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Glitch 11-18-2015 02:56 AM

I don't know why, I'd love it if somebody could tell me why I hate cooked fruits.

CupcakeDolly 11-18-2015 11:18 PM

Well, I did some half-assed research and found this.

I might try to teach myself to like raw food if you teach yourself to like cooked fruit! =P

Glitch 11-19-2015 01:35 AM

xD I also can't stand cilantro!

Lucid: 11-19-2015 03:43 PM

D: You filthy cilantro-hater! More for me I guess. Humph.
That article is super interesting though. owo My siblings are crazy picky eaters and refuse to try anything new. They are 19 and 14 years old. -_-;;

CupcakeDolly 11-19-2015 10:13 PM

Meh, give them a few years to grow up and realize how dumb they're being. I used to hate a lot of things - mostly things that are actually GOOD for you - and I'm slowly developing a taste for them!

Glitch 11-20-2015 01:12 AM

it tastes like soap! it makes everything that touches it also taste like soap D:

CupcakeDolly 11-20-2015 06:48 PM

Ahh! Glinter turned into the most fantastical demon lady ever!

Glitch 11-20-2015 09:07 PM

i'm glitching out! >:O

Glitch 11-21-2015 07:15 PM

We need something fun to do up in here >3>

Somebody suggest something.

CupcakeDolly 11-21-2015 09:54 PM

Uhh.... UHMM... Snorkeling?

Glitch 11-21-2015 10:35 PM

D: No. . .that's ok.


We could do youtube movie night@+!

CupcakeDolly 11-22-2015 02:00 AM

Whaaaaat is that?

Glitch 11-22-2015 02:24 AM

we all watch a youtube movie at the same time.

that's all i've got atm.


Lucid: 11-22-2015 03:23 PM

One time a bunch of us watched Serenity at the same time because one user was watching it on livestream. xD It was around 5-10 seconds out of sync for some people though so reactions were all over the place, haha.

Glitch 11-22-2015 03:46 PM

ah man that sounds like a lot of fun actually ouo

CupcakeDolly 11-22-2015 09:32 PM

I would totally watch Serenity in an out-of-sync group setting.

littl3chocobo 11-22-2015 09:56 PM

hoi hoi~ noone is chatting in my hangout, can i play here?

Glitch 11-22-2015 09:58 PM

Of course you can! But it's slow pickings here too xD

littl3chocobo 11-22-2015 10:28 PM

slow is better than no XD though i am also arting so i am not helping on speed hahaha

CupcakeDolly 11-22-2015 10:30 PM

Well, there's your group activity. Everyone can art together! ^-^

littl3chocobo 11-22-2015 10:31 PM

haha, that would be a bit difficult to manage XD

CupcakeDolly 11-22-2015 10:36 PM

Nah, we all just have to transportalize to the realm of arts, sit down together in the void and, uh...
Yeah, that plan sucks.
How 'bout we all just talk while arting?

littl3chocobo 11-22-2015 10:39 PM

hahahahaha, much better XD let's do that

Glitch 11-22-2015 11:19 PM

i should be arting but i am not arting. . . i am lame.

CupcakeDolly 11-22-2015 11:24 PM

I'm thinking about arting.
I'm thinking about it reeeeaaal hard.
I might art.
But for now I'm just thinking about it.
That, and... food. o_o

littl3chocobo 11-22-2015 11:42 PM

i am actually arting XD

Glitch 11-22-2015 11:43 PM

Oh my that looks very cute! <3

I have been thinking about it allll day and then I just ended up playing gw2 all day instead >3>

littl3chocobo 11-22-2015 11:51 PM

hahaha, well i already got paid the ten bucks so if i want to spend it i need to finish XD

CupcakeDolly 11-23-2015 12:04 AM

Damn! That's cool.
I wish I could get paid for arts, but I'm not a business savvy person.

littl3chocobo 11-23-2015 12:07 AM

i am not too sure if i am either XD

Glitch 11-23-2015 01:23 AM

I usually end up paying people to take my art >.>

I like your new avatar

littl3chocobo 11-23-2015 01:24 AM

oh jeez XD ok, i am not that bad hahahahaha

thankyou<3 nice tattoo XD

Glitch 11-23-2015 01:44 AM

ya :D ((I know it is your design <3))

I tried to do etsy and i missed my mail by date so i overnighted it and ended up spending $15 to get it to the guy D:

littl3chocobo 11-23-2015 02:10 AM

it's super hella old though XD mostly i was bugging galla to put something in the token shop and that is what happened X''D

jeez, i sold a glass like that, i forgot part of the set and had to mail it seperate and ended up making less than a dollar in all x____x and this is not counting the cost of materials to ship either

CupcakeDolly 11-23-2015 03:50 AM

Etsy seems like a complex venture. I don't know how people pull it off. There's all the time and effort that goes into making stuffs, and buying materials, and shipping costs... @-@ How do you make a living from that? Or, like... any profit at all?

Glitch 11-23-2015 04:22 AM

fiverr with high shipping costs, seems to be where it is at. XD

CupcakeDolly 11-23-2015 05:09 AM

Oh yeah, I've thought about starting a shop on there, but I don't know what I'd do. Everyone pretty much has the sketchy chibis market cornered.

littl3chocobo 11-23-2015 05:42 AM

i dunno XD i tried etsy but only sold one thing, it cost more to have the shop than the value of the item hahahaha

Glitch 11-23-2015 03:57 PM

there's a weekly saturday market in portland all year round. If I ever get financially stable I would like to try that! You can buddy up with me if you want <3

Lucid: 11-23-2015 08:35 PM

I have a friend who sells poster prints on Etsy. For non-custom ones, she has a few of each printed out already and just goes to the post office once a week to ship any orders she got that week. I don't think she makes a TON of money, but it's really more of a hobby for her anyway.

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