
Trisphee (
-   Together We're Better 2016 (
-   -   Decorate a Trisphee Street! (

Athilea Majiri 08-07-2016 07:57 PM

Decorate a Trisphee Street!

A woman stands on the street with crates upon crates of party supplies and other decorations around her. She is tapping on her chin as she looks down the street, and seems to be exasperated. She slowly starts to take notice of you as you approach her. "Oh! Hello there. Maybe you can help me!" She gestures down the street, "I can't decide how to decorate this street. Maybe you can help!"

Use the image above to create what you would want a street party to look like, or how you think it should be decorated to celebrate the users of Tripshee!

You can do so digitally, or traditionally, you can even use stickers. Please, make sure your name is included in it!

Everyone that participates will get one random event item. The three best will get additional rewards as follows.
First place will get 3 random event items
Second will get 2 random event items
Third will get 1 random event item
Hosts Choice will get 1 random event item.

Espy 08-20-2016 08:02 PM

Holy cheeseballs, coloring this by mouse is hard xD

Athilea Majiri 08-20-2016 11:41 PM

I bet it is. o.o I would have just printed it or something.

Espy 08-21-2016 02:31 AM

I would've, too, but last time I did that, the scan came out less impressive than the real thing.

Athilea Majiri 08-21-2016 07:50 AM

Ohh, I get that. That is a danger of scanning.

Espy 08-21-2016 08:29 PM

Have you gotten /any/ entries yet?

Athilea Majiri 08-21-2016 10:48 PM

I have not. =/

Lawtan 08-22-2016 12:37 AM

Sorry, but the event came up right between finals of one semester and school starting of the next within 2 weeks of each other...and parents being ill...and me being ill...
So, I haven't been able to make the stuff I was hoping for this one :(

SparX 08-22-2016 10:47 AM

I am so angry at my computer, I haven't been able to doodle stuff since tivas doodle. Everything I draw comes out black instead of the color I picked so I gotta check out all my settings T.T
I really wanted to do this too!
Edit: I figured out my problem. When I saved the photo it saved as a grayscale picture.
Thus why my red was black, my green was black and my blue was also black.
I can hope to have it finished by tonight around 10pm pst at the latest!

Athilea Majiri 08-22-2016 01:06 PM

That's understandable Lawtan! No worries.

I'm glad you were able to figure it out SparX!

SparX 08-23-2016 11:11 AM

Yeah no. I fell asleep doing it last night XD
I still have 5 houses left to color before I even get to the whole decorate the street part XD
I am so terrible at this. I need to work less XD

Espy 08-23-2016 05:58 PM

oh god, i had a really bad day yesterday. how much time do i still have D:

Athilea Majiri 08-23-2016 06:04 PM

Today is the last day for the event itself. =/ So that means the contest will end today.

Gallagher 08-23-2016 06:06 PM

Well, just because it was bad timing for a game like this, doesn't mean we can't use it again in the future. Worst case, y'all can have the image around and make a really spectacular job of it when we decide to give it another shot!

Athilea Majiri 08-23-2016 06:07 PM

Agreed! I have no problem reusing this image for a future game.

Gallagher 08-23-2016 06:14 PM

It's definitely my favorite of the coloring pages we've done in the last few years.

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