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._. 02-13-2011 07:24 PM

Hola! Come Estas!
Hey, I'm new too the site... obviously.
-points at clothing-
:D I love the avatars :D

Obbiesan 02-13-2011 07:29 PM


haha hi and welcome

._. 02-13-2011 07:32 PM

I know :D!
I absolutely love sites that let you put other characters in xD.
I was going to put [GM]Trisphee... but then I noticed I could do this face. So I went with it xD

Epiphany 02-13-2011 08:13 PM

And a very expressive face; it's one I use a lot.

Welcome to Trisphee! We love new people.

._. 02-13-2011 08:14 PM

-ish loved... because he's new-
Yep. It's easily one of my favorite faces.
Along with:
:L and '~'

Epiphany 02-13-2011 08:20 PM

Sometimes being a newbie is fun!
I'm fond of = A=; and X3. I overuse the XD and =D.

Demonskid 02-13-2011 08:21 PM

I use


a lot :3

Nice to meet you and welcome to the site! =D

._. 02-13-2011 08:22 PM

I DEFINITELY over use the "xD" emote. However, I find it more appealing than "lol" or "haha". Just has more.. emotion xD.
And I've never really seen = A= used often :O!

._. 02-13-2011 08:22 PM

Thanks Demonskid :)!
Wow. My name is getting a lot of rep xD.

Epiphany 02-13-2011 08:29 PM

A friend of mine uses = A= a whole bunch and she got me into it. XD See, I wish emoticons could be use IRL. .___. would be waaay more effective in showing my teachers I've no clue as to what they are speaking of than saying, "I don't get it."

._. 02-13-2011 08:30 PM

I've actually tried to make the "._." in real life. It's really hard to do--- In case you were wondering :P!

Epiphany 02-13-2011 08:42 PM

XD I know someone who can do a perfect :3 face. It's creepy.

Also! Don't forget to post in the charity thread in this forum! They'll donate some stuff your way and you can sign up for a raffle!

._. 02-13-2011 08:45 PM

I'm not sure if I should join in a charity. ^^;;
They're usually pretty hard to get items from. xD

Epiphany 02-13-2011 08:49 PM

Not this one.
.__. Trust me. And there is a raffle, anyway, that is open. =) It's not that bad of a chance for getting 20 runes.

._. 02-13-2011 08:52 PM

The thing about raffles is you have to pay money to make money. ://
And I might sneak in there >>;;

Epiphany 02-13-2011 08:57 PM

Not this one. =) Really, it's quite simple. You fill out a simple form, some items will be donated your way, and you'll be asked to pick a number for the raffle. Very simple, you pay nothing, and those running it are nice people. I don't join charities and raffles much either, but this is a good one. =)

OMG quiche. <3

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