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Poggio 08-15-2012 01:41 PM

Fluffy conspiracy rated M
So the three of us tend to discuss our rps alot.
Its high time we took it out of the corral since it scares people away.

This thread is for Honbons, chickadee and myself.
You are welcome to post here but I highly doubt you will know what is going on. Rated M for mentioning Penis a lot, possibly ass too.


Originally Posted by littl3chocobo (Post 1316306)

mention fluffy or something, also i like to say 'fuck' and 'tit' wildly out of context, mention that XD

littl3chocobo 08-15-2012 01:49 PM

@_____@ i will /never/ click that title

mention fluffy or something, also i like to say 'fuck' and 'tit' wildly out of context, mention that XD

Poggio 08-15-2012 02:02 PM

I thought it was cool u-u
XD and sorry I have not posted tom, I have not been in the mood for sexy fun times.

littl3chocobo 08-15-2012 02:12 PM

it /was/ cool just not the sort of mind-numbing silliness that catches my eye X'''D

so i got date cookies and a teeeeenytiny loaf of something that smells like cinnamon raisin-bread<3

Poggio 08-15-2012 02:17 PM

Aweesome! Though I am not sure I like dates.

Well its the fluffy conspiracy now.
And Post in Mid if you havent checked.
He does love taco night.

littl3chocobo 08-15-2012 02:18 PM

did you reply to my roast comment?

Poggio 08-15-2012 02:21 PM

No I did not XD I have been drawing.
So what in the hell is ambrosia talking about? Is some one embezzling from the club?

littl3chocobo 08-15-2012 02:24 PM

i am the last post

your call, he is saying there are a couple accounts that say so-and-so is schedualed here and for this and there are no reciepts or info on the guys.

i figured it could be one of three things, galvin is doing his spy shit on vamp customers, someone is stealing paperwork, or there is something special about these clients and their paperwork is somewhere else

Poggio 08-15-2012 02:27 PM

The first one goes against the trust that the two of them have built together so that one is up to you. Some one stealing would probably be morgan and the last one XD the off the books sex would be amusing and hard to stop and would make Galvin furious.

Really I just posted about a mexican cantina.

littl3chocobo 08-15-2012 02:29 PM

so the third XD who is the girl/girls taking client folders from the boss' office when he is busy with cold plastic? XD

Poggio 08-15-2012 02:34 PM

Haha xD except there are times he gets a live pistol.
Hmm the one that looks like Galvin but is very bony, Maybe a vampire, perhaps another more butchy and ... xD should the bartender get cut in on the action?

littl3chocobo 08-15-2012 03:47 PM

we need the bartender so no and shame, ambrosia should be the only gun cocked at galvin XD

Poggio 08-15-2012 03:50 PM

XD if it helps its a very high price that only people of Ambrosia's status could afford. Most are put off buy it but maybe one or two sugar daddies are not.

littl3chocobo 08-15-2012 03:51 PM

like the licker? X'D

Poggio 08-15-2012 03:54 PM

yes XD the one that likes him in corsets would be another one.

littl3chocobo 08-15-2012 03:56 PM

at least he is a fancy whore even if his jogns aren't so classy X''D

could the licker be someone high in the police force? i like the idea of having an npc who is useful

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