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-   -   Ari's Peanut Butter Room o3o - [Giveaway... Win Raffle Tickets :o] (

Arikana 03-08-2013 08:16 PM

Ari's Peanut Butter Room o3o - [Giveaway... Win Raffle Tickets :o]
Hay thar. 8D

Welcome to mah peanut butter room where everything here is made of the dalish, edible substance known as peanut butter! :) So feel free to eat the place. It'll just automatically regenerate. ;)

Moreover, just come chat with me when I have the time to chat. <3

And since I'm super generous, I'll do giveaways too. c:

For each specified poster on the following pages, they shall win a raffle ticket. :) If I can't send it out via this account due to my fat inventory, I'll ship it to my mule, first, and then to the winner. :3

Page 5 - First Poster ::
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Page 65 - Thirteenth Poster ::
Page 70 - Fourteenth Poster ::
Page 75 - Fifteenth Poster ::
Page 80 - Sixteenth Poster ::

Batty 03-08-2013 11:20 PM


Arikana 03-08-2013 11:29 PM

Yes, you guys do. :D And you can even eat it! :P

So what's up, Batz? <3

Batty 03-08-2013 11:34 PM

Nadda much~

Ive had way too much energy to expend today, oddly.
So I've been movin' around alllllll day.

Workouts, bike rides, walks, now DDR... I can't wait to shower. xDDD

Hows about mah Ari?

Arikana 03-08-2013 11:53 PM

Ari is tired. Very, very tired. x.x

I never slept last night cause I kept distracting myself and then morning came and I didn't feel like wasting my precious sunlight for the day, so I just stayed awake. I feel like dropping dead right now. x.x

Just had dinner like forty-five minutes ago. So not used to dinner at this hour. But at least it was yummy. I made tempura shrimp and [sliced] carrots. <3

Damn, I wish I exercise, on a daily basis, as much as you do Batterz. <3

toxxic 03-08-2013 11:59 PM

Is the peanut butter hard or is it soft like out of the jar?

Batty 03-09-2013 12:13 AM

NU! Ari doesn't wanna exercise like Batterz!
She does it way too much, and doesn't know when enough is enough.

Its after 11 here, and I'm.. not even done yet..=/

Arikana 03-09-2013 01:11 AM

@toxxic: Whatever you want! :) The room just shapeshifts to be peanut butter the way YOU like it! ;)

@Batz: Yeah, I could use that as I am overweight a bit. :| Though this thing I've got going on where I barely eat anything on a daily basis is helping me to lose some of the weight, exercise would be a WAY more efficient way to do so. :3

Espy 03-09-2013 01:53 PM

...-jabs a knife into one wall and starts eating-

Lucid: 03-09-2013 02:19 PM

Can your room transform into Nutella? It's almost like peanut butter, but a thousand times better. :U

Arikana 03-09-2013 04:48 PM

Uh, I personally don't like nutella, actually. >_> And I've never had it with peanut butter, so I don't know how the two taste together. :|

So.... *creates a slab of self-regenerating nutella, places it in a new ziplock bag, and gives it to Lucid* <3 Here ya go, Lucid. :)

Lucid: 03-09-2013 06:25 PM

**eats it forever**

Nutella and peanut butter taste really good together. Peanut butter and chocolate are perfect together. Like a Reeses cup.

Espy 03-09-2013 06:49 PM

Above is true, IMO. I do a little happy dance (and people stare at me) whenever I'm at Schatz and they actually have peanut butter and chocolate chips on the same day.

Arikana 03-09-2013 07:25 PM

I don't mind Reeses peanut butter chocolate, though I do wish they'd create a version with dark chocolate more. I don't know if it's because I haven't had milk or white chocolate in a while or my body just dun like that stuff anymore, but white and milk chocolate makes me stomach feel messed up. :|

Dark chocolate's the only one I can eat now. x.x

Espy 03-09-2013 07:46 PM

I thought they DID have a dark chocolate Reeses.

Arikana 03-09-2013 08:00 PM

Did they? o_o

OMG. I want to try them now! :o <3

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