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Vincent 04-03-2014 07:07 PM

[M] Vincent's Place ~ 1000 Replies! Whoo!
Yeahhh nothing fancy (yet). But I figured I'd make a small hangout to get to know the random people that feel like popping in. XP

Sooo, someone chat with me and hang out here. I need some friends on this site~ D:

By the by, here's what we have in here so far;
Smiley faces all over
Bats all over
Popcorn Machine
Soda Fountain
Tea Brewer
Coffee Machine
Movie Projector


Sei 04-03-2014 07:59 PM

Why hello there, Vincent. How're you today?

Vincent 04-03-2014 08:03 PM

It's you again. o.o /stalker xD jk.
Hiya. x3 I'm alright. Having dinner atm~
How are you? x3 Nice day so far?

Nexess 04-03-2014 08:33 PM

-hangs smiley faces on the walls- I deem this a smiley face place :P

Vincent 04-03-2014 08:35 PM

Haha. Don't forget to put one near the door so when people walk in, they know what they're getting into. XD
I actually had a smiley face on that one jacket I had on my avatar, but I changed it around haha. XP

Nexess 04-03-2014 08:41 PM

I feel like I should put on googley eyes and one of those creepy smile items now lol

Sei 04-03-2014 08:43 PM

I'm just everywhere. It's my magic power! :'D

Vincent 04-03-2014 08:45 PM

@ Nexess ;
Ohkayy we're trying to get people in here, not make them worried this place is haunted/cursed. XD
But that would look creepy. XD
Do you read Creepypastas? /random

@ Sei ;
Awesome. XD The world could use more of you, being a moderator and.. you. and. all. xD
Any other magic powers? O-O

Nexess 04-03-2014 08:50 PM

Creepypasta is creepy. That would be a yes xD

Vincent 04-03-2014 08:51 PM

@ Nexess ;
Awesome. x3 I read it myself here and there, but it's hard for me to find some decent stories. Found any good ones, yourself? XD That you remember?

Nexess 04-03-2014 08:54 PM

Only one about the hospital in japan that was haunted by some lady who died there with her child in a fire, it was like woooooooah dude.

Vincent 04-03-2014 08:56 PM

That does sound pretty cool. XD
I read all the 'famous' ones like BEN Drowned and Squidward's Suicide and all that. XP The most recent one I can remember reading was.. somewhat different with a 'fortune telling' booth at a mall that spit out creepy fortunes and ended up killing people o.0 And they couldn't tell or something.
That was kinda different. XD

Nexess 04-03-2014 09:24 PM

O.o ooh, I haven't read the last one but it does sound kinda cool. Currently I'm poking through youtube looking for new music, found a real gem too.

Vincent 04-03-2014 09:28 PM

Oh? Nice music? xD
I'm sooo picky on music. Whenever I wanna listen to some, I go thru lists in my head and I'm like 'no, no, no, no' and I'm just super picky. XD...
Probably because everytime I like a song I play it til it dies and then I'm just like 'eh'.
Lately, I'm getting into a bit of the earlier songs I listened to a few years ago. XD
What's your favorite type of music? x3

Nexess 04-03-2014 09:34 PM

I like folky music, or at least lately I have, I was into a lot of weird foreign music for awhile there. Right now I'm listening to Chester See, cause his voice is like woooooah.

Vincent 04-03-2014 09:38 PM

Never heard of him. 0-0
Then again I'm hardly in the music world, since most of my music comes from more famous artists that are basically everywhere or just from games. XD
Although ironically my favorite music artist isn't that public/media related atm. XP
It's 'Origa', one of the singers who did the opening song for an anime called 'Ghost in the Shell'. I like her music. It's like a techno/trance/opera. XD

I also like whenever I listen to a song and the guy's voice is all like 'Whooa' and I just play that part over and over. XD

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