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Pinkzilla 11-04-2010 04:16 PM

I'm What?!
Couple 1- couple has been on and off in their relationship, over small and big things that goes on randomly. Though they really do like each other; It was one night when they were bored, they both were dragged into bed. A week later she found out she was pregnant, now the couple had been brought closer together, even though they have been distant for some days before she even told him.

Couple 2-A love story between the two can't possibly go wrong? These two have been best-friends until when they were in 8th grade, he confessed that he loved her, and she was speechless; It wasn't until the end of the summer when they officially started dating. Now they're in highschool, going along with what will be happening in the present or near future.

Couple 3-He was a new comer when all this dating and touching, sexual type of thing started happening in highschool. You see he was the one who got her drunk and dragged her into bed, that one night when there was a party at the popular girl's house. Now they're glad they're going to have a child though she's scared. She wanted her motherhood to happen after she was out of highschool and college. Her being pregnant still have brought them closer than ever before.

Couple 4-This couple had hated each other, until they were at a friend's party playing spin the bottle. When they first kissed each other they realized that everyone was right....they both were just perfect for each other; Months later they started dating officially, and got drunk, together, then of course he forgot to put a condom on and all. Now they're happy they have children of their own coming on the way

Pinkzilla 11-04-2010 04:17 PM

-Follow all TOS
-Please be able to type at least one-two paragraphs a post, with five - ten sentences each
-You may have up to two character's but that's only if we're running low.
-Post two times a week, if you will be leaving the rp or gone for sometime please notify me somehow.
-Reserves must be titled "This wasn't planned!" and profiles "You'll just have to deal with it Mom/Dad"
-Romance is highly encouraged, so is a bit of drama and violence but please just don't over do it
-Keep cursing to a minimum
-Real pictures only
-No godmoding
-These are the rules I have for now and if I have listed new rules they will be in black

Pinkzilla 11-04-2010 04:25 PM

Username/Name/Age/female/Couple #1/Posting color

Username/Name/Age/Male/Couple #1/Posting color

Corovignh/Rhiannon Swanson/17/female/Couple #2/Indigo

Poggio/Timothy ‘Troy’ Julius Ackerman /17/Male/Couple #2/Dark Slate Grey

Pinkzilla/Jessibell Messlore Daae/17/Female/Couple #3/#BF4000, #302226

NikkoGallarado/Ryotaro Nogami/19/Male/Couple #3/DarkSlateBlue

Meimei/Katarina "Kat' Demidov/17/female/Couple #4/#9933FF

sir_odin/Reve Zephora/19/Male/Couple #4/Teal

Pinkzilla 11-04-2010 04:27 PM


Username/Name/Age/Gender/Couple #/Posting color


This is on my birth certificate: (Name)
But you can call me: (Nickname)
I have lived on this earth for: (Age)
This is me: (Personality)
My special day is: (Birthday)
This is how I've been affected: (Bio)
Gimme!: (Likes)
Ew No: (Dislikes)
I almost forgot: (Optional/Other)
My puppet master: (username)
Appereance: (Real life only, No anime!)/size][/align]

Pinkzilla 11-04-2010 04:28 PM

Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Rainy Cloudy Sunny Snowing thundering/lightening Cloudless

What's going on?

It's around 9:30 A.M. and the character's are just getting up


Pinkzilla 01-20-2011 12:56 AM

Wide awake eyes stared at the little clock on her bedside table. A lovely cloudless day in June was what her back was turned on. Only one side of the drapery was pulled open, the other half still shading the bed she lay on. It was peaceful. She could hear noises coming from outside of her window but of coarse she loved it. It was when everything was at a complete stand still when she felt fidgety. It helped her think. However, the thoughts were not on the hustle and bustle going on outside, nor the clock she seemed so intrigued by. No. It was the little being that grew inside of her. Of coarse it was not visible having been pregnant for only six weeks, but she found herself staring at her stomach and inspecting it every day for the slightest change. Silly. After a few more minutes ticked away on the clock Jessibell slid out of the bed and moved to the bathroom to prepare for the day. And to vomit.

After all fresh and clean the red head pulled her damp hair back into a bun and dressed in a T-shirt and a pair of jeans. Leaving her room her feet padded down the wooden floor hallway to the steps. She surprisingly had the house to herself for the day. A true jewel all in its own. Normally she would have diverted to the living room but the kitchen called. Breakfast was always her top priority now.

NikkoGallarado 01-20-2011 01:32 AM

Ryotaro was at the book store that early morning looking for a few books on parenting, also how to raise your child. This was all so new for him but he would do everything in his power to be the best father he can be and to help Jessibell from start to end. Pulling out his phone to look at the time seeing he would need to head out soon to go and see how she was doing this morning. Heading over to the counter setting the books down, he bowed to the owner of the shop. The women laughed some at the young boy away from his home country of Japan still acts like he lives there from time to time.

She rang up the book gave the total to him he paid the amount said his thank you's and left heading off down the street to Jessibell's. While walking down the block he saw a flower stand walked over looking at the some of the flower smiled some. "Maybe she would like some flowers." was his thought as he got a few paying then continuing on his way. In a while he got to her home went up the stairs knocked on the door waited.

Pinkzilla 01-20-2011 02:06 AM

Jessibell found herself staring. Staring at the bacon, ham, eggs and other wonderful breakfast foods her fridge held. They all looked so good. Then the fruit caught her eye. Honey dew would do just right! As she picked the melon out of the fridge she heard a knock on the door. She had a pretty darn good idea of whom it was and that brought a smile to her face. Closing the fridge she set the melon down on the counter as she left the kitchen and skipped to the door.

Opening it with a wide smile on her face her thought of who it was was confirmed. There he was. The young man that meant pretty much everything to her. She felt that the word love was the only way to describe what she felt for him. Then again, worry seemed to always be in the corner of her mind. Worry for what might happen if he were to decide to leave her with the kid. She did not want the child growing up without a father. Never the less, he seemed to always be there for her now and that was all she could ask for. Taking a few steps back she outstretched her arm motioning for him to come in. "Good-morning Ryo, come on in."

NikkoGallarado 01-20-2011 02:23 AM

"Good morning Jessibell chan," he said old habits die hard even living in America but his family ways and ways of home stayed him him. "How are you doing this morning?" as he walked in held up the flowers with a smile. "I was thinking if you would like some flowers for the kitchen." he held strong feelings for her wanted her to know he would never do anything to hurt or leave her, he could smell the food that she was cooking. "Ano you haven't eaten yet?" from time to time he would worry a little to much. "Here come on," as he closed the front door walked over to her taking back into the kitchen sat her at the table.

"I shall finish cooking breakfast for you." as he went over to the oven looked at it seeing what she was making.

Pinkzilla 01-20-2011 05:35 PM

Jessibell smiled at him. "I'm doing just fine today. I was thrilled when I found out everyone was gone when I finally got up." The smile grew when she spotted the flowers. They were beautiful! And she could already smell the pretty aroma. "They are gorgeous!" Taking them from him she stuck her nose close and inhaled their smell. Yep, they were definitely perfect for the kitchen.
Once he entered and closed the door she followed him back to the kitchen. "Well, I haven't been up for very long." It was obvious he wanted her to sit down and let him do the work, but that wasn't her style. She wasn't one to let people do everything for her. It just didn't feel right. Moving over to the counter she set the flowers down. She couldn't help but smile at the pans sitting on the stove top. "I kinda changed my mind. I originally planned on eggs and something..." Taking out a knife and the cutting board she placed them on the counter and then picked up the melon. "But I decided on something easier." Giggling she turned to him with a simple happy smile.

NikkoGallarado 01-20-2011 06:51 PM

"A melon, that is always good to have the morning." as he laughed some looking at the pan. "Did you want to finish this off in cooking and I clean it up for you while you cut up your melon." as he started to help her around the kitchen. He knew Jessibell well to know what she liked and she didn't like. Removing the book bag from his shoulder he placed it by the door way. "I stop by the book store and got a few books about having a baby and raising one." he walked over to leaning over kissing her on the cheek.

MeiMei 01-23-2011 12:18 AM

Dreaming.. Dreaming.. Pleasantly sleeping as her mind allowed itself to float away into a land where everything seemed to be perfect. She was enjoying it until the soft splashing of the sun's golden rays hit against her pale cheeks. Her eyes opened slowly, ebony curls were placed softly against either of her cheeks. She brought herself up into a sitting position, slowly, before looking down at herself.

From the pendant placed around her neck to her arms, hands, and finally her stomach. The sleepy figure closed her eyes slowly and stood up. Eight Thirty, the clock read. A smile pressed itself onto her plump lips. She had been feeling so happy lately..And today wasn't going to be any exception. She stretched, looking around the small room. Simple, yet adorned with darker colours, such as dark blues and blacks, for lighter colours and white walls tended to give this young woman the worst of migraines. Without another thought she headed into the bathroom to get past the morning routines, about an hour later she came out feeling like a million bucks, all dressed and groomed for yet another day.

Pinkzilla 02-03-2011 07:10 PM

Taking a glance over to the empty pans she let herself roll flip a mental coin again weather or not she actually wanted eggs or not. "No, I'll just stick with the melon for now." She would put them away after she was done. Slicing the fruit in half she pulled out a spoon to gut the seeds into the garbage.
At the thought of Ryo already purchasing books on child care made her glance at him. He seemed so much more serious about the deal than herself. There was that worry creeping up behind her. She should have felt happy, but for some reason she didn't. "That, good." She commented after a moment of silence. Smiling at the peck on the cheek she glanced at him with happy eyes. "Now don't you distract me." Laughing she looked down at the knife. Continuing with her task she peel the skin off of one of the halves with the knife and then started to cube it. "You can go ahead and take a seat at the table."

NikkoGallarado 02-09-2011 01:11 AM

Ryo nodded some took a seat at the table, watching her as she cut the fruit with delicate hands. "So how have you been doing?" he asked as he moved around some. He couldn't help but not move around he was still slightly nervous about some thing.

Pinkzilla 02-23-2011 04:26 AM

"Oh, just fine. Nothing really noteworthy has happened." After the melon had been sliced and diced she pulled down one of the larger bowels and dumped the fruit cubes into it from the cutting board. Tossing the knife and the board into the sink, as well as discarding the skin of the melon into the trash she then plucked the bowel up and set it down on the table where Ryo could reach with ease. "Go ahead, have some." Turning back to the counter she opened up another drawer and pulled out some yellow clippers. "What about you? Anything exci-" Pausing for a moment she smiled but didn't turn around. "Wait a second! I am forgetting something. It hasn't happened yet, but it will be happening soon. I'm going to be auditioning for a part in the play the town theater is putting on." Looking down at her task as she undid the flowers so they lay unbundled she picked one up after the other snipping the end off, prepping them to be put in a vase.

Sir_Odin 03-06-2011 06:41 PM

Reve yawned as he looked up at the sun, He was outside in the yard as his daily routine had gone. He looked at his watch wondering if Kat was up yet he looked back at the window to see if their light had gone one yet.Indeed smiling he got up and walked to the kitchen he started to cook some breakfast. He hummed to himself now almost listening for her footsteps.

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