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Illusion 01-10-2018 04:53 PM

Weekly Common Item Discussion Thread
Let's discuss the new commons here!

Let me start off:

These eyes. OH MY GALLA These eyes. So fab. Much wow.

Gallagher 01-10-2018 05:10 PM

so, funny story.

those face parts i've had sitting around for years now (the file is marked 2013) but because of how irritating commons with multiple colors used to be to make, i kept putting them off until i eventually forgot about them.

turns out, forgetting about them was the best thing that could have happened, because they all look great in every color.

bless my commons tool.

Kaderin Triste 01-10-2018 05:50 PM

Initially I was kind of "meh" because I don't really use collars much, but then I checked out some of the eyes.
I do like them. Haven't looked at many of them though. I'm afraid I don't really use a great variety of facial items...

mdom 01-10-2018 07:27 PM

I'm really happy with the eyes and mouths T^T
thank you so much for those <33333

Illusion 01-10-2018 07:34 PM

I was making a avatar yesterday and testing it out and was like "We need more eyes. Our we only have like 2-3 eyes I like using. Nothing is pairing well with my current avatar." log in today and it's like "YES. YES. YEEEEEES! "

Espy 01-10-2018 10:30 PM

Except we can't even see yer eyes, Illu.

bluebird 01-11-2018 12:30 AM

I had to make a completely new avatar just to use the new face items. The eyes are too cute not to wear asdklfjlsdgj

Kaderin Triste 01-11-2018 12:52 AM

Lol. I like to imagine Illusion just has a the new eyes equiped right now...

Witchchylde 01-14-2018 11:00 AM

Liking the new eyes, and the new mouths too!

bluebird 01-19-2018 11:11 PM

Holla @ the new update! Someone can dress up as that flaming hot bartender in Undertale with that new head mod(?), or Flameo Hotman!!111!!1

The tattoo might look like a cool shirt design if i layer it on top of a plain shirt.

Monster eyes are always cool in my book. Trendy monster girl avi-OC coming up in 3..2...

All in all, lots of neat little items to work with. Thank~

Gallagher 01-19-2018 11:46 PM

glad to hear you liked this dump!

i almost forgot about the eyes, but i remembered that i mentioned i might have a set a while back when someone was asking about uhh third eye options i think? so they were a bit of a last minute addition

mdom 01-19-2018 11:56 PM

totally dislike those new items, not gonna buy any of them
like how would I use them anyway
in a way that's 'mdom'
can't think of any

Gallagher 01-19-2018 11:58 PM

ok but forreal tho, that's a fucking fantastic way to use the fades

Illusion 01-20-2018 12:12 PM

It's a nice dump for sure.

So many commons X. X....

Gallagher 01-20-2018 06:02 PM

yeah i didn't really wanna spend 2-3 weeks emptying out my yearlies files lol

dragoness129 01-22-2018 03:16 AM

I love these Darkborne mouths and nose! (Yeah, didn't pay attention to exactly when they were released).
They work really well with the skin tone! A lot of the other noses I have a bit of trouble with matching just so, or don't like the look of them.
Might be making more avies with actual noses now, lol. -thumbs up-

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