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Vikingrawr 11-26-2015 11:48 PM

searching for roleplay partners!
i'm looking for anyone who needs a roleplay partner! i like both 1x1 and group roleplaying, and i don't mind playing any gender, sexuality, race, species, etc.! with me, pretty much anything goes except:
  • explicit sexual acts
  • fetishes
  • incest
  • rape/sexual abuse/anything of the sort
  • romantic age gaps (especially when involving a minor)
i don't have any concrete ideas in mind, but i love to roleplay romance, angst, fantasy, and action stuff. i like to write semi-literate and i usually try to keep my replies within a 4-6 sentence paragraph. i also don't mind roleplaying here in the forums, but i also like to do it over e-mail or skype if that's more comfortable for you. if this sounds good to you, feel free to let me know! thanks~

littl3chocobo 11-26-2015 11:53 PM

do you have samples of your style?

Vikingrawr 11-27-2015 12:01 AM

this is a bit old and really dramatic, but it's the best i've got.

"Kayama hated war. She felt it was unnecessary and caused more damage than it was worth. Sure, she'd been in plenty of scuffles during her life so far, but full on war was something she never wished on anyone. That's why she couldn't help but find it ironic when she fell in love with an ex soldier. Fresh out of the military and everything. As she spoke with him, though, she realized that he was more than the soldier boy she pinned him as and soon found herself head over heels.

She loved it when he visited her tattoo shop. He always had something nice to say about her designs, and he was wonderful to have conversations with while she tattooed and pierced her customers. She nearly stabbed a customer with her piercing needle when she accidentally let slip that she was in love with him. Oh, the relief she felt when she turned to him and his eyes were lit up. After that, she didn't think they could be any happier.

That was, until she saw him jump off of the fourth story balcony. She had this odd feeling that something was wrong and decided to check on him when she saw him standing there. The moment he moved to drop from the ledge, she had 911 on the phone. Everything from there was a blur. She could remember running to his side, frantically crying as the paramedics came, squeezing his hand in the hopes to at least calm herself down on the ride to the hospital.

Man, did Kayama hate war."

littl3chocobo 11-27-2015 12:05 AM

thanks darling but i must confess we are not compatible XD buuuuut i am sure others will love you~

Vikingrawr 11-27-2015 12:21 AM

aw, that's alright. i've got some other threads on other websites asking around, so i'm sure i'll find somebody!

littl3chocobo 11-27-2015 12:27 AM

woohoo options<3 also, nice avi<3 you picked nice colors ^^

Vikingrawr 11-27-2015 12:32 AM

thanks! :D reds and oranges are my favorite.

Lawtan 11-27-2015 01:08 PM

*Peeks in*
Dunno if CupcakeDolly will kill me for this, but the Dishonored-style (As in Grimdark Final Fantasy Steampunk) RP where the majority of characters are mentally unstable RP hasn't started up yet. So, you can ask her.

(City of Shadows)

Vikingrawr 11-27-2015 08:21 PM

i suppose i shall look into that, although at the moment, i am in more of a 1x1 kind of mood. thank you for letting me know!

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