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tenderwhispers 01-29-2011 08:38 PM

GOOD Vampire Novels?
i'm a fiend for vampires... and i was long before the whole twilight fandom exploded and butchered the vampiric reputation. i did read the twilight saga (before it was popular) and found it amusing but i could cry about what it has done to vampires, what would bram stoker say lol

moving on from that, i want to know what vampire novels you have read and enjoyed, what ones are worth reading?

i have read twilight (as previously stated) though i don't recommend it

a few of the vampire chronicles by anne rice (excellent)

blood ties series by jennifer armountrout (romance, lots of lemon. not a bad series)

dark hunter series by sherrilynn kenyon (romance, lemon warning. my favorite series so far)

secret vampire by l.j smith (not bad)

taste of crimson by marjorie m. liu (really good)

i tried to read chosen by p.c cast but i couldn't finish it, i kept getting a "cult" vibe from it and it completely ruined it for me. am i the only one who noticed the cult-like aspect of the book

i'm currently reading dark lover by j.r ward (not bad so far)

i would also like to hear what you have to say about the books i have listed, if you have read them, let me know what you thought of them

Corovignh 01-30-2011 09:03 AM

I'm not familiar with the books you've listed, but I do have two others I can list as being fun and amusing, though they're kind of heading in the romantic direction if you don't mind that.

The Hollows series by Kim Harrison, beginning with Dead Witch Walking and the Undead series by MaryJanice Davidson, starting with Undead and Unwed.

The first one is more about a witch who's an investigator with a pixie and vampire as assistants and their various adventures. And then Undead and Unwed is about a model named Betsey turned vampire and... laughs ensue.

johnny 01-30-2011 12:12 PM

"Sunshine" by Robin McKinley was a book that got me into vampire novels.

Corovignh mentioned the "Undead" series, which is also good. I second that recommendation.

Haze 02-21-2011 12:54 PM

Have you ever read the Morganville Vampire series? By.. Rachel Caine I do believe? Great stuff, I recommend it.

Demonskid 02-21-2011 01:18 PM

I liked the books by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
'Demon In My View' and 'In the Forests of the Night' x3

Taiania 02-21-2011 04:25 PM

If you're over 18yrs I suggest the Anita Blake series by Laurel K Hamilton. Though seriously, don't read it under age. It will be a shock.

Blitzkrieg 02-21-2011 07:21 PM

Silver Kiss by Anette Curtis Kaluse

Kaguya 02-22-2011 02:22 AM

Might I suggest Anne Rice's vampire trillogy

Forsaken 02-22-2011 02:41 AM

Oh, my.. so many are already listed... But I would suggest 'Blue Bloods' by Melissa de la Cruz. There are squeals, but I have had no time to read them yet. It was not hard to follow, plot-wise, and not very elaborate, but I enjoyed the back-story, and how it was written. It actually fits true vampiric lore... Bram Stoker, while I will never discredit him and love his work, did not have such plausible 'facts' in his tall-tales.

Batty 02-22-2011 02:50 AM

JEANIENE FROST. The end. Halfway to the Grave is the first of her Night Huntress series. Best I've read, thus far.

Alexander Linden 02-22-2011 11:09 PM

Blood and Gold, and the Vampire Armand (both by Anne Rice, and not part of the Vampire Chronicles)

CupcakeDolly 04-30-2011 04:33 AM

Vampire books are a dime a dozen nowadays. I was a vampire buff before the Twilight revolution as well. Ah, the good old days when the undead kicked ass and didn't sparkle like fairies... Which, incidentally, are next on the list of mythical creatures to be raped by literature.

I've gone away from vampires now. They're just not the same anymore. You have to look back toward the Anne Rice days to find anything worthwhile. I was a fan of the Cirque du Freak series by Darren Shan though, if you're fine with teen books. Also the Peeps series by Scott Westerfeld. Both have a new, interesting take on vampires.

Quiet Man Cometh 04-30-2011 05:44 AM

I tried reading Interview with the Vampire but nearly fell out of my chair for the boredom (of course I was 14 at the time so that may have had something to do with it). I don't read vampire novels out of habit but one of my favourite novels that happens to focus on a vampire is I, Strahd: Memoires of a Vampire. I've read it twice. Elrod also has a series that she wrote called "The Vampire Files" (graphic novels I think) but I've never read them.

If you are familiar with Dungeons and Dragons or Ravenloft at all, that's where part of the novel comes from. Strahd started life as a villain in an old DnD adventure and the Ravenloft setting came from that. I know the book and two others were re-released recently.

If you like other supernatural critters, Strahd is the antagonist in two other novels by James Lowder, Knight of the Black Rose and Spectre of the Black Rose where the main character is a death knight/living dead guy. Evil, murder, and mayhem abound though I didn't find the novels squeamish or anything.

Gallowsraven 05-05-2011 08:05 AM

Anne Rice if you like good long novels to fill a rainy day (i'm partial to Lestat but maybe that's cuz i fangirl over him???), Dracular for the same reasons (i prefer the edited version myself; cuts out the waffle) L. J. Smith also did Black Dawn and Daughters of Darkness, and the Vampire Diaries can be good to, if you don't mind romantic horror.

Do not get me started on Twighlight. Puh-lease, vamps do not sparkle! fairies and pixies sparkle, mermaids sparkle, angels sparkle. Vamps do not sparkle! And can we have a little more well-written story and not cliche and whatever else instead of the laughable literature we got?!

Rant, over. Phew.

Batty 05-11-2011 12:12 PM

Definitely check out the Night Huntress series, by Jeaniene Frost. Her books are AMAZING.

Gallowsraven 05-11-2011 04:46 PM

I have a slightly odd vampire series; House of Night, not quite mainstream and not quite not either.

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