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V. Lisette 07-31-2011 09:13 PM

///-The Dragon's Lair-\\\ ~Open, Accepting Applications~
Welcome to the Dragon's Lair

You have fought many a battle to find yourself in the Lair.
It may have been a physical journey, a spiritual conquest, or an emotional struggle, but one way or another you have emerged victorious.
Since then you have been crowned a Dragon Lord.
What is it that has brought you here, friend? From where have you come?
Your battles are not yet at an end, but do not worry, you are already among heroes.
Sit down, rest yourself. Tell us your story...

This is a meeting place for all Dragon Lords to relax, and to enjoy the company of other celebrated Lords.

V. Lisette 07-31-2011 09:15 PM


1- Always follow Trisphee T.O.S and site rules.

2- Respect EVERYONE in this hangout.
I don't care if out of this thread they were insulting you and your mother.
You take your problems out of here.

3- In order to call yourself a Dragon Lord or Lady:
You must fill out an Application and get it approved.
No shortcuts.

4- Roleplaying is allowed, but not mandatory. If you choose do partake in such, please keep it PG-13.
This goes for language, graphic imagery, etc. RP responsibly

May add more later*

V. Lisette 07-31-2011 09:18 PM

The Dragon's Lair

Here lies the list of Lords and Ladies who occupy the Lair.
They are the celebrated few who represent their chosen path honorably and with ferocity.

Wrath Dragon Lord: [ Saith ] our Fearless Owner

Chaos Dragon Lord: [ Mizeria ] Second in command

Fire Dragon Lord: [ Batty ] Third to take a stand

Lust Dragon Lord: [ Lioshika ]

Dark Dragon Lord: [ Moonless Midnight ]

Water Dragon Lord: [ Squiggles ]

Ice Dragon Lord: [ Airu ]

Storm Dragon Lord: [ *Zane ]

Shadow Dragon Lord: [ Espy ]


There are paths still not taken, that need a Dragon Lord to fight for, uphold, and to protect.







You can always suggest your own title if these do not please your demeanor.
It will have to be approved through your application.

There is a chance that it does not deem fit for a Dragon Lord title.

In this event; a new suggestion will be brought forth for you to consider based on your offer.

V. Lisette 07-31-2011 09:20 PM

What is your Story?


Desired Title (Element/Sin/Virtue/Other):

*What is it you are fighting for/defending?:

**Why you deserve to be among the ranks:

*These are meant to show your creativity and let you have a little fun. What are you fighting for? As a Dragon Lord, what is your treasure/prize? Are you fighting for your honor, your family's you have an affinity for rainbows? Are you defending kittens? What about death by chocolate cake?
**And why do you feel you are a Dragon Lord? What have you done to deserve it? Have you won countless battles with your strength? Mental \prowess? Did you save a baby from a burning building? Were you the one to start the fire? Did you hug a Hobo and cure his stink? The possibilities are endless. Have fun with it.

There are few rules when it comes to being revered as Dragon Lord.
We do what we do and we do it well.
However, there is a certain honor code and presence we must uphold.

1- In order to be a Dragon Lord, you must have at least one pair of wings equipped.
It does not matter the size, shape, quantity or color of your wings, just that you have them.

2- You represent your "cause".
Do this by some sort of color code, attire type, or something mentioned in your title/signature
You must wear your Dragon Lord status proudly!

((PM all applications to Saith))

V. Lisette 07-31-2011 09:21 PM

About Your Friendly Neighborhood Wrath Dragon Lord

Once upon a time, in a land far...far away...

There was a Dragon-Man-Thing named Saith.


***Your Question here!***

PM me with questions you want me to answer in this very post.

V. Lisette 07-31-2011 09:23 PM

About Mizzy

Its the wonderful Mod/Writer Mizzy to save the day!

I'm twenty years old, almost twenty-one. I can't wait for October. <3

I'm engaged to the love of my life and my high-school sweetheart Obbiesan.
Without him I wouldn't be the person I am today.

Online I'm quite the lurker. Mostly because I'm never sure where to post or what to say, but once you get me talking I'm never gonna stop.

I opened my charity! Wooo!
Gifts From The Gods: A Charity

I picked the dragon of Chaos because thats all my life ever is. Chaos.
My job is a week by week schedule that changes every week.
Yet I always have 40+ hours.
Soooo.... yeah.
It complicates my life. A lot.

More to come-?

Any Questions?
Feel free to ask me. If I miss it in the thread message me! <3

-Updated Last On: August o5th, 2o11


V. Lisette 07-31-2011 09:24 PM


HALLO EVERYONE! Yus, Batty is apart of yet another thread, BECAUSE SHE FRICKEN LOVES EVERYONE.
Now. A little about me? I'll provide the bare minimum.

I'm twenty years old, and engaged to the most AMAZING man in the world.
I'm a pervert-- much to everyones expectations.
I follow my namesake to the "T", I'm more than a little Batty.

I love spoiling people, etc etc. And I like to talk. A lot.

Anything else you'd like to know? Don't be afraid to ask!
All that'll happen is ... well, probably me humping your arm or something...

V. Lisette 07-31-2011 09:25 PM

The Dragon's Horde

Here is the treasure ( aka ART <3 ) that the Lair has collected.

((if you would like to add any art, PM it to Saith))

V. Lisette 07-31-2011 09:26 PM

Dragon's Charity

Once the Lair is fully active and has plentiful funds;
We will host charities and events to those Dragon Lords who remain faithful to the Lair.

V. Lisette 07-31-2011 09:27 PM

Dragon Alliances

If you would like to be allied with the Dragon Lords:
Send a PM request to Saith containing a link, thread name, and optional banners/graphics.

V. Lisette 07-31-2011 09:29 PM

Submitted Applications/Approved Submissions

Name: Lioshika
Desired Title (Element/Sin/Virtue/Other):
Lust. >_>
What is it you are fighting for/defending?:
The right for free love? To be able to pick whoever for a lover and still maintain a high status.
Why you deserve to be among the ranks:
I've fought for the right to be respected while invading the dreams of everyone and creating ecstacy.


Name: Moonless Midnight
Desired Title (Element/Sin/Virtue/Other):
What is it you are fighting for/defending?:
I fight to clear the misconception that not all darkness is evil and to uphold my honor.
Why you deserve to be among the ranks:
I've fought countless enemies that would mean harm to those I cherish even if it meant fighting those of my own kind.


Name: Squiggles
Desired Title (Element/Sin/Virtue/Other):
What is it you are fighting for/defending?:
I fight to free all bathtub water fowl from oppression! With my army of rubber ducks, I shall one day RULE THE WORLD!!!
Why you deserve to be among the ranks:
For one thing, the ladies love me. For another, I'm awesome. What more is needed?


Name: *Zane

Desired Title (Element/Sin/Virtue/Other):
Squirrel of the Storm Dragon Lord
What is it you are fighting for/defending?:
i am teh storm dragon lord,i will right wrong and tri-umff over ebilz,in the name of the moon i wil...wait.. >___< wrong speech...^^;;..errmm.. i fight for my right to party and i fight to right the wrongs and helps peoples.
Why you deserve to be among the ranks:
didntchu just hear me? i fight long and hard to protect truths and justice all over the place and i never give up until a wrong is righted...that and hobos are cool and old people will eventually be the cause of the youths genocide,so i gotta find some help putting a stop to that >.>...


Name: Airu
Desired Title (Element/Sin/Virtue/Other):
Ice Dragon Lord?
What is it you are fighting for/defending?:
Defending the frozen lands from all who are wanting to destroy it. Also to cause a little chaos in the world to add a twist to life and all.
Why you deserve to be among the ranks:
I deserve to be among the ranks because I believe in defending ones land to the death.


Name: Espy
Desired Title (Element/Sin/Virtue/Other): ((could I be Shadow, or is that too similar to Dark?))
What is it you are fighting for/defending?:
For all things fluffy! ...Er...ahem...I mean...for the pride of assassins...
Why you deserve to be among the ranks:
Even though I'm sketch at times, I'm good at solving arguments >.> (true.)

V. Lisette 07-31-2011 09:32 PM


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V. Lisette 07-31-2011 09:35 PM


V. Lisette 07-31-2011 09:36 PM

And the Dragon's Lair is now...


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