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Zika 08-23-2012 03:00 AM

War Game. [M]
War Games.

In the age before the War Games, the king of Antior and the king of Plyx used to be close friends until they both fell in love with a beautiful young maiden that lived in the small area in between both of the kingdoms, where most farmers worked and sold crops to both kingdoms.
The two men were enraged when they found out the other had also been trying to woo the beautiful maiden and there friendship and alliance was quickly shattered and they started competing for her love, at first with roses, fine wine and the most beautiful dresses made out of the nicest of silk, but the maiden would always send back the gifts and reject both of the kings, for their money could not buy her love.
They came to find that she was in love with a solider of the Antior army, so the king killed his soldier and his ex-best friend demanded war, but they both decided instead, that they would punish the maiden and all the maidens to come, the punishment for denying a king for a mere soldiers and they created battlefields that looked like Chest boards and started sending their soldiers into fight each other, secretly watching their every move, until only one army was left standing and then they would send in the next section of the army no matter the ranks.

These ranks as so:
The Pawn, whom were sent in with few weapons, being newly recruited soldiers.
The Knight, whom were sent in with two swords and another weapon of their choosing.
The Bishop, whom were sent in with heavier armor than the average soldiers.
The Rook, whom were sent in low numbers but with more weapons, mostly experienced and older knights.

As the kings sent in their unknowing soldiers they would chant to the sky,
"Check mate,
There are already blood stains on the chest board,
Keep fighting for air in the tight spaces between the white and black squares,
A wind passes through and shakes all that you’ve ever known but no one will come to save you,
Your king is down,
And blood pours against your fellow pawns,
Check mate,
The war is over."

They would then laugh and shake hands, "May the best army win!" One would say, and the other would add on, "Either the white army or the black army."

♚ - The Kingdom of Antior is known as the Black Kingdom
♔ - The Kingdom of Plyx is known as the White Kingdom

The Kings.

The ambitious ruler of Antior:
Gale Ravenlaw, the son of Jericho Ravenlaw and grandson of Richard Ravenlaw, with the golden brown eyes that descended down through the male blood line, and his mother’s long dark brown hair. However, unlike his father, grandfather and mother, he was often seen as cruel, even as a child. He was always very daring and ambitious, being the prince wasn’t good enough for him, and he wanted more. Some say he killed his father to become the king but there is no proof to the claims. While the people of Antior loved King Richard and King Jericho, they were fearful when Gale came into power.
He became the king of Antior when he was twenty-six, and eagerly started arguments with smaller kingdoms and had small, quick battles against them to show them who the boss was, but he befriended the king of Plyx during a peace war meeting between all of the kingdoms in the land and they continued to talk.
Six years later their friendship collapsed, they both fell for the same maiden and Gale being the ambitious man he was, would not give up the competition for her against his ex. friend. When he found out that she was in love with one of his soldiers, he was outraged, how dare she ignore him for a mere soldier?! A pawn at that! He had the Pawn executed before her eyes and his best friend declared war, however, they went with the idea he brought up; to have their soldiers fight each other until they tired of the game, as pay back.
Fun facts – Gale is thirty-two, the youngest king to ever rule Antior. He’s never been married and has no heir to the throne. In his spare time, he studies magic to try to find a spell to make himself immortal so he can rule his land forever.

The hopeless romantic ruler of Plyx:
Javier Chase Everseeker, son of Chase Everseeker and Marie Everseeker, born into a castle that was on the inside ran by his mother and the outside ran by his father. Javier grew up knowing his mother made all of the decisions and was raised to respect women even more than men, his mother was a real feminist of the time and would snap at him anytime he would talk down to even a servant that as a female. He was a good man with light blue eyes and a pure smile, that smile vanished when his father and mother were murdered by his father’s trusted friend, and he became the ruler of the kingdom. The people liked him at first before he befriended the friend of Antior, they quickly became afraid, for they had heard the evils of the Black king.
He became the king of Plyx when he was thirty-six, he had a beautiful wife named, Catalina, the people loved her just as much as he loved her, but four years into his kinghood, he had to leave her while she was pregnant to go to a peace war meeting, and when he returned he found out that she had died giving birth to the child.
Javier didn’t know how to take care of the young boy but always did his best, and when he fell in love with a beautiful young maiden, he tried to woo her, he wanted her to help him take care of Thor and for her to love him the way Catalina had. However, when he found out his old friend was also after her, he was furious (and he is not easily angered), he begged him to stop and told him why he wanted her as his wife and was laughed at, the friendship ended and he declared war when he found out Gale had killed one of his own soldier’s just because she was the girl’s love, but he foolishly agreed to the younger cunning king’s plan. And now he regrets it.
Fun facts- Javier is forty-two and his son, Thor is two years old. He is far-sided but wears no glasses because he believes they are unnatural, he was meant to have trouble seeing. He’s a very compassionate king that tries to keep all the people of his land happy, especially young mother’s.

Zika 08-23-2012 03:00 AM
♔ ♖ ♗ ♘ ♙ ♚ ♜ ♝♞ ♟

Rules of the War Games.:
- Even though this is a war based roleplay, keep violence PG/14 and keep to the Trisphee rules.
- Keep cussing PG/13.
- Gore is allowed, just don't go extreme with it.
- Females are allowed in the army.
- Antior soldiers wear black armor, Plyx soldiers wear white armor. No exceptions.
- PM me your character profiles, title the PM "We will fight, but what's the cause?"
- Romance is allowed.
- One liners are a HUGE FREAKING NO. You get one warning, and then you're out! No "if", "and"'s, or "but"'s.
- Minimum post length is three lines. Not sentences. LINES. Paragraphs are preferred.
- There are NO guns/firearms of ANY kind.
- I can add more rules when ever I want.
- I am not your English teacher, but use as close to correct grammar and spelling as you can.
- Your character can have one power as long as it's not OP or stupid, I'll be the judge on each.
- What I say goes, I am the white and the black queen.

♔ ♖ ♗ ♘ ♙ ♚ ♜ ♝♞ ♟

Character Skeletons.:
Username- {Your username here}
Name- {Your character's name here}
Gender- {Your character's gender here}
Age- {Your character's age here, ages 18+ only}
Personality- {Your character's personality here}
Appearance- {Picture and a short description, or a description}
Background- {Your character's background, five sentences at the least}
Rank- {Pawn, Knight, Bishop or Rook}
Citizenship- {Antior or Plyx}
Weapon- {Weapon here}
Fighting style- {Self-explained}
Other- {Anything else you want to add}

Zika 08-23-2012 03:02 AM

Characters from the White Army
♔ ♖ ♗ ♘ ♙

Username- Zika
Name- Vandyke Felxic
Gender- Male
Age- Twenty-Three
Personality- Vandyke is very arrogant, loud and brash, he thinks that he is the best at everything he does and is very over-confident, he won’t give up easily and he fights hard, he thinks he’s charming and thinks he can get any girl he wants, he’s a jerk. He finds it fun to make fun of other’s and enjoys inflicting pain on people, that’s the reason he joined the army, so he could hurt people and get away with it. He’s not very intelligent at all, he’s all bronze and no brains, he’s only good at talking himself out of situations.
Appearance- Vandyke is six foot four with broad shoulders and a toned-built chest. He has dark piercing brown eyes that seem to look right into a person’s soul ,and shaggy dark blond hair that stops just at the top of his ears and is shaved in the back with a small ‘V’ shaved on the back of his head right above the back of his neck. He has a wide forehead with a cross-like shape scarred into the right side of it that’s about an inch in length. His expression is often dark, his skin is pale and his face scared, a scar goes straight across his nose and cheeks, and there is a scar on his chin from years of fighting, his arms are also battle-scarred, his left ear has a chunk of top cartilage missing from it. He can be found in his armorthat is similar to this picture just white instead of silver and the blue part is red, the design continues down the legs and they’re white and black just like the chest piece with heavy black bottomed boots. When he’s not in his armor, he’s wearing a white tunic with black pants and black boots and his weapons still with him, to cause fear in the people he comes across.
Background- Twenty-three years ago, Vandyke was born in a small house in the kingdom of Plyx to a commoner girl and a soldier of the Plyx army. His mother died right after she gave birth to him and left his father with the job of taking care of the new born, but the man saw great evil within his son and tried to drown him in holy water, but was caught by a nun, who then took the babe from the man and took him to the church. There he was raised by the nuns and brothers of the church, but no matter how much good they tried to teach him, he would always do things that he knew were wrong; from killing cats, to throwing stones at children younger than himself. When he turned thirteen, the Church decided they could no longer house him and sent him to the army barracks to live with his father and be trained as a soldier. He learned quickly and when he turned eighteen, he was sent straight into the Knight rank, even though he was experienced, he was young and the army leaders and the king didn’t want the other’s to think they were playing favorites just because his father had been a good soldier, even though the man ‘mysteriously’ died close after Vandyke’s eighteenth birthday.
Rank- Knight
Citizenship- Plyx
Weapon- Vandyke carries a silver long sword that has two silver flame-like designs coming out of the hilt, he also keeps two silver short swords on either of his hips on his black belts connected to his white armor.
Fighting style- Vandyke’s style of fighting is quick and not very planned out, he acts before he thinks, he tends to just jump into battles and tries to use brute force to win, when it comes to fighting an intelligent opponent, he tends to have quite a lot of trouble when it comes to trying to destroy them.
Other- Vandkye has enhanced, in a way, strength, he can lift things that other men cannot because the objects are too heavy, he can lift up to about four-hundred-eighty pounds but only throw two-hundred-forty, this also gives him a more powerful punch and swing of his sword(s).

Zika 08-23-2012 03:03 AM

Characters from the Black Army
♚ ♜ ♝♞ ♟

Username- Zika
Name- Azael Ellison Peters
Gender- Male
Age- Eighteen
Personality- Azael is fun-loving and doesn’t tend to let things get him down, even when he’s in bad situations that are life or death, he tries to make the best out of it, he’s quiet and shy despite his fun-loveliness, when he gets to know someone then he shows them his friendly and energetic side. He’s modest and polite when the time comes but he can be vicious when he has to be, and is hard headed and intelligent.
Appearance- Azael is five foot nine and has a small build; his skin is lightly tanned, with darker freckles across his nose; which is slightly crooked from breaking it when he was younger. He has deep golden brown eyes the color of maple syrup with lighter flecks of a yellow-ish gold color, his hair is auburn; with red and brown mixed together it’s cut short and spikes up slightly on the top of his head in a natural way that typically comes from him running one of his hands through his hair, his eye brows are thin and his ears are unusually slightly pointed, he has a thin silver hoop through each of his ears. He wears light black dragon scale chest plate with a black under shirt and black pants, connected to his pants over his thighs and groin is the same dragon scale as his chest plate, and he wears boots that his black pants tuck into.
Background- Eighteen years ago, a young man fell in love with a young maiden and wooed her, her father was furious when he discovered them together and took the young man into the woods and killed him in front of his young daughter’s eyes. When she started missing her period, she quickly grew worried and ran away from home to stay with an aunt and uncle who lived in Antior, they were more than willing to take her in, and there she gave birth to her son, Azael, whom she named after the angel of death who had taken her love from her. She and the babe used her love’s name until she met a noble when her son was three years old, they wed after six months and her husband took her and her child in and helped her raise the boy as if he was his own son, even though his family looked down at him for it. When Azael turned seven years old, there was a horrible fire that destroyed their home and killed his mother and horribly burned his adopted father, the man became violent and beat Azael black and blue, but the boy took it, because he knew his father was just angry at the world; not at him. They lived on the street for five years before his father’s mother heard of the accident and took them into her home, and sent Azael to school once he wasn’t so skinny from lack of food, he spent the rest of his teenage hood in his step-grandmother’s home, she was a vile woman and as soon as he could; he joined the army just to get away from her nastiness.
Rank- Pawn
Citizenship- Antior
Weapon- Azael has a dagger in a leather sheath on his right thigh for quick access and another similar dagger at his left hip on his belt, he brought them both with him when he went into training, the army gave him a simple silver short sword that he keeps on the right side of his belt.
Fighting style- He prefers to work with his daggers rather than his sword, he has a good aim and rarely misses (unless the person/object is moving quickly) when throwing a knife which is part of his “ability”, which is basically just a keen eye and good concentration during battle. When he’s forced into up close combat, he uses his weapon and tends to think his plan out mentally beforehand.
Other- Azael has enhanced vision.

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