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Obsidian 09-27-2020 03:47 AM

Love you, Glitch
My heart is broken and I cannot seem to stop crying over the news. She was my best friend. We bonded through our love of pixel art together. Often times helping each other with our art. I'm going to miss that the most.

I don't know how to feel right now. Every time I calm myself, I can't help but to have my thoughts returned to Glitch and the fact that I can't talk to her anymore. I just don't know what to say. Part of me cannot believe that she is gone.

Batty 09-27-2020 12:15 PM

She was my best friend. She was my family. I still message her every single morning. If for a second I stop keeping myself busy I break down and cry. She was everything to me. I just... It's no fair. Life isn't fair.

Obsidian 09-27-2020 05:00 PM

I keep checking her Facebook in hopes it was all a terrible dream.

Panda 09-27-2020 07:07 PM

I used to have her on my old facebook, but I deleted that and made a new and I was thinking about her because we haven't had any updates here in forever...I don't know what happened and from reading the messages above...I'm really worried and I hope it's not what I think it is. :/ I just can't wrap my head around it.

Edit* Ok, I found out what happened because I went to her hangout thread. WOW, I can't believe it, she was such a good person and an amazing friend. She helped me so much throughout the years and she was a big part of my life on this site. It's so unfair!!! T.T I'm lost for words....

Obsidian 09-27-2020 07:52 PM

Yeah, she came out of heart surgery and was in recovery but unfortunately her heart gave out on her. I've been crying since yesterday when I found out.

I kind of want to do some pixel art in memory of her but I'm not sure what to do for her.

KittyBeary 09-27-2020 09:29 PM

I think an art tribute is a great idea.

Still cannot believe this has happened. :(

Boris 09-27-2020 09:41 PM

You can do a pixel art of all her friends surrounding her. Basically, everyone who posted in here (save for me.) and those on her friends list.

Panda 09-27-2020 10:47 PM

I've been sitting here for hours in my house with pain in my chest and feeling anxious just thinking about this. I still can't believe she's gone T.T She wanted me to go see her last year and I didn't get the chance to.

Obsidian 09-28-2020 08:13 AM

Same here. I had to take a whole hydrosazine to calm myself. Finally made it half the day without crying but I keep stalking her Facebook still in disbelief.

Kory 09-29-2020 11:34 PM

I haven't had the chance to meet her better acquaintance. But from the few times we have spoke, she was nothing ut kind, accepting and supportive.

This is truly a sad loss for all of us.

KittyBeary 09-30-2020 06:16 AM

She was definitely caring and a wonderful person overall.

Belial 10-03-2020 11:59 AM

I just came back and. . .this really is hitting me hard.

I remember her to be an absolute sweetheart and I cannot imagine the suffering her family is going through right now. She was kind, patient, charismatic, vivacious, creative, and innovative.

I don't even know what to say. Nothing I can come up with will be enough in my opinion. I wasn't related but I knew her as a talented wonderful woman, I wish this never happened.

Too many people have been lost recently, Including my mother. I look at her picture and all I can do is cry. Her child doesn't have a mother now. but I know my grief doesn't compare to the grief her family is going through now.

I should probably stop now before I lose it.I'm just really tired of seeing good people pass away due to whatever reason. And I'll try not to be angry about it, I know I have no right to be.


Espy 10-03-2020 12:47 PM

You’re allowed to be angry, to be sad, for both your mom and Glitch. Your mourning doesn’t invalidate someone else’s grief.

Obsidian 10-03-2020 04:46 PM

I'm just thankful that she lived long enough to give birth to her beautiful baby boy and she was able to spend a little time with him.

Tam I am 03-11-2021 02:45 PM

I know this thread hasn't been updated in a bit. I didn't know Glitch well, but I still treasure the little kitty she made me in one of the event games we had here. I'm hoping to translate that pixel kitty into a soft doll, so that I can remember and pray for her family always, and kind of for a memorial to Glitch.

daikokunyo 03-17-2021 12:22 AM

That's a lovely idea for a memorial, Tam.

I didn't know Glitch well either but she was always a wonderful warm presence on the forums here. It feels so unfair that she passed so young, unfair to her and unfair to her family, but I'll pray too. I'll pray for their peace.

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