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Sei 10-10-2015 08:25 PM

Official Title/Name Change Thread
Greetings, users!

We have had requests for users to change their names and titles, so we have created a thread dedicated to those requests. Users are only permitted to change their username and title three times, so please choose carefully. Once we have changed your name or title for the third time, it will remain as that. Also, keep in mind that we will not change a username or title to something that is inappropriate or against the ToS.

With that being said, please use the following form when posting in this thread:

HTML Code:

[B]I would like to change my username.[/B][INDENT]Current Username:
New Username:[/INDENT]

HTML Code:

[B]I would like to change my title.[/B][INDENT]Current Title:
New Title:[/INDENT]

daikokunyo 11-10-2015 10:14 AM

Why am I the first post here?! There were peeps before that disappeared, a previous thread for this purpose that's gone le poof. This is weird I don't like being first... *nervous*

I would like to change my username.
Current Username: Dandelioness
New Username: Exulansis
I would like to change my title.
Current Title: Floatsam Driftwood
New Title: Lost my sense of Sonder
That's not too long for a title right? *anxious*

Gallagher 11-10-2015 01:26 PM

We're remaking and cleaning up a few threads here and there. Don't worry about a thing! You're perfectly fine!

All changed for you, Exulansis. That makes your first name change and your second title change!

˟ 11-23-2015 11:32 PM

Are there character restrictions? o:
I would like to change my username.
Current Username: ✖▫☂
New Username: ˟

Illusion 11-24-2015 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by ✖▫☂ (Post 1672006)
Are there character restrictions? o:
I would like to change my username.
Current Username: ✖▫☂
New Username: ˟

But X Square Umbrella is so much cooler! D:

You want to be known as Little X now?

Coda 11-24-2015 01:26 AM


Originally Posted by ✖▫☂ (Post 1672006)
Are there character restrictions? o:
I would like to change my username.
Current Username: ✖▫☂
New Username: ˟

I think (though I haven't checked yet) that usernames have to be at least three characters long.

Den 11-25-2015 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by Coda (Post 1672045)
I think (though I haven't checked yet) that usernames have to be at least three characters long.

I would like to change my username.
Current Username: AutobotDen
New Username: Den
Let's test that theory, shall we? :)

˟ 12-01-2015 02:58 AM


Originally Posted by Illusion (Post 1672033)
But X Square Umbrella is so much cooler! D:

You want to be known as Little X now?

Illusion » XD Yes! I'm trying to be superscript x wherever I can haha.


Originally Posted by Coda (Post 1672045)
I think (though I haven't checked yet) that usernames have to be at least three characters long.

Coda » Aw, ok! I think I remember there being a 3 character minimum when signing up for the site..
Do you know if spaces count?

Obsidian 12-01-2015 03:01 AM

I'm not sure how it is on this board since it's different from my own board but on mine (phpBB3), spaces do count as a character.

So would [space]˟[space] work?

[space] being an actual space.

Coda 12-01-2015 11:18 AM

Spaces only count as characters when they're between other characters. Spaces on the ends get stripped off, and I think multiple spaces in a row get collapsed to a single space.

Skaro 12-01-2015 03:38 PM

I would like to change my username.
Current Username: Poptart
New Username: Skaro
I would like to change my title.
Current Title: ✘M∂яţïªη þ®ïης€§§ღ
New Title: E✘terminate

Jessibuns 12-01-2015 04:24 PM

I would like to change my username.
Current Username: Titanic
New Username:Backstage Bambi

Nari 12-03-2015 03:33 AM

I would like to change my title.
Current Title: Derp
New Title: The Artsy One

Obsidian 12-03-2015 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by Coda (Post 1673516)
Spaces only count as characters when they're between other characters. Spaces on the ends get stripped off, and I think multiple spaces in a row get collapsed to a single space.

Ahh, thanks for the clarification. I wasn't sure! I knew most forums automatically makes 2 spaces into 1 because I'm used to double spacing after a period. Just the way I was taught. ^-^;

Coda 12-03-2015 12:15 PM

Actually all websites collapse multiple spaces unless they take special effort to avoid doing so.

Sei 12-03-2015 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by ˟ (Post 1672006)
Are there character restrictions? o:
I would like to change my username.
Current Username: ✖▫☂
New Username: ˟

In the spirit of fairness I tried [space]˟[space] and it took it... so congrats? xD


Originally Posted by AutobotDen (Post 1672348)
I would like to change my username.
Current Username: AutobotDen
New Username: Den
Let's test that theory, shall we? :)

Was this just to test or would you really like me to change your name? :3


Originally Posted by Skaro (Post 1673596)
I would like to change my username.
Current Username: Poptart
New Username: Skaro
I would like to change my title.
Current Title: ✘M∂яţïªη þ®ïης€§§ღ
New Title: E✘terminate

All set.


Originally Posted by Backstage Bambi (Post 1673620)
I would like to change my username.
Current Username: Titanic
New Username:Backstage Bambi

Enjoy the change.


Originally Posted by Nari (Post 1674295)
I would like to change my title.
Current Title: Derp
New Title: The Artsy One

Wish granted.

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