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Death by Mirrors 10-15-2018 06:12 AM

The Ghastly Curse of Nox
Ah, autumn! Season of golden corn, ready for harvest. Sugary treats and kids running around in spooky costumes. But sometimes it also means the return of a peril so horrendous people barely dare to speak its name.

The veil between our world and the other side has always been thin during this time. Imagine loneliness, death, taxes, violence and all terrors of the night sevenfold. By then you merely have a vague clue of what will loom on the horizon once the constellations align this year.

"...but you're saying the curse has already been averted once?"
The archivist nods and hobbles past a few shelves. He then dusts off a leather bound book that looks very old. "Indeed. Long time ago someone found a cure. A magic elixir, or so I've been told."
"Excellent!", the archmage replies. "Give me that recipe, and I will brew it right away."
"Oh, but I never said I have it. The recipe got lost before I was even born." Nevertheless the archivist hands over the book. "Their names may have paled over time, but these were our ancient alchemists. If anyone still knows about the elixir, it's them. Alas, they're probably all dead and gone."
Thumbing through the book the archmage ponders, "We can summon their ghosts and ask."
Even though it's the archivist's duty to remind the archmage about the limits of magic, the words sound hesitant. "Not in time, I fear."
"Not alone", the archmage corrects. "Spread the word to every mage, each single apprentice! With combined efforts we succeed."

When you heard the call for help you decided to contribute because...'re a sorcerer!
Wild magic comes easily to you. While you can't explain the source of your powers, you always had a strong intuition. Some mystical instinct that guides you exactly where you need to be.
Leave the tedious research to others - you're confident the right answer will reveal itself to you in time. Maybe you catch a glimpse of a ghost in the Random Avatar feature. Or perhaps you'll recognize one in a thread you regularly frequent. It could be one of your friends, or a friend's friend. Once you have stumbled across a ghost on the path fate assigned you, take a look at the list below and find out how to summon them.'re a wizard!
Magic isn't a special talent you were born with. No gift from a fairy godmother either. Instead you studied for years in old, dusty libraries and eventually your determination paid off.
You have mastered the arts of the arcane through perseverance. Searching pages after pages for the required information already feels familiar to you, and so you meticulously comb a long list of names. After all, if the ghosts were part of this realm once, they must still be tracked somewhere. Once you are able to identify a ghost in the archives, the list of magic words reveals how to summon them.'re a warlock!
Power tempted you from a very young age. You always wanted to dabble in magic, but your experiments always failed; and for some ridiculous reason your local library never complied with your request to buy the Necronomicon.
So you pledged allegiance to a higher entity. A god, a demon, an ancient one - whoever chose to answer your call. And answer they did. You have discovered an alternate path to identify those tattered pictures. Whenever you correctly solve a riddle, the deity who granted you magical powers will give you a hint. Prove yourself worthy and you might know the right words for a ghost others haven't even seen yet.

...this is all one big misconception and you don't know shit about magic
But since they already reached out to you, there's no harm in trying. Right now you can only remember the jingle from your favorite TV advert, but doesn't it sound vaguely like an invocation...?
Alright. You don't have the slightest clue, but no one here is going to stop you when you pick a random combination of magic words from the list below and post them in the thread. Maybe you even get lucky and discover you were a sorcerer all along - you just never realized it before. No matter whether your attempt actually conjures a ghost, you still have to wait until three different people have posted before you can try again.

In order to figure out the right spell to conjure your desired person, you need their user number. The number can be found on the user's profile. Look at the url, which will say something like
The part shown in red indicates the user number. Take that number and look at the list below. Each digit translates to one or more words, in order of which the digits appear.

List of magic words
0: Magandang Umaga
1: Hocus Pocus
2: Zorionak
3: Alakazam
4: Eleka Nahmen
5: Abracadabra
6: Jantar Mantar
7: Sim Sala Bim
8: Nahmen Ahtum
9: Kalokohan

Example: You raise your wand and chant "Zorionak Alakazam Sim Sala Bim Nahmen Ahtum!" Congratulations - you have summoned Veshora. She looks around and blinks in confusion. Unfortunately she knows nothing about the curse. Now that you know how it works, you should probably conjure someone else instead.
PHP Code:

[B][COLOR="Indigo"][SIZE="4"]Hear meghost of Trisphee past
I call you to this place at last[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]
don't forget the magic words, or else you get nothing but a creepy laugh)
  1. Magic is exhausting. Whenever you tried to summon a ghost, you need to wait until three different people posted before you can try to conjure again. You are however welcome to chat and discuss strategies in the meantime.
  2. Magic is risky. As a wizard you hit the books and score a match eventually. But a lucky sorcerer might be faster than you and snatch your ghost away. As a warlock you can solve puzzles to save yourself from a long and fruitless search. However no one can save you from a different warlock user smart enough to beat you to a particular puzzle. If that happens, tough luck.
  3. Magic is evolving. And maybe so are you. After you conjured one ghost as a wizard, you may still go the warlock route for your next one or be lucky enough to score a sorcerer hit. Take whatever approach to magic suits you best.
  4. Magic is generous. A successful conjuration earns you 111 candy, and you will even get 33 candy each round just for playing. One round for game purposes means seven ghosts. At the end of Nox Nocturnalis the top three summoners also win an AWESOME PRIZE.
  5. Ghosts once roamed the lands of Trisphee. It may however be a long time since they did so. Your goal is to identify them nevertheless (or more precisely, their user number). Use the list of magic words to change the digits into the parts of your incantation one by one.

Death by Mirrors 10-15-2018 06:19 AM

Ghosts. Find them.


Death by Mirrors 10-15-2018 06:28 AM

Here's where we brew the magic elixir to guard ourselves from the curse.

Currently in the cauldron:
A fulgurite
A sachet full of sand
A Russian sage
A vial of ink
A sapphire
A piece of rosin
A clematis

Top contributors:
mdom - 6 ingredients
Serra Britt - 5 ingredients
Biomecha - 2 ingredients
Obsidian - 1 ingredient

Death by Mirrors 10-17-2018 01:56 PM

The Warlock's Path
Whenever you post the solution to one of these riddles in the thread, you shall receive a secret message. It may not be enough to summon a ghost immediately, but it will make your search for the right words easier. While there's nothing occult about using your brain, limit yourself to one riddle per post and wait for at least one other person's reply until you submit the next one.
Bonus: Your loyalty and devotion pleases the one who granted you power. From now on you get to choose whether you prefer a hint for the current game round or the next one. You can only summon ghosts whose pictures are shown at the moment, but maybe it pays off to have a head start. (experienced warlocks like Serra Britt only; you need at least 3 riddles to qualify)

Biomecha 10-24-2018 08:40 AM

Hear me, ghost of Trisphee past!
I call you to this place at last

Alakazam Jantar Mantar Kalokohan Alakazam

Death by Mirrors 10-24-2018 09:29 AM

You have summoned the ghost of toxxic... who doesn't speak a word yet hands you an ingredient for the elixir.

Biomecha receives a mandrake.

Stabbsworth 10-24-2018 11:21 AM

Hear me, ghost of Trisphee past!
I call you to this place at last


Death by Mirrors 10-24-2018 11:40 AM

You try to summon the ghost of Anlina, however no spirit follows your call. Apparently magic is harder than you thought. You ponder your next step and nibble at the top of your wand - which is how you discover that magic utensil is actually a candy cane.

mdom 10-24-2018 01:02 PM

I wish trisphee had a memberlist u.u

Gallagher 10-24-2018 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by mdom (Post 1878457)
I wish trisphee had a memberlist u.u

mdom 10-24-2018 01:49 PM


Gallagher 10-24-2018 01:50 PM

u r a blessing upon this earth

mdom 10-24-2018 01:56 PM

I'm mdumb, but I'm a wizard

Hear me, ghost of Trisphee past!
I call you to this place at last
Nahmen Ahtum Magandang Umaga Sim Sala Bim Zorionak

Death by Mirrors 10-24-2018 04:59 PM

A wizard indeed ^^

You have summoned the ghost of Johnny Hobo who wants to know if you brought Peking duck for dinner. The ghost doesn't look too happy as you decline, but nevertheless hands you an ingredient when you ask for help.

mdom receives a forget-me-not.

Serra Britt 10-24-2018 10:48 PM

Hear me, ghost of Trisphee past!
I call you to this place at last

Hocus Pocus Zorionak Jantar Mantar Hocus Pocus

Death by Mirrors 10-25-2018 05:25 AM

You have summoned the ghost of Cat Paws, well known for her generosity in old times. Her welcoming gift to you is a rare plant you can use as an ingredient for the magical elixir.

Serra Britt receives a mouse tail plant.

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