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-   -   The Three-Way Caroling Contest! [Winners!] (

Rainbowfox Ari 12-10-2016 02:28 PM

The Three-Way Caroling Contest! [Winners!]
I love the holidays! I'm sure I'm not alone in that sentiment, but - after Halloween - this time of year is my absolute favorite. You see people being kind, the haze of fear and despair over the world lift just the slightest bit, and smiles over everyone. Only thing that would make it a complete success in my neck of the woods would be snow. Which... unfortunately - because I live in GA - isn't going to happen.

The other thing you see and hear a lot of are carols! Time-honored traditional carols, brand-spanking-new carols - carols being sung or played by professionals, and people who just want to make the world a better place singing them on street-corners, or outside of buildings. Even carols being hummed while doing all of that dreaded SHOPPING for this time of the year.

Carols have to be my absolute favorite part of this time of year. The feeling of joy and festivity they bring to the car, the home, the shopping center - you can't help but have your spirits lifted by their melodious tones.

That's why I designed this contest! I'd like to bring some Carols to Trisphee!

Now, there are three different ways you can enter, and I'll list them here - to be explained in a moment. You can Sing one, you can Write one, or you can draw Toho, Glitch, Coda, Galla, or Me enjoying one in some form or fashion. Let me explain those for you.

Prize: Groove Box + 1500 Snowflakes

If you fancy yourself with a set of gorgeous pipes - or even if you don't - you can belt out a well, or little-known carol, and record yourself. Upload it here to enter this part of the contest.

There is no ban on offensive carols ["Merry F#!@ing Christmas" for example, is perfectly fine] - so long as you LABEL what the song is, and MARK it with a red snowflake [] Secular carols are also acceptable! I want to hear your voice as clear as possible, so it's recommended that you record in a quiet environment, but if you can't, that's also understandable. ^^

Prize: Caffeine + 1500 Snowflakes

If you don't think you can sing, but you still want to enter - that's fine! Maybe you're a really good poet! This section of the contest is for writers that think they've got the chops up in their quills to pen an epic carol. Be sure to double-check your lyrics to make sure they don't exist anywhere else! Also, make sure that your song SOUNDS like a holiday carol. Plenty of mentions of snow, and cheer, and good-will and the like! If you'd like to write something AGAINST the holidays, that's fine too - but no course language in this section, please!

Prize: Ink Mage + 1500 Snowflakes

You don't want to sing, and you don't write well, but you still want to enter? This is the section for you! If you think you've got the artistic prowess to capture one of US enjoying the holiday season with a carol or two, go ahead and show it! References for our avatars are below:

Don't worry about making us look silly or awkward, that's half the fun! Simply draw us doing an activity that would fit with the holidays, while enjoying one of the many, many carols we could possibly be listening to while doing that. If you want to include ALL of us, go ahead! Just one of us? Sure! One of us, and a personal character? Why not! Don't want to draw one of us? Alright! You can also draw yourself, or any other user on the site, so long as you provide a 'who is that?' reference for us. ^^ Go nuts and have fun!

Now, you're allowed to enter THREE TIMES to these competitions, but only ONCE in each area. You won't be judged against your other work, but by the other entries in that area - so there will be no playing of favorites from me. ^^

Entering the contest scores you a bonus PARTICIPATION PRIZE - limited to one per person, so it's worth your while to enter, because you can only get one by entering this contest! Hint: It's an edited recolor of a fabulous previous item. ^^

You have until THE EVENT ENDS to enter something, and the judging will occur 1 - 3 days afterward, with the winners being announced shortly thereafter. So there's your deadline! Good luck, have fun, and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!



(Your Name)'s Entry)
The Name of Your Carol - Author of your Carol
[The File Goes Here]


(Your Name)'s Entry)
The Name of Your Written Work
[The Carol Goes Here]


(Your Name)'s Entry)
The Name of Your Work
[The Picture Goes Here]

The goal of the contest is to come up with original carols. Unfortunately, many of the entries so far have been primarily derivatives of existing carols. While these might be clever parodies, they don't really fit the intent of the contest, so I'm adding this clarification: Submissions should be original content, not based on or similar to other carols. Let's see your originality shine!

Rainbowfox Ari 12-10-2016 02:30 PM




Lee 12-14-2016 01:19 PM

If I made a recording, how would I get it up here?

Shadami 12-14-2016 01:33 PM

i don't know how to record and share things. and i'm absolutely petrified of my singing voice. or at least being heard. i acn actually sing quite well..

Lee 12-14-2016 01:38 PM

Oh, I sing like a cat in heat on a hot tin roof. But what I lack in skill, I make up with in enthusiasm.

Shadami 12-14-2016 01:43 PM

i kinda wish i could show my singing, but seriously petrified of it. I think i'll resport to just the other two contests.. as much as i love entering everything >.<

Lee 12-14-2016 01:46 PM

Understandable. Stage fright is pretty common.

Shadami 12-14-2016 01:54 PM

i'm getting better, i streamed for awhile, but it got ruined for me when the trolls came in force...

Lee 12-14-2016 01:59 PM

Those assholes.

Tohopekaliga 12-14-2016 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Lee (Post 1738026)
If I made a recording, how would I get it up here?

You can upload it to something like DropBox, Google Drive, or Sky Drive, then provide the share link. :)

Lee 12-14-2016 02:02 PM

Oh! Is there a Youtube tag?

Tohopekaliga 12-14-2016 02:08 PM

Hmm...I thought we did, but seems not.

Youtube is another good option, yeah. :)

Lee 12-14-2016 02:15 PM

What are those cute flying gritters in your avatar, by the way?

Tohopekaliga 12-14-2016 02:18 PM

They are Tricky Spirits from the Halloween event. :) The background I have is also from that item.

I've got a spare one if you'd like it.

Lee 12-14-2016 02:22 PM

...Yes. Yes, please!

Batty 12-14-2016 02:29 PM

Hmmm... Its possible I might try to sing something <3
Ill think about it!

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