that you enjoy your stay .... seems you are.
Wow more UF people.

Ginger 10-24-2014 01:46 AM

Welcome to Trisphee, Awen! *hug*

Den 10-24-2014 04:16 PM

Welcome to Tris! :)

Awen Moonshine 10-24-2014 06:20 PM

Thank you so much for the warm welcome everyone!

I am indeed the one and only Awen Moonshine that is a member of Unifaction, Unicreatures, Aywas, GaiaOnine and I was on Kingdom of Knuffel under this name but I no longer have access to that account and am now known as Alith Anar on there ^_^;;

Lawtan you are amazing! No one has ever known that about my name without me having to tell them! It was my coven name many years ago and it kinda stuck ^_^;;

Kellyara 10-26-2014 01:51 AM

Hi! So I've also joined now. I blame you. :P

Awen Moonshine 10-26-2014 07:25 PM

Blame me all you like! You know it's a good thing! ^_^

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