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Veshora 10-24-2018 03:04 AM

The Abandoned Tree House Hangout
Although worn down by the years, the little shack up high in the old oak tree still seems sturdy. Kids used to hide and play here a hundred years ago. Maybe some of them never stopped. You catch the faint light of a ghost. A whisper in the night. Then suddenly a small hand pats on your back. "Tag! You're it!"

You whirl around but see no one. Something rustles through the branches. As you turn back, pieces of candy lie on the ground. Of course your mother once warned you to not trust strangers with candy. But you're pretty sure this doesn't extend to ghost children. If you're brave enough to hang out with them, you might make a few great friends...

mdom 10-24-2018 01:22 PM

Hm... you had me at candy

Veshora 10-24-2018 01:57 PM

Isn't that the main reason we all exist? ^^

mdom 10-24-2018 01:59 PM

Trick or treating is the only reason I'm sad halloween isn't a tradition here
man, just think of all the candy I could've eaten as a kid :((((

Derpy McBlueEyes 10-24-2018 01:59 PM

"Yum! Candy! Thanks ghosty pewson!"

Veshora 10-24-2018 02:06 PM

Haha yeah, I would have loved to go trick or treating as a kid!
We do have a slightly similar tradition though in the beginning of january, where children dress up as the three wise men and go visit all citizens at home. Then they sing and bless the house (C+M+B written in chalk on the door frame along with the current year). It's a church thing and meant to collect money for a good cause, but most folks also give candy to the singers and they get to keep the candy.

mdom 10-24-2018 02:07 PM

Oooh I wonder how much of a sin would've been for me to do that as a non-believer xDD

Veshora 10-24-2018 02:26 PM

Probably depends on whether or not you plan to keep the money.
If your local church does a similar thing however, they tend to have the complete city area covered - so either people will tell you they already were visited by the three wise men yesterday or in case you get there first, they'll tell it to the official ones and you might get in legal trouble.

mdom 10-24-2018 02:38 PM

No money, I just want candy
money can go to the church

Veshora 10-24-2018 02:40 PM

Then it doesn't sound like a sin in my book.

DreadedMartian 10-24-2018 02:41 PM

Hi everyone
Veshora your avi is beautiful

mdom 10-24-2018 03:30 PM

Hello, DreadedMartian!

Good, I just want candies.

Mekatra 10-24-2018 04:03 PM

Are they ghost candies as well, or just comeing from ghost children?

Biomecha 10-24-2018 04:07 PM

Would ghost candies still make you gain weight?

DreadedMartian 10-24-2018 04:28 PM

Mmmm ghost candy

Stabbsworth 10-24-2018 04:32 PM

Ooh, ghost candy.
Were these candies that were eaten previously?

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