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littl3chocobo 02-23-2013 06:41 PM

thinking about a pixel petshop
i have been thinking about it for months but i am not sure if it is a sustainable shop, prices and options would be something i coul not guess since they would basically be adoptables and done in my sticker style( ) maybe with a white bg

what kind of pets would you guys want? evolving? fully formed? do you want to have premade lines with color options or would you want to have the option of a customizable? would you like humanoid monster mythical or animal? how many pets would you buy and would you want it to grow?

looking for thoughts and opinions from both pet owners and potential pet owners alike~

Asami 02-23-2013 07:12 PM

Well my kindle lately has been hating me and wont show any picture at all from photobucket or tinypic so I cant really say much about them but I can answer other things ^^

1) evolving is always fun. It lets us watch the pets progress and its always super cute and awesome to watch ^^
2) you can have both. It might be a bit hard to start so id suggest starting with a few premade sets then when things pick up or you have tons of time. Set up your customizable ones.
Having different color options would be amazing for premade ones as well.
3) I think that differs per person but personally I like mythical and animals. It really depends on the humanoid part for me. Sometimes I really adore that kind of thing but sometimes I think its a little lame.
4) you should do a set limit like a person can only have 4-5 eggs at a time and until one hatches they cant pick up another

littl3chocobo 02-23-2013 07:27 PM

oh, here; like that one, no background and a solid outline

could i make it two eggs and have a post count option? or would paying for points work if evoing is the key?

hyjin 02-23-2013 07:31 PM

will they be like random things? or just animals and people?

littl3chocobo 02-23-2013 07:33 PM

animals, people, fish, inanimate objects, all sorts of things as long as they can be feasibly passed on as a pet

hyjin 02-23-2013 07:38 PM

that sounds very interesting

littl3chocobo 02-23-2013 07:39 PM

i wanted to have pet rocks and stuff XD maybe a spork

hyjin 02-23-2013 07:47 PM

that would be funny

Honey 02-23-2013 07:49 PM

Dibs on a pet rock

hyjin 02-23-2013 07:54 PM

first buyer already

littl3chocobo 02-23-2013 08:01 PM

X'''D at least i know they would sell then

but i am hoping the poll would help me get an idea of who would buy though i dont really talk to a lot of our users these days since i am hardly around

hyjin 02-23-2013 08:02 PM

yeah that is true

littl3chocobo 02-23-2013 08:04 PM

i should play more i think, it is not like i dont have time but there is one user i cant stand and that cuts down where i can post

Honey 02-23-2013 08:12 PM

It's me, isn't it? I'm the user who keeps you away. BI I'm sooo rude, and I play around here often.

Honey 02-23-2013 08:14 PM

Also, that is the face I want my rock to have. Shades and a straight mouth ----> BI

littl3chocobo 02-23-2013 08:20 PM

yes, yes it is honeybunny who torments me XD

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