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Panda 12-13-2010 11:44 AM

I want to be skinny D:
I saw a picture of myself and saw my bone structure and I think it was really nice but I have to force that bone structure to show in my picture. I am about 160 pound and 5 feet and 8 inches tall.

I am somewhat kinda chubby but not fat. My hand are really skinny and small and my leg is pretty small also. But I have a fat stomach and some man boob. I tried everything but then I end up eating a lot just too hard. I tried like anything I can think of and it is not working at all for me. D: I'm still the same.

I believe that I have super low metabolism in my body. D: Everyone in my family are not fat or chubby at all, they are all skinny but I went through some trouble during my life and was super sick < it is the result of my low metabolism and I can't digest foods well at all. I almost die like twice from nile river virus.

Do you guys know any way? Oh and I mostly drink water only and I don't eat chip anymore. I tried to dance and do crunch up but I always quit the next day. D; I'm really weak...weaker than most you guys know anyway I can try?

Logan 12-13-2010 12:53 PM

Uhh go to gym? XD

Pinkie 12-13-2010 01:14 PM

Oh Panda...did you know that your pinkie would kill to be your waight?....I am 5'9 and about 260lbs...I would kill to be your size its my dream size...but you want to know the sad thing...I used to weigh more then that...I have lost about 100lbs in the last year

Aspirea 12-13-2010 01:44 PM

working out would probably help you a lot. i know that it can be really hard to stick to a routine but if you manage to do it you can see results. ^^

eating healthy helps too. having only water to drink is a good start.

Demonskid 12-13-2010 01:49 PM

Panda trust me that isn't a bad weight..

I've hit 218lbs.. and there is honestly nothing then Lipo for me.. my family is cursed with fat. My sisters, my mom.. my fat problems come from my genes.. its sad.. and its tiresome to hear other tell me. "eat this, work out here." when.. most of that costs money that I don't have. the best thing you can do, is try to find a friend or family member who will be there to motivate you to stay on your daily crunches and stuff.

and for people who think that fat in the family is BS.. its true I don't care what you say.. my sister goes to curves ever other day or what ever their schedual is.. and she just gets fatter. (she's been at it for 4 years now, you'd think she'd be looking like the other people who go in and out of the building)

Delicious Nightmare 12-13-2010 01:54 PM

You know your not to far off of what you should weight to be healthy. But really if you manage to eat right and enough. If you eat small amounts many times a day you metabolism will go up. But don't go with out food. That puts your body in to starving mode so when you do eat it holds onto everything.
That's my tips.

Odessa 12-13-2010 01:54 PM

160 pounds and 5'8"? That's really not THAT bad at all. I'm 5'9" and 160 pounds would be great for me.

Anyway, I actually wouldn't worry about it too much. For starters, the rounder shape of your face helps you look more feminine, and I've heard from a lot of people that it's best to start hormone therapy with a little bit of extra weight. (Assuming you intend to pursue that someday?)

Kotomi 12-13-2010 02:40 PM

you need to keep at it and not give up... if you do want to lose any... you need to keep exercising or eating better
(has to be a life choice)
okay a few questions
1. what types of food do you like, and eat the most?
2. is there any type of food you have almost daily?
3. what is your daily time spent like? *simple answer doesn't have to be too detailed* (example: sits mostly all day, walks around, active, lazy doesn't do much)
4. what meal do you eat the most amount of food at? (breakfast, lunch, or dinner)
5. do you skip meals?
6. do you take any time to exercise? or why can't you seem to stay active?

(don't have to answer all the questions if you don't want to... but people may be able to help with more advice at least with what kinds of food you eat most and what time you eat...anyway should be questions to at least think about yourself)

Illusion 12-13-2010 02:57 PM

I'm rather skinny and eh :/
I don't care about my weight in the slightest, I constantly get remarks on how I would look so good if I worked out I just don't care..
Stop worring about appearances I always try and tell myself. Don't worry what you look like, just dress up until your confident on how you look. Find a look that suits you and stick with it and perhaps try and find other looks that work for you and you like.

Echo-chan713 12-13-2010 03:01 PM

You're almost exactly like me. even though I'm 5'8" and 200 lbs my bone structure is thick and dense. I have bones poping out of my hands and feet, you can feel my hip bone, my ribs, and my back i just have fat on my inner thighs and belly. For me its no matter what I do for exercise I usually end up gaining weight from my muscle mass.

Logan 12-13-2010 03:05 PM

im 5'10 with 220lbs, due to muscles i gained.
So perfect.

Ginger 12-13-2010 03:41 PM

I'm 5'2, 115 lbs.

At 5'8 and 160 lbs., your BMI is 24.3

Normal BMI ranges between 18.5 and 24.9

Try going on walks =)

Stakie 12-13-2010 04:13 PM

Geeeze, I am about the weight and I am WAY shorter then you.

Coda 12-13-2010 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by Demonskid (Post 325209)
and for people who think that fat in the family is BS.. its true I don't care what you say.. my sister goes to curves ever other day or what ever their schedual is.. and she just gets fatter. (she's been at it for 4 years now, you'd think she'd be looking like the other people who go in and out of the building)

There are genetic and social variables that affect things like your metabolism and other related factors, but they aren't insurmountable.

There is a very simple calculation that determines weight gain or weight loss:

3500 Calories = 1 pound of body fat.

If you consume 3500 Calories more than you burn, you gain one pound. If you burn 3500 Calories more than you consume, you lose one pound. It really is as simple as that, and all genetics and environmental factors will do is adjust your burn rate. Some people have faster metabolisms and therefore burn more calories even while resting, while other people have slower metabolisms and will burn fewer calories even when exercising vigorously.

Calorie CONSUMPTION, on the other hand, isn't influenced by those uncontrolled factors, which is why diets focus on it so much. Cutting calories works for EVERYONE, as long as you're willing to stick to it.

Silverbleed 12-13-2010 04:55 PM

+ Drink lots water (not when you're eating breakfast, lunch or dinner! Having a drink with dinner is the worst you can do, it actually stops the digestion for a while!)
+ Do pushups and other things you wanna work on every day, even tho it's only 2 pushups xD After a week you might be stronger to do 3 or 4.
+ DVD's like Zumba are fun and good for your body. You can see and feel the result pretty quick, and that might keep you motivated =)
+ Eat more fruit and vegetables, and avoid as much sugar as you can.

If you put this in your 'lifestyle' and keep on to it, you'll be fine =) Don't stop when it's going well, but keep it up. Because if you stop, you'll gain your tummy back again.

Coda 12-13-2010 05:15 PM

Even better than water, drink tea -- real tea (black, green, white, oolong) is best but herbal teas and red tea (which is actually rooibos) are still good. The fluids well help promote a sense of having something in your stomach, and the caffeine in tea will further suppress your appetite making you less likely to eat extra snacks and more likely to keep your portions under control. If you subscribe to the theory that antioxidants are good for you (it's under debate in the scientific community) tea is pretty good on that front too.

If you feel like you need a snack, drink tea or water, and possibly chew some gum. That will reduce your calorie consumption while helping address the craving for food.

Also, you're going to have to force yourself to endure being hungry for the first couple weeks of a new diet. Your body will react to the reduced calorie intake by making you feel hungry -- this will pass in time but you're going to have to stick through it at the beginning.

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