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Suzerain of Sheol 07-24-2018 01:31 AM

Conquering Ishroa

Suzerain of Sheol 07-24-2018 02:31 AM

ASTRA: Knowledge (History) 1d20+18 = 24

The Vale of Myrshal looked absolutely nothing like she'd imagined it would.

Weeks on the southern sea had conditioned Astra to whipping winds lacing her skin with brine, the sun in its endlessly-cloudless vigil somehow at once chill and oppressive in the way it rendered her hair to tinder. A miracle that Cecily hadn't burned her bald with an errant spark before they'd reached port. She'd requested the girl wait on deck during the interview, for reasons that would be obvious to anyone who'd ever met the excitable mage. Not that she wasn't questioning her choice of escort as it was...

Dannaphine of the Evanescent Wood - which no one besides Astra ever called her - was an odd sight even back home in Ferian Dranse, where elves were hardly a rare sight on any given market morning, but here in Myrshal the woman toward near a foot over the locals, only the tallest men even coming level with Astra's eyes near six inches lower.

They drew stares from everyone they passed, though there seemed to be some reservation in them - keeping distance, averting their eyes when she'd glance their way - that the comandress dearly hoped wasn't fear. She'd be putting weapons in those cautious hands on the morrow, assuming the interview went well. Peasant conscripts were one thing, but terrified pacifists weren't exactly going to conquer a continent, no matter how brilliant her strategies might be.

ASTRA: Knowledge (Engineering) 1d20+5 = 6. Critical Failure.

It truly was beautiful here, though, the lush grass stretching across the rolling hills leading up to the keep, the countryside adorned with weeping cherry trees stirred in the afternoon breeze. No salt clogging her pores, here.

Running an idle hand through her hair to test if her most recent wash had restored any life to it, Astra found herself uncharacteristically daydreaming, lost in thought as they reach the outer rampart, only coming back to her senses when a robed figure emerged from the keep to escort them.

When was the last time I even ate...? Focus, damn it, at least for a little while longer.

"You're finally here," the robed man announced. My lord has thought of little else since he sent for you. I am Karamas, his diviner. Please, follow me."

His hair is so shiny... maybe I can ask where he buys his oil from. That would definitely help.

Led at a brisk pace, Astra barely had any chance to take in the keep's furnishings; she was impressed, though, by how clean everything was, the dark wood of the stairs they climbed polished to a smooth sheen.

At the top, Karamas led them into a wide audience room where their host was sat on a stately, yet modest, throne, flanked on his right by a glowering beard of a man in segmented armor, and his left a massive, dark-haired woman whose fierce gaze fixed the commandress the moment she entered the hall, perhaps the first soul on these shores not to look away.

ASTRA: Sense Motive 1d20+21 = 30
LORD NOSYA: Bluff 1d20+12 = 28

Lord Nosya was a slight man, effeminate in violet gowns held together by a magnificent silken sash. She could read a keen interest in his eyes, for all he attempted to maintain an air of lordly stoicism. The commandress flashed him a slight smile as she bowed at Karamas' introduction, sweeping her rapier's scabbard aside in perfect decorum and flourishing ever-so-slightly.

"Well, my lord," she said as she straightened. "We're here."

Gallagher 07-24-2018 03:01 AM

Dafie: Spot 1d20+15 = 34

There wasn't any doubt that the women were quite the sight as they wandered like a row of ducks — or a pair of ducks, anyway. Or maybe a goose and a duck in a street full of pigeons, though what a duck and a goose would be doing in the street, or around pigeons, or even around each other was another question entirely, and one Dafie wasn't sure she wanted to ask just then.

Dafie: Spot vs DC20 1d20+15 = 25

Dafie's attention focused once more as a Karamas made himself known, and a glance at Astra told her that her beloved leader's thoughts had been straying just the same as her own. Though, hopefully in a different direction. If she had any interest in wondering what Astra was wondering, however, it faded as they were led through the keep, Dafie's sharp eyes taking in what decorations they could hungrily.

Lord Nosya, too, was subject to that greedy eye, but Dafie managed to tamper down her excitement before she could get carried away with herself.

"Here to stay, I hope," Dafie remarked with another look in Astra's direction, as if, by some miracle, the woman would give her the permission she so craved to run off and explore. "I love the smell of this place."

Quiet Man Cometh 07-24-2018 04:12 AM

Know:History (mercenary band) 1d20+15=24

Godiva looks the two women over, one up, one down, as it were, making no attempt to hide her analytical eye.

Spot(Astra_ 1d20+16 = 21

The woman, Astra, was slight as a leaf and just as likely to blow away in the wind. She would wait and see if she could do more than sting a little with that rapier at her side. The rapier itself looked to be of significant quality though, so perhaps it was more functional than it looked next to her expensive clothes.

Spot (Dafie) 1d20+16 = 29

The...elf. She wasn't sure what to make of her. She was very pink, and Godiva wondered if any others in this mercenary band (and she certainly hoped there would be more, if only for the extra bodies) would show similar leanings towards coloured fashion. The elf had no visible weapon to go with her armour.

Godiva raises an eyebrow. "Are there more to your company?"

Suzerain of Sheol 07-24-2018 05:36 PM

Suppressing a wince at the ache of her old wound as she arced her shoulders back into proper posture, Astra addressed the armored woman.

"There's forty-three of us, including me. We're all highly specialized, you'll find. Dannaphine here is our stealth and espionage expert, excelling in exploiting enemy weaknesses and maximizing allied strengths."

ASTRA: Diplomacy 1d20+19 = 35

It wasn't really a lie. Now sure, it might have been quite some time since she'd seen Dafie do anything useful in her professional capacity - and no, stealing single socks from Astra's dresser every few days did not count - but the commandress had complete faith in the elf woman really living up to the qualifications on her resume when the time came. Or, at least, reasonable faith.

She went on. "We also have my adjutant, Cecily, who is an academy-trained war wizard and functions as our mobile artillery operative. I'd estimate her relative value alone to at least that of two-hundred trained and equipped soldiers."

That might have been overselling the girl a bit, but Astra had spoken with her at length on the voyage on her problems focusing, and they'd seen real progress together. Some progress, for sure. Regardless, one fireball demonstration is all it would take to convince Lord Nosya of her value, surely.

"And I, of course, am our lead strategist, although my specialty lies in organizing armies and training them in simple, effective, and efficient battle tactics. I'm widely read in all the major military engagements over the last four-hundred years, so I won't be caught off-guard by anything the enemy throws at us."

Affecting an air of professional pride which she wished the company coffers and service record could back up, Astra glanced between the woman who'd spoken and Lord Nosya, awaiting good news.

LORD NOSYA: Sense Motive 1d20+12 = 27

The lord seemed to hang on her every word, not consulting either of his advisers but rather seeming to look for the answer to all his hopes in her explanations. It was certainly flattering, but daunting as well to think on the expectations she'd have to live up to. Although this was their first time meeting, Astra felt as if she knew the man from the letters they'd exchanged, and he'd struck her as nothing so much as concerned for the care of his people, which had convinced her to take this assignment at least as much as the potential profits. She might lead a mercenary company, but Astra would never send her girls off to commit war crimes no matter how good the money might be.

And hopefully Cecily wouldn't commit any accidentally...

"And we're certainly glad you made it safely," the lord replied in the ensuing silence. "I fear you're going to have your work cut out for you. The armies of Insantegyr and Adagdayne have been clashing in the Falls of Madahai to the west of the crown city for two weeks now, with no clear victor apparent. If we were to make a bid for conquest, now would be the time, at least to reclaim the old dominions of Myrshal to expand our territory in preparation for a true war."

For a moment, the lord's neutral expression blanched with sheepish humility, accompanied by a sidelong glance at his brother. "I'm afraid before we can do that, however, we'll need an army..."

"Yes, indeed," the bearded man grumbled, arms crossed over his breastplate. "Our father is a noble man, but a warrior he is not. He's left us ill-prepared for war. I've a hundred and some men in my riders, but the province has nothing else in the way of a military. We'll need to begin conscripting immediately."

"So then," Astra asked of the lord, "You'll grant me supreme command of our forces, then? I'm willing to listen to suggestions, of course, but my company works best when left to our own devices."

A counseling gaze passed between the two brothers, followed by affirming nods. "We hereby appoint you Marshal of Myrshal, Astralia de Laix, charged with the defense of all her lands. The fate of our realm lies in your hands."

She meet his eyes with a stern regard, unblinking as she told him, "You won't regret this, I promise." And then, with a second bow, once more threatening to shudder her with pain, "If I've your leave, I'll see to the disposition of my officers. Perhaps we should meet again for dinner in a few hours?"

Quiet Man Cometh 07-24-2018 09:49 PM

Sense Motive 1d20+8 = 11

Godiva considers Astra's words, then nods -just slightly- to herself. Seems like Lord Nosya found some competent people.

"If the situation is satisfactory, Lord Nosya, then I, too, will turn to my preparations." She looks over to Lord Elgron as well, awaiting his leave.

Gallagher 07-25-2018 01:52 AM

"Hey, Astra, if it's just a few hours and all, can we stay?" Dafie asked as she cast a longing glance towards the doors of the room. "You can catch us up later anyway, right? So it's fine?"

Suzerain of Sheol 07-25-2018 03:45 AM

Not expecting Dafie to speak out of turn, Astra eyed her askance. She had a rather good feeling why the elf was making that particular request, and suspected she'd made it in front of the lord specifically to push her toward acquiescing.

ASTRA: Sending, target Dafie. -7 Spell Points.

Really, Dafie? In front of the lord? If I get one report of missing valuables, I'm docking your salary for a month. But yes.

As she thought in the woman's direction, silent spellcraft giving voice to the unuttered, Astra likewise addressed their hosts to avoid any awkwardness.

ASTRA: Spot 1d20+3 = 8. Does not notice Godiva's glance.

"I'm sure that would be amenable, yes? We'll be moving back and forth for a few hours getting all of our equipment on-site, so Dafie can always contact us if anything important comes up in the interim." She ended in a questioning tone, looking to Lord Nosya.

"Yes, of course, you've free rein to come and go as you please. The more the people see of your company, the better, I'd imagine."

"Well, in that case," Astra replied, stepping forward and tugging off her right glove, "It is my honor to enter your service, Lord Nosya." She ascended the two steps to his dais and extended a dainty, pale hand to him. Somewhat taken aback, he fumbled to match the gesture, his own grip gentle as a man who had never lifted a sword, a sincere smile breaking across his features as she sealed their contract with a firm shake.

"It is my honor to receive you, Commandress." Then, after a second and an awkward, sliding glance, "And you as well, Dannaphine. Be welcome in Myrshal, and within my home."

Gallagher 07-25-2018 04:02 AM

I promise you won't hear about any reports.

Dafie: Diplomacy 1d20+5 = 23

When Nosya's eyes fell upon her, Dafie nodded and offered a shallow bow, one arm swept out at her side. "Your hospitality is humbling, my Lord. I pray that you and yours shall find us to your satisfaction."

Quiet Man Cometh 07-25-2018 04:22 AM

Sense Motive: 1d20+8 = 23

Godiva's eyebrow twitches. Chastising the elf in front of Lord Nosya, who is well pleased with the new company, is not a smart option. Neither is pointing out his "distraction" right now.

"Lord Elgron, I believe we have matters to discuss before dinner." Godiva abruptly departs towards the door, pausing briefly to Lord Nosya to -passably- excuse herself from the meet.

Gallagher 07-25-2018 04:54 AM

Dafie: Spot 1d20+15 = 30

As easily as Lord Nosya seemed to accept her praise, it was clear as day that the knight, Godiva, saw through the sweet words. Then, with both she and Astra departed, Dafie's attention turned to their new patron once more. "Welcomes aside, would we be permitted to explore your home freely, Lord Nosya? I mean no disrespect, but we would be far more comfortable if we could see for ourselves if there is any reason for our comrades to be wary. Of course, we will mind ourselves, if you so wish, but specialties such as mine leave me the suspicious sort, for better or worse."

Suzerain of Sheol 07-25-2018 04:11 PM

LORD NOSYA: Sense Motive 1d20+12 = 14

"Why, yes, of course, this keep is now your home as much as mine. Go about as you please."

Suddenly finding himself alone with this unusual woman, the lord treats her with every possible courtesy. He knows next to nothing about elves or their culture, and assumes any eccentricities she might display are merely traits of her kind which he should not judge. She is certainly... persuasive, he'll give her that.

Suzerain of Sheol 07-25-2018 05:02 PM

The trip back to the harbor was filled much more with salutations to the citizens of Myrshal, short conversations and pleasant smiles that left Astra feeling drained by the time she made it back to their ship, but the effort would be worth it, hopefully. She needed these people to accept her.

The heels of her boots knocking on the gangplank as she crossed to the deck, Astra nearly stumbled into the water when a tremendous splash broke from the bay just to her left.

What on earth...?

Seconds later, the commandress was showered in tepid water as a small, flitting body erupted from the bay, darting back aboard with all the swiftness of a buzzing fly.

Hopping down onto the deck and shaking droplets from her hair, Astra looked in what must have been abject horror at the scene before her. Lynsdi was lazing on a crate tapping out a jaunty tune on her tambourine as Astra's officers and half the ship's crew hooted and raised mugs of what could only be strong spirits judging by their total non-reaction to her arrival. Mia was draped lasciviously in the lap of the first mate, red-faced with a bottle of wine in one hand, while Cecily, Maricia, and some four of the sailors were gathered in a half-circle facing the strange creature who'd soaked Astra.

CECILY: Summon Monster IV. -7 Spell Points.

Finally noticing her, Cecily called out with a massive grin. "Oh, hey! You're just in time, we've got one more spot for Toss the Mephit, hurry up Astra!" She was bouncing and spinning in place, generally making a fool of herself, all the more saddening for the fact that Astra was almost certain the girl didn't drink.

Setting aside her initial reaction to discipline the lot of them (and likely prompt a mutiny, given how much they were enjoying themselves), Astra let it go with a tired sigh. It had been a long voyage, they deserved a bit of rest before the real work began, but they could have at least waited until tonight.

"Cecily, go find Koyani and everyone else who isn't drunk. We have to move all our gear to the keep." She walked past the spectacle shaking her head at the mephit, and made her way below decks.

She had a tiny, private room away from the rest of the company and crew, and all but rushed it, locking the door behind her. Stress and pain seemed to well out of her all at once, the ache of her scar mirroring the exhaustion in her head.

Right... I was supposed to eat something...

She could spare half an hour, maybe, collect herself and hopefully make it to dinner somewhat intact.

Gallagher 07-26-2018 12:23 AM

"Oh, how kind of you, my Lord," Dafie crooned, offering Nosya another shallow bow before turning away from the man. "Come, Shad, you heard him, didn't you?" She crooked her fingers at her shadow, which dutifully rose from the ground, its shape wavering and shifting as it found form. Tendrils of darkness became head, limbs, and finally, her companion in his entirety. The elemental stared at her with small pinpricks of eyes set in restless voids of eye sockets, then, slowly, his attention shifted towards Lord Nosya.

He raised a hand, immaterial chains rattling where they hung from barely perceivable wrists, and waved.

"Aww." Dafie smiled and tilted her head. "He's getting so polite."

Quiet Man Cometh 07-26-2018 12:54 AM

Outside, Godiva practically marched to the stables with Elgron in tow.

"Your brother has questionable taste." She lifted a saddle from a rack and set in on a wood mount, then leaned over it to examine seams and leather condition.

"Does it run in the family?" Godiva glared at him, and he smirked. "Your choice of words."

She scoffed and flipped her hair over her other shoulder to look at the other side of the saddle. "He's making informed decisions of state while admiring the view?"

"Come now, you've hardly seen either of them and nothing of the rest of the company. Whatever my brother's method of diplomacy, our situation has improved. Just how much, I assume you will judge for yourself."

Godiva looked back at Elgron and smiled. "Of course."

"How much time to we have before dinner? I would go over the details on the fortress again."

"Plenty. The papers are in my room."

Suzerain of Sheol 07-26-2018 01:40 AM

At Shad's appearance, and preempting the lord's shocked gape, Karamas strides forward, looking instead with a keen interest.

"Oh, that is truly fascinating. You've bound an elemental into your own shadow? My wife will certainly want to examine it, she's something of an illusionist herself."

"I take it you're familiar with this... creature, Karamas?" came Lord Nosya's uncertain inquiry. He was looking quite withdrawn in his seat, as though trying to put as much space as possible between himself and the shadow.

"Well, not as such, but the shadow realm is highly malleable via certain sorceries. It certainly is creative to see it used this way, I must admit."

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