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Gallagher 12-31-2011 03:01 AM

[ M ] [ The Lab ]
[ The Lab ]

Welcome to all doctors, subjects, scientists, and visitors.

Today, I invite you to come view the newest of our experiments. Our test groups just started their newest medications, you see. Our hope is for better results than the last batch. It was, well, contaminated by a bit of a bug that went around. Virus, really. Drove them all mad. Not very good for psychosis research, if I do say so myself.

Ah, but there are a few things we should cover first. Please, wear your safety equipment at all times, and follow the usual rules of conduct. In addition, do try not to rile up our subjects. They do that perfectly well on their own. And don't discuss the experiment itself. All other forms of conversation are permitted, even encouraged — it's good for promoting the growth of dendrites in all of our subjects, you see — but not all those here are aware of what's happening to them. It's an additional stressor that we do not need at this stage.

Oh, and one last thing... -points to a sign on the wall-

[ Thank you, and please enjoy your stay. ]

Gallagher 12-31-2011 03:02 AM

[ Staff ]







[ Subjects ]

[ Semper Memento ]


Nexess 12-31-2011 03:04 AM

[Nexy's Office Harem]

While touring through our lovely Lab,
you may have noticed a few scantily dress woman and men hanging around my office.
These lovely darlings would be my own little office harem~
Yes, I do agree! They are quite lovely aren't they <3

Oh?! You say you'd like to join my little harem? Well by all means please come to my office and we shall chat~

[Meet The Harem]






Gallagher 12-31-2011 03:05 AM

[ Lab Log ]

Subject 64

First Meetings

Human Duck

The New Doctor

Nexess Pintaca


Employee of the Month

Nexess 12-31-2011 03:07 AM

Reserved... Cause we're probably gonna use this one too lol

Espy 12-31-2011 03:07 AM

-crashes through a window-

....Wrong room. Sorry. -backs out quickly-

Gallagher 12-31-2011 03:08 AM




That was a side effect I didn't expect. -takes notes-

Nexess 12-31-2011 03:08 AM

-Stares at Espy- Oh no, please do stay B] We love vistors.

Espy 12-31-2011 03:12 AM

Ah, no. I...think I'll be perfectly fine staying un-experimented-on.

Asami 12-31-2011 03:13 AM

//rolls in
nice gall c:
//huggles everyone

Gallagher 12-31-2011 03:13 AM

... I'm certain I haven't a clue what you're talking about.

-point- I saw a 'Sami!

Nexess 12-31-2011 03:14 AM

Oh, well then... Wanna see some experiments? We've been trying to cross a yak with a lizard lately, had some interesting effects.

Espy 12-31-2011 03:16 AM

That reminds me of Wild Isle, actually, before the game went down "for improvements" and never came back.

Nexess 12-31-2011 03:17 AM


Gallagher 12-31-2011 03:18 AM

I love it when we cross things with lizards.

... Wild Isle? Never heard of it.

Apparently she has though.

Nexess 12-31-2011 03:19 AM

B| My brother played it for awhile, I played it a few times though, it was fun as heck BD

Hey, did you ever get me that canary I asked for Gall? The rabbit I order should be in tomorrow, I'd like to start the cross breeding...

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