
Trisphee (
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Lucid: 11-28-2010 02:18 AM

Captain Sushi!
Lucid, grand sushi master of Trisphee, is raising up her sushi army! She wishes to gain much power by adding war captains to her forces. Lucid has already earned the allegiance of a few sentinels and captains, but the sushi army needs more (wo)manpower!

Eight sushi? We're nearly halfway to victory! Keep it coming!

Trisphites, urge your favorite captains to come be personified as a delicious food item! (Or you could even buy your captain a sushi as a present. ;D you would surely be promoted.)

Captains, come heed the call to sate our beloved Trisphites' hunger for adorable and delicious sushi!

Good Trisphites, you can help the cause as well! My sushi army needs loyal recruits as well as captains. Order a sushi, and help sway the alignment of the army! You may fight each other all you like, but the real way to win the war is by majority through the hearts and stomachs of the people.

Order your sushis here and declare your alignment in the extra notes section. Undeclared orders will be considered neutral.

I have received

8 Divine orders
6 Corrupt orders
5 Neutral orders

since the beginning of the Taskal War.

SakuraMinamino 11-28-2010 02:20 AM

Oh, yes! All NPCs must be immortalized in sushi! It must be done. *grin*

Ashurato 11-28-2010 02:20 AM

Oh god, I laughed SO hard with this!

SakuraMinamino 11-28-2010 02:23 AM

Hee. That's because it's awesome *grin* It would be SO cool to have a little gallery of NPC-sushi as a souvenir at the end of the event!!

Lucid: 11-28-2010 02:27 AM

I'm thinking of adding a little competition between Divines and Corrupts. I've had 3 Divine orders and 1 Corrupt order since the start of the event (including captains). I wonder if people would be interested in fighting over which team most influences my sushi army? right now my army heavily favors the divine side.

Duchess 11-28-2010 02:29 AM

hahah. omg sushi Asura... Looks delish =9 *noms a piece* OwO

SakuraMinamino 11-28-2010 02:30 AM

That's a great idea! Adding in a little competition never hurt anything. *wink* You should add that to the front post and put something in the title about the divine winning. Like Divine - 3, Corrupt -1 or something xD

SakuraMinamino 11-28-2010 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by Duchess (Post 289994)
hahah. omg sushi Asura... Looks delish =9 *noms a piece* OwO

Uh-oh. *looks over at Asura!sushi and takes a few steps back* It was nice knowing you, love.

Ashurato 11-28-2010 02:31 AM

Oh lordy, my sushi's gonna be eaten by the time the event's done.

SakuraMinamino 11-28-2010 02:33 AM

Oh, LOL, I meant that Asura!sushi was going to take revenge on Duchess xDD

Ashurato 11-28-2010 02:34 AM

Asura!sushi also has no hands. Lucid made sure of that.

SakuraMinamino 11-28-2010 02:34 AM

Asura!sushi needs no hands to kill. *shifty eyes*

Ashurato 11-28-2010 02:35 AM

... Touche. XD

SakuraMinamino 11-28-2010 02:37 AM

Hee. Gosh, this is so much fun. I'm having so much fun talking to you guys, and with the event, and I'm so glad Trixie is here, and the sushi are so adorable <3 This is the most fun I've had in a while. *dances around in happiness* <3

Ashurato 11-28-2010 02:39 AM

XD I said something very similar just a couple of days ago.
I've never had so much fun on an avatar site as I have been on here.

SakuraMinamino 11-28-2010 02:41 AM

Hee. It's just so much fun : ) I'm so happy right now. <3 *dances moar*

So has Asura!sushi decimated poor Duchess yet? xD

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